Amelia Earhart: What The General Public Never Knew

What President Roosevelt Knew, What The FBI Knew, & Amelia's Sister On Her friend, 'Irene'

Home Page: Amelia Earhart
About Tod Swindell
Drumming Out False Earhart History
The Curious Mrs. Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam
Past Significant Amelia Earhart Disappearance Investigations
About 'Operation Earhart' (1960-1970)
The 1980s and 1990s Words Of Monsignor James Francis Kelley On Amelia Earhart
Comparing Amelia Earhart To Irene O'Crowley Craigmile (Surname 'Bolam' added in 1958)
Wikipedia Deceitfully Misleads the Public About Amelia and Irene
Newspaper Fraud Tried To Hide The Truth In 1982

This Section: What President Roosevelt's Administration withheld, What The FBI Knew, Amelia's Mother's Thoughts On What Happened To Amelia, And Amelia's Sister On Her later Life Friend, 'Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam'


"It would be awful to make it public." Part of an official White House transcript, this comment made by FDR staffer, Stephen Gibbons, pertained to information the White House knew about Amelia Earhart's 1937 world flight outcome the general public remained unaware of. The statement was recorded nine months after Amelia was said to have disappeared without a trace. The FDR administration's refusal to disclose what it knew left Amelia classified as 'a missing person' until she was declared "dead in absentia" in January of 1939, at which point the 'missing person case' of Amelia Earhart was closed. See more about what the White House withheld about Amelia further down.
"Numerous investigations foundered on official silence in Washington leaving the fate of Amelia Earhart an everlasting mystery." Part of aviation historians, Marilyn Bender and Selig Altschul's evaluation of Amelia Earhart's 1937 disappearance. From their 1982 book, The Chosen Instrument.
In 1997, fifteen years after Bender and Altschul's astute observation was made, Tod Swindell's collaborative study that he embarked on with investigator, Joseph A. Gervais, and Amelia Earhart authors, Randall Brink and Rollin Reineck, commenced with a different kind of in-depth analysis of Amelia Earhart's 1937 'disappearance' and subsequent 'missing person' case.



Senator Hiram Bingham
& Amelia Earhart


Amelia & the post-war only Irene



The post-World War Two only
Irene Craigmile in 1977. Notice her
proud stature, air of self importance,
and prominently displayed pilot wings.
She was identified nowhere as Irene
Craigmile prior to the end of the war,
because she had previously been
known as, Amelia Earhart. 


How the reality of Amelia Earhart's post-war existence as 'Irene' initially surfaced before it was swiftly shouted down:


In 1965, a retired USAF Major met the woman above at a New York gathering of well known pilots from the golden age of aviation. He thought she looked hauntingly familiar to him and found the air of importance she commanded curious--because he'd never heard of her before--so he decided to look into her past. He astonished himself when he figured out who she used to be. Except the woman became very angry when he publicly asserted his realization. She dogmatically decried it as well, leaving the retired air force major to become a subject of ridicule. He was still certain he was correct, though, and he lived the remainder of his days professing so to his dying day. The USAF Major's name was Joseph A. Gervais, (1924-2005) a decorated pilot who had served in World War Two, Korea, and Vietnam. It was not until the results of a new millennium forensic comparison study began to be released that people finally began to understand the veracity of what Joseph A. Gervais had long known about Amelia Earhart.


Amelia Earhart, age 39 in 1937



Amelia & post-WWII Irene


Post-WWII only Irene, 1965
Photo taken by Joseph A. Gervais

Amelia's Sister, Muriel's Viewpoint
and her Mother, Amy Otis Earhart's Viewpoint



Above left: Amelia's sister, Muriel Earhart Morrissey. Above right: The former Amelia Earhart living as 'Irene' in 1965.

Amazingly enough, Grace 'Muriel' Earhart Morrissey, Amelia's only sibling, actually did know her older sister as 'Irene' in her later life years. Of course, after the book, Amelia Earhart Lives outed Amelia's post-war alias of 'Irene' in 1970, Muriel as well refused to admit who her later life friend, Irene, used to be.
In 1982, when pressed by a reporter about it, Muriel admitted, "of course I know Irene," adding how they were both, 'Zonta organization sisters.' [Note: While Amelia Earhart was a famous Zonta member in the 1930s, the original Irene Craigmile never belonged to the Zontas, a prominent organization for 'professional career women.' The original Irene Craigmile never had a profession, let alone a 'career' before she died prior to the start of World War Two.]
Muriel vocally deplored the controversy that arose over her sister's post-war alias and was quick to admonish anyone who brought it up.
To anyone who claimed her later-life friend, Irene, resembled her missing sister, Muriel typically responded by saying the suggestion was "ridiculous," and she was sure to add, "there is practically no physical resemblance" between the two. 
The comparison analysis, the first one ever done that commenced after Muriel's passing, proved otherwise. As well, in the above photo of Muriel, it is easy to see that she herself physically resembled her later life friend, Irene, in what could be described as a sisterly looking way.
Not to leave out, the original Irene Craigmile looked nothing like the post-war only Irene Craigmile.
Muriel died in 1998, at the age of 98. Her daughter, Amy, who was five years old when her Aunt Amelia went missing, has always adhered to the same disposition her mother maintained. That is, 'Amelia went missing in 1937 and she was never seen again.'
Amelia's mother, Amy Otis Earhart, was never shy about voicing her opinion when it came to what she believed happened to her daughter. She was certain Amelia ended up being sequestered by Japan and for at least awhile she maintained Amelia was still alive during the war years. (Note the articles beneath the following picture.) Amy Otis Earhart died in 1962, eight years before the controversy over post-war only Irene Craigmile Bolam's true identity made national news.  


Above: Amelia Earhart's family in a March of 1937 publicity photo, a few months before Amelia went missing. Left to right are Amelia's sister, Muriel; her niece, Amy; her mother, Amy Otis Earhart; and her nephew, David. Amelia's father, Edwin, who her mother had separated from in 1924, died in 1929.



Above left: An article from 1947, two years after World War Two ended, relays how Amelia's mother, Amy Otis Earhart, no longer believed her daughter, Amelia, was still alive. During the war years she had maintained that her daughter, Amelia, was alive and being held by Japan. Above right, another article from 1949 describes Amy Otis Earhart's assertion that her daughter, Amelia 'died' in Japan during the war years.
Of further note, Amelia's well-known pilot friend from the 1930s, Viola Gentry, had also maintained that Amelia was alive in Japan's care during the war years, yet after the war ended, Viola as well offered that Amelia 'likely died' while in Japan's custody. This is because Viola Gentry, (who also knew Amelia as 'Irene' in her later life years) along with Amelia's sister, Muriel, and no doubt, Amy Otis Earhart as well, were made aware that Amelia had survived the duration of the war--and for the sake of her future privacy, and to spare the U.S. and Japan the embarassment of having to admit deception from both sides about it, Amelia willingly agreed to be further known as 'Irene Craigmile' after the war. All who who knew about this recognized how Amelia's post-war survival and name change to 'Irene' was something the general public was never supposed to know.
Curiously, Amy Otis Earhart had attended the 1949 'Tokyo Rose' trial of Iva Toguri on a daily basis. She was aware it had been believed, at least in some military channels, that Amelia's war time detainment had inspired Japan to coyly invent its 'Tokyo Rose' broadcasts in an effort to confuse U.S. soldiers in the Pacific theater--by making them wonder if the detained Amelia Earhart had been coerced to broadcast as 'Tokyo Rose.' Former U.S. soldiers who testified in the Tokyo Rose trial offered that when Tokyo Rose signed off she did so by saying, "This is Tokyo Rose, good night, and try and sleep if you can." One outright testified that he believed the voice of Tokyo Rose that he heard sounded "just like Amelia Earhart."
Iva Toguri's broadcast name had been 'Orphan Ann' not 'Tokyo Rose.' After her trial ended, the FBI  filed an 'official report' stating there never was a radio broadcaster who called herself 'Tokyo Rose', rather, that the name had been a war-time G.I. invention.
Iva Toguri was a UCLA educated American citizen. While visiting some of her family she found herself stuck in Japan after the Pearl Harbor attack. She spent the duration of the war there, during which time she claimed she was all but 'forced' to deliver broadcasts because of her ability to speak good English. After VJ Day she was offered $2000 by two American reporters to identify herself as the elusive Tokyo Rose. She agreed to do so, even though she never went by that name when she delivered her radio broadcasts. She also testified she never received the money that was promised her.
An unsympathetic jury convicted Iva of treason, although she would always maintain her innocence. As his last official act, President Ford finally pardoned Iva in 1975.   


1970: The Irene-Amelia
Controversy Begins
Below details how the story of how the Irene-Amelia controversy first surfaced in 1970, before the former Amelia Earhart strongly dismissed it out of hand. Contrary to popular belief, the Irene-Amelia identity controversy was never settled, rather, it just faded from view.


Above, when the story first broke in November of 1970, it caught Irene (the former 'AE') off guard. She had newly assumed the role of President of the Advertising Division of Radio Luxembourg in Europe, a mantle handed down to her by her late husband, Englishman Guy Bolam, who died earlier that year. After the war she had worked on executive levels in the New York banking industry until she married Guy in 1958. (Amelia had been known as a meticulous manager of her own personal and business finances.) The new book, Amelia Earhart Lives by Joe Klaas, that was inspired by the investigative research of Joseph A. Gervais, accurately pegged the post-war only Irene for who she used to be, except it was published without her endorsement or cooperation causing a problem to quickly become evident to her. In no way was she about to go back to being the famous Amelia Earhart again, so she hired high-powered attorney, Benedict Ginsbergh, who had once been part of Robert F. Kennedy's legal team, to help her shut it all down.


Above: As mentioned, the former Amelia Earhart, living as 'Mrs. Irene Craigmile Bolam' in November of 1970, was caught off guard when the book, Amelia Earhart Lives was published. She saw no choice but to publicly decry the book and to flat-out deny who she used to be in the process. So she waged a defamation lawsuit after her press conference, that dragged on for five years. While she cited some inaccurate statements in the book she felt were damaging to her reputation, she never proved that she was not the former Amelia Earhart, and eventually settled with Joseph A. Gervais by way of exchanging ten dollars of consideration with him. Publisher McGraw-Hill paid her $60,000 for the inaccurate statements contained in the book, including one that implied she was a potential bigamist and another that suggested she was a possible traitor to her country. Below, in late July of 1974, obscured by the Watergate scandal and President Nixon's resignation that took place two weeks later, few seemed to noticed that the four-year-old by then assertion stating Mrs. Bolam was the former Amelia Earhart--was being referred to as, "still up in the air." Today, thanks to proper historification and a long overdue forensic comparison analysis, it is obvious anymore that Amelia survived her 1937 disappearance and went on to become known as "Irene Craigmile," and then "Irene Bolam" after she married Guy Bolam of England in 1958.    



Bill Prymak, former president
of the 'Amelia Earhart Society'


Collaborators Tod Swindell and
Joseph A. Gervais in 2002

In 2004, Bill Prymak, the 1989 founding president of the Amelia Earhart Society, referred to retired USAF Major Joseph A. Gervais as, "A World War Two flying hero who is recognized as the world's leading authority regarding the subject of Amelia Earhart's disappearance."
Continue on to learn about the 1960s-to-1980s investigative research of Joseph A. Gervais--and what his decade-long collaboration with The Swindell Study determined and revealed about it.

"After watching some video and reviewing the manuscript of Tod Swindell, I think Joe Gervais was right." Stateside New Zealand Journalist, Rosalea Barker, agreeing with the findings of the Gervais-Swindell collaboration.

Bill Prymak's comment about Joseph A. Gervais may beg one to wonder why Gervais is hardly recalled today(?) For according to Prymak and most all other Earhart aficionados, it was Joseph A. Gervais who examined the circumstances surrounding Amelia Earhart's 'disappearance' and 'missing person case' more comprehensively than anyone else ever did.

The 1997-2017 Swindell Study learned the answer: In 1970, without fully realizing what the fallout of it would be, Joseph A. Gervais exposed a concealed, high-level truth about Amelia Earhart he discovered in 1965; that Amelia had quietly survived after she went missing in 1937, and in time ended up changing her name.

Except, no one was ever supposed to know this.

While the discovery Gervais made exists today as an easy to observe reality, it was categorically rejected after he tried to go public with it those years ago, and Joseph A. Gervais was shunned (for lack of a better word) by official U.S. historians as well--and this is why few people recall him today.

The Swindell Study managed to present an objective, realistic look at the hushed, truthful discovery Joseph A. Gervais made those years ago--and by combining decades of in-depth investigative research with new technology, it delivered the reality of it in no uncertain terms.

Many who are reading this right now are shaking their heads and saying to themselves:

"Not true, Amelia died when she went down in the ocean." Or... "What about that desert island Amelia was said to have died on?"

Except, did Amelia die as a result of her plane going down in the ocean? Did she die on a desert island?

It's worth noting how no real evidence of either of these things happening to Amelia Earhart ever existed.

In the meantime, over the years scores of people who lived in the region Amelia went missing in--or who visited it at some point--relayed a different story. Their number included U.S. soldiers and officers who served in the Pacific theater during World War Two. What they commonly described about Amelia's actual fate was that she did not die by way of crashing her plane into the ocean--nor did she die after suffering as a castaway on a desert island.

Rather, they expressed how within days after Amelia was declared 'missing' her rescue had quietly taken place during the July-1937 onset of the Sino-Japanese War.




Above, a Republic of the Marshall Islands 50th anniversary commemorative stamp (issued in 1987) showing the rescue of Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan--and the retrieval of Amelia's Lockheed Electra from a land spit in the far lower Marshall Islands.



Above, in 2002 the Associated Press ran a story that featured the Marshall Islands Ambassador to the United Nations' expressed opinion about the true fate of Amelia Earhart. Ambassador Capelle mentioned how ever since the World War Two era it had remained "common knowledge" in his country that Amelia ended up there in 1937. Few people noticed the article or seemed to care much about it if they did. A new tabloid-like story had recently surfaced at the time--that began dominating Earhart mystery headlines. It suggested Amelia had made it to a barren island far south of the equator and died there, leaving her remains to be consumed by giant crabs.
Inauthentic as they may be, false platitudes akin to the the macabre desert island story always managed to spark more public interest when it came to ideas that attempted to account for Amelia Earhart's actual fate. At the same time, substantiated conveyances, such as Ambassador Capelle's, never received much attention.
It is worth noting hoa Ambassador Capelle's understanding of Amelia's flight ending was based on firm historical roots. For instance, beyond it being recognized as 'common knowledge' among the Marshallese people that Amelia ended up there, in 1965, Admiral Chester Nimitz, the commander of the U.S. Pacific fleet during World War Two who was put in charge of the Marshall Islands after the U.S. occupied it in 1944, outright admitted to CBS radio journalist, Fred Goerner, that it had quietly been, "known and documented in Washington" that Amelia and her navigator, Fred Noonan, "went down in the Marshall Islands and were picked up there by Japan." 
Here's another example substantiated years after it first surfaced in 1938: 



The above article appeared in a May 25, 1938 issue of Pacific Islands Monthly magazine. The credited writer was Rev. Carl Heine of the Marshall Islands. Rev. Heine died early on during the World War Two conflict. Attorney John Heine, a distant relative and early 1960s Marshall Islands diplomat, (Heine being a common surname in the Marshalls; the current Marshall Islands President is Hilda Heine) was unaware of the article when he described to author, Randall Brink, how in 1937, he and his brother, Dwight, had helped off-load Amelia's wing-damaged plane from a Japanese Naval ship at Taroa Island in the Marshalls, while understanding that the plane's pilots, "a man and a woman" remained on board the ship at the time. It so happens Taroa is situated fairly adjacent to Maloelap Atoll.

Indications had it that Amelia was billeted at Maloelap for awhile before she was transferred to Saipan, and then later to Japan itself. [Within that mix, a false rumor later arose saying Amelia had been executed by Japan on Saipan--supposedly for spying on its installations.]

It is worth noting as well, at the time of the date on the letter, November of 1937, Amelia's office at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, where the unclaimed letter was mailed from, was still being maintained by her husband, G.P. Putnam, with Amelia's secretary, Margot DeCarrie, keeping hours there. That is not to say either one of them wrote or mailed the unclaimed letter; if they did they never mentioned it. The letter may have been sent by a resident hotel neighbor who had known Amelia, and it may not have been the first and only letter mailed to Amelia at Maloelap--where the tone of the address seemed personal and familiar.



"Dear Mr. President..."
Over the years, countless letters have been written to the Oval Office requesting information about Amelia Earhart's true fate, only to receive placating, 'no information here' replies. One thing is certain, however, as notated directly below, from early on the White House did withhold pertinent information it was aware of that concerned the true fate of Amelia Earhart.


Above: President Franklin D. Roosevelt with long-time family friend and his administration's Secretary of the Treasury, Henry P. Morgenthau, Jr.

"I hope I've just got to never make it public." "Amelia Earhart disregarded orders." Quotes from an official White House transcript recorded nine months after Amelia Earhart went missing. The comments were made by FDR right hand man, Henry P. Morgenthau Jr., in response to a request forwarded his way by Eleanor Roosevelt--pertaining to what actually happened to her missing friend, Amelia.
The White House had incorrectly ascertained that after Amelia disregarded orders by choosing to head north toward Japan's Marshall Islands, and that she and her navigator died when they were shot down after they entered Japan's air space. FDR's administration later learned the duo had actually survived after ditching at Mili Atoll, and Japan had quietly sequestered them, except the U.S. was powerless to do anything about it as World War Two heated up. Directly below are excerpts from the official White House transcript referred to above, dated May 13, 1938, nine months after Amelia Earhart was declared a missing person. Henry Morgenthau Jr. is identified as "H.M.Jr." in the transcript when he speaks; Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Stephen Gibbons is identified as "Gibbons" when he speaks. Together, both men had travelled the great distance from Washington DC to Hawaii just three weeks after Amelia went missing. There, they personally interviewed and debriefed Comander Thompson of the Coast Guard Cutter, Itasca, that had awaited Amelia at Howland Island; participated in the search for her after she never showed up there; and later filed a report on the last radio messages it received from Amelia and its follow up search efforts: 


The Itasca report, that eventually was released in July of 1938, had carefully been edited to eliminate the 'damaging to Amelia's reputation' material it contained. It was also altered a bit to leave the final direction Amelia ended up flying in unrevealed to future readers. What later became known through FOIA released files, was that Amelia had stated her final decision to stay on a northern heading, in an effort to head back to the Gilbert Islands.
The "any reputation she's got is gone" comment of Morgenthau's, had less to do with her "disobeying all orders" as it did with Amelia's known habit of swearing over the radio. As a plane mechanic by the name of Art Kennedy who knew Amelia  recalled, she was known to "mix in a lexicon of vulgarities" over the radio to control towers if she disapproved with the instructions or commands being given to her. In that respect, Amelia further showed how she was just 'one of the boys' when she hung around airfields and plane hangars. 
It is certain that FDR's administration had learned through U.S. Naval intelligence that Amelia ditched in the Marshalls after missing the Gilberts. Other conveyances left it aware that Amelia did not die as a result of being shot down by Japan either. Yet Japan had not allowed the U.S. to search the Marshall Islands for Amelia or her plane wreckage, and after subsequent weeks of silence, the White House either assumed, or chose to publicly exhibit its own feeling that Amelia likely died in some non-specified manner that was directly related to the premature ending of her world flight attempt.
Rather than confuse the public about it, though, FDR's administration chose to sit on what it had gleaned about Amelia's world flight outcome, that in time included Amelia's continued existence in Japan's care. Basically, FDR's administration remained quiet while hoping a viable solution or 'rescue plan' might present itself as time passed.
The solution did not arrive until the end of the war, when it was determined the still living, Amelia Earhart, would change her identity in order to enable the U.S. Federal Government, in tandem with Japan's post-war cooperation under the watchful eye of General Douglas MacArthur, the ability to permanently move-on from the notion of the U.S. or Japan ever having to publicly acknowledge the truthful aftermath that pertained to Amelia's 1937 'failed' world flight outcome. 


Amelia Earhart was a recognized pacifist before she went missing.

Her male counterpart, Charles Lindbergh, had been an outspoken isolationist leading up to World War Two as well, and he fell out of favor of President Franklin Roosevelt's administration that way. Later, from the 1950s to the 1970s, while serving his country under the Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations, Lindbergh led a double life in Europe using the alias of, 'Careu Kent.' 

Beyond being a pacifist, Amelia Earhart was a very smart person who was known to stubbornly hold her ground if she deemed it necessary... and she eventually paid a price for having those character attributes.

Yet through it all, she continued to quietly exist on her own terms for many years after she was declared 'a missing person.' At the same time, she fully recognized that the person she used to be, Amelia Earhart, had been declared 'dead in absentia' in January of 1939, a declaration that was never to change.



Long time FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, shown above, personally commandeered the World War Two FBI files on Amelia Earhart. Throughout the war, reports of Amelia's continued survival overseas kept surfacing from U.S. military sources that were funneled directly to Hoover, who kept them in his charge. The FBI's war-time file on Amelia Earhart was not released until after the FOIA, and it was only partially done so with names and places blacked out. Below is a sample page extracted from the file dated December 27, 1944. Note toward the bottom the quoted statement of a Japanese intelligence officer about Amelia, "Don't worry about her well being. She is perfectly all right." In the last paragraph find the quote of "various Japanese guards" having "stated they had heard her (Earhart) over Japanese radio, others that they had seen her in Tokyo, and still others that they had heard she was alive and in Tokyo." Add to this to Admiral Chester Nimitz admitting in 1965 that it was quietly, "known and documented in Washington" that Amelia Earhart had been rescued by Japan. This information was later corroborated by Monsignor James Francis Kelley, a well known priest who in the late 1980s and early 1990s confided to various individuals that his later life friend, Irene, was actually the former Amelia Earhart--with a different name applied to her person after World War Two. (See photos of Monsignor Kelley underneath the document and read more about him throughout The Swindell Study.)          


Below find separate photographs featuring Monsignor Kelley with J. Edgar Hoover and Admiral Nimitz: 


Standing left to right; J. Edgar Hoover, Monsignor Kelley, and Archbishop Thomas Walsh. In November of 1945, Monsignor Kelley received a citation from J. Edgar Hoover for assistance rendered during the war years to the Internal Security of the Nation through the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the United States Department of Justice. In the late 1980s, Monsignor Kelley began disclosing to people that he helped Amelia Earhart with spiritual counseling after the war, and that he had been instrumental with her name change to 'Irene.' Kelley died in 1996. He was called 'crazy' by people who refused to believe what he said about his later life friend, Irene. 


Left to right; Admiral Chester Nimitz, Monsignor Kelley, Senator Al Hawkes


Monsignor Kelley next to a bust of himself commissioned by the Smithsonian Institute.

"FDR's administration eventually left J. Edgar Hoover's fingerprints all over Amelia Earhart's private survival and her later name-change to Irene." Joseph A. Gervais

"Amelia Earhart's hidden world flight outcome resulted in the most absurdly fake accounts ever compiled--that somehow ended up being presented as 'newsworthy' information. The old Nikumaroro bones' story merely exists as one of them." Tod Swindell


Senator Hiram Bingham and Amelia Earhart


Amelia and the post-WWII only Irene Craigmile (Bolam).

Recognizing the plurality of Amelia Earhart's 1930s acquaintance, Irene Craigmile, is the key to understanding what was learned about Amelia in the 1960s.


Once again, the above September 1, 1932 Akron, Ohio newspaper photo features Amelia Earhart (outlined in white) and the original Irene Craigmile, (outlined in black) who was not yet a licensed pilot.

The photo was taken just a few months after Amelia became the first woman to solo a plane across the Atlantic Ocean, and just a week after she became the first woman to solo a plane coast-to-coast by flying from Los Angeles, California to Newark, New Jersey.

As mentioned, in 1931, just a year before this photo was taken the original Irene Craigmile's husband, Charles James Craigmile, had tragically died. 


As it turned out there was more than one person attributed to the same 'Irene Craigmile' identity, so... Will the real 'Irene Craigmile' please stand up?

"One will not find a high-resolution photograph showing the original Irene Craigmile as she looked in the 1920s and 1930s. They don't exist in the public realm anymore. 'Haven't for a long time." Tod Swindell


Above is a low-quality, 1932 photograph of the original Irene Craigmile. A past acquaintance of Amelia Earhart's, she's shown next to a plane she was learning to fly in at the time.
Beyond losing her husband in 1931, more trying circumstances and the expense of flying planes left it a difficult hobby for her to keep up with. For instance, when she finally earned her pilot's license in May of 1933, she realized she was pregnant out of wedlock and barely flew again after that. She eloped to wed her child-to-be's father in August of 1933, but their marriage soon failed and was subsequently annulled. In fairly short order after that, their son, who was born in early 1934, was being imprinted and further raised by a surrogate mother figure. (This is expounded on further down.) As well, when the time came for it to be done after 1936, her pilot's license was not renewed .


An old newspaper article identified the person
above as the original Irene Craigmile in 1932.






In the top-left photo, the original Irene Craigmile is shown in 1930, between her husband, Charles James Craigmile, and her father, Richard Joseph O'Crowley. Her soft image is contrast enhanced underneath it. The above-right '1933' dated photo shows (L to R) Amelia climbing on the plane wing with her back to the camera, the original Irene Craigmile's flight instructor, Al Heller, seated in the plane, (who the original Irene became pregnant by and later eloped with) and the original Irene Craigmile standing with Viola Gentry, a common pilot friend of she and Amelia's.

In the photo below, the original Irene Craigmile holds her 1934 born son, Clarence 'Larry' Heller, who kept the surname of his father.




Herein lies the problem identified by The Swindell Study about Irene Craigmile, that intially surfaced some fifty-years ago (without visual aid) before it was shouted down:

For half-a-century the general public was persuaded by history itself to accept that the Irene Craigmile shown above was the same Irene Craigmile as the one shown directly below--holding a press conference at the Time-Life building in New York City in November of 1970.

This is a problem because the claim stating the Irene Craigmile below was the same Irene Craigmile as the one above is now a recognizable fallacy.

While the woman holding the press conference most definitely had been attributed to the same Irene Craigmile identity as the one above, anymore it is clear she was a different human being.

Who was she, or who did she used to be? The 1997-2017 Swindell Study results enabled that question to answer itself. 




Above is the post-World War Two only, Irene Craigmile at her 1970 press conference. With no friends or family by her side, she arrived alone at the conference and handled the press like a pro. She tersely delivered a short statement, took no questions, and left. She held the conference because a new book that caught her off guard was suggesting she was the somehow 'survived' Amelia Earhart living under an assumed identity. Beyond the idea itself seeming preposterous to most people, her thorough negation was so well accepted no one felt a need to more thoroughly look into her past.
The Swindell Study became the first to deeply examine the complete life story of the original Irene Craigmile, that featured a brief 1930s friendship she had with Amelia Earhart, and a detailed story of the post-war only Irene.
Directly below, the post-war only Irene's image from the press conference is again shown in perfect alignment with her former self, Amelia Earhart.


Amelia Earhart                      Irene & Amelia



More Background Info on the original Irene Craigmile--and how Amelia Earhart ended up using her left-over identity:
From The Swindell Study
The original Irene Craigmile never demonstrated a career ambition. The 1930 Census listed her as a 'homemaker' living in Pequannock, New Jersey with her husband, Charles, who at fourteen years older than she was listed as 'head-of-house' and employed as a 'Civil Engineer.'
Born in 1904, the original Irene Craigmile had been an only child. When she was twelve her mother, Bessie O'Crowley, died. From then on the original Irene was further raised by her paternal aunt and grandmother (her father's sister and mother) in Newark, New Jersey.
The original Irene Craigmile's paternal aunt, Irene Rutherford O'Crowley, was a recognized New York-New Jersey attorney who knew Amelia Earhart through the Zonta organization--and it was through her that the original Irene Craigmile met Amelia, her idol, who was seven years older than she.
A year after Charles James Craigmile died, at the bequest of the original Irene's aunt, Amelia briefly took his young widow under her wing to help her become a pilot.
As mentioned, things didn't work out there for very long.
In the meantime, Amelia's famous life and career kept her on the move. She endured a demanding pace of lecturing around the country and created her own, 'Amelia Earhart' brand that featured her self-designed clothes along with a durable and stylish luggage line--sold at her own boutique in Macy's. The original Irene Craigmile's attorney-aunt served as a contract adviser for Amelia within the endeavor.
Amelia had been a regular participant in women's air races and she briefly flew a Pitcairn Autogyro as well--all while continuing to be a celebrated member of the 99s, the women's flying organization she co-founded and served as the first president of, and of the Zonta organization for professional women, with her popularity helping to expand both.
Amelia became the matriarchal figure of her small family as well, that included her aging mother, Amy Otis Earhart, and her married sister, Muriel Earhart Morrissey with her two young children. She was quick with criticism and advice to both but would send money their ways if it was needed--while tightly managing her own income sources with her manager-husband, G.P. Putnam.
Amelia was described by author Susan Butler as, "a person not about to cede control of her life to anyone," and by author Doris Rich as, "a meticulous manager of her personal finances."
Not to leave out, Amelia spoke several languages.
Bottom line, Amelia Earhart was a very smart person. Few recall she had done well while taking pre-med courses at Columbia University before she optioned to become a pilot.
She also made it clear she was not one who could ever stay tied-down for very long.
In 1931, when she wed her manager, G.P. Putnam, she arrived at the alter with a prenuptial agreement that described marriage as 'confining, no matter how attractive the cage' and included the edict, "I shall not hold you to any medieval code of faithfulness to me nor should I consider myself bound to you similarly."
Approaching a marriage that way was practically unheard of then.
Back to her self-branding effort: In 1933--the year Amelia and Eleanor Roosevelt became friends--when her preference for 'quality control' waned and a 'lack of sales' during the depression became evident to her, barely a year after it opened Amelia decided to close her Macy's boutique.  
Then in 1934, after a personal hiatus that involved a sinus procedure, a few summer weeks in the wilds of Wyoming, and a fire at G.P. Putnam's Rye, New York homestead where she had off-times resided, Amelia decided to move from the east coast back to Los Angeles that fall--where she had first learned to be a pilot.
She and G.P. Putnam found a nice bungalow in North Hollywood's Toluca Lake district there, and by early 1935 their move was complete.
At that point, G.P. Putnam strived to become a writer in the film industry while Amelia began spending a lot of time at the Lockheed plant in Burbank.
Amelia returned to flying for major records as well then; in January of 1935, she became the first person to fly solo from Hawaii to Oakland, California; in April, the first to fly solo from Los Angeles to Mexico City, and in May, the first to fly solo from Mexico, City to New York, (actually Newark, New Jersey) once again accomplishing the feats, so impressive at the time, in her reliable Lockheed Vega.
Then in late 1935, Amelia accepted an invitation to be a visiting instructor at Purdue University in Indianapolis, Indiana. While she was in residence there in 1936, the institution awarded her a new, state of the art Lockheed Electra, a beautiful twin-tailed monoplane dubbed, 'The Flying Laboratory.' In it, Amelia planned to circumnavigate the globe at the equator the following year. Except while attempting to do so in mid-1937, something happened toward the end of her journey that was never clearly accounted for, leaving Amelia to be declared "a missing person" along with her world flight navigator, Fred Noonan.
Although rumors swelled suggesting the two had been rescued somewhere in Japan's Mandate Islands--and they had precariously ended up in Japan's private care during the onset of the Sino-Japanese War, within a year and a half both fliers were legally declared, "dead in absentia."  
Back To The original Irene Craigmile and Amelia
After Amelia went missing, in time the original Irene Craigmile's sad, non-translucent demise ended up providing a new, private-life beginning for the famous and quietly survived pilot, who after World War Two was known as 'Irene Craigmile' ...until 1958, the year she married Guy Bolam of England.
When she married Guy, it left her to be further known as, 'Mrs. Irene Craigmile Bolam.'
For half a century the public was conditioned not to believe or accept the reality of it, yet below truly is the image of the former Amelia Earhart as she looked in the mid-1970s, while going by the name of Irene Craigmile Bolam:


A Sad Truth...

"It is a sad truth where people continue to be force-fed different stories about Amelia Earhart's world flight ending that have absolutely nothing to do with reality. For decades now, the stupidly-false promotion of Amelia's flesh being torn apart by giant crabs on the desert island of Nikumaroro has received more media attention than anything--even though there has never been one iota of authenticity applied to it--and there never will be because it was never true. It is hard for myself and others in the know not to be disheartened by the timid stalwarts at the Smithsonian Institution and the National Geographic Society--who turn blind eyes to tabloid level bs such as the 'giant crabs' story when it manages to permeate American pop-culture. Their apathetic viewpoint grew to be more recognizable when the truth about Amelia Earhart's post-World War Two existence with a different name became so obvious."
Tod Swindell, 2019

"You're onto something that will stagger your imagination."
The above 1962 quote came from retired United States Navy Commander, John Pillsbury, concerning CBS Radio Journalist, Fred Goerner's quest to learn the truth about what became of Amelia Earhart.
Fred Goerner joined in on researching Amelia's true fate after hearing about the "Operation Earhart" investigation of Joseph A. Gervais. He solidly agreed with Gervais, that Amelia survived after she was declared 'missing' in 1937, but he could not precisely pinpoint where she eventually ended up and surmised she may have died of an illness after living overseas for awhile.
Just like Joseph A. Gervais, though, by the 1990s Goerner's research and his best-selling 1966 book, The Search For Amelia Earhart were barely recalled anymore. For Fred Goerner's work was shunned as well--for having gotten too close to the fire of truth about Amelia Earhart.


Let's Review...
In the 1960s, after retired USAF Major Joseph A. Gervais met Mrs. Irene Craigmile (Bolam) at a gathering of noteworthy pilots from the golden age of aviation, he found her air of importance curious and thought she looked hauntingly familiar to him.

The encounter prompted him to look into who Irene Craigmile was--and after five-years of doing so as she deftly eluded him--he determined she could not possibly have been the original Irene Craigmile, even though history proclaimed she was.
To account for who she really was, or had been, Joseph A. Gervais brazenly concluded she was the former Amelia Earhart living under the assumed identity of Irene Craigmile.
Caught off guard when he went public with his conclusion, Mrs. Bolam lawyer-ed up to strongly reject his claim, resulting in Joseph A. Gervais being sued and becoming a subject of ridicule. Few noticed at the time, however, that she never proved she was not the former Amelia Earhart before settling her lawsuit against Gervais by exchanging ten dollars of consideration with him as the result of a summary judgment. 
In 1997, thirty-two years after he met and conversed with Mrs. Irene Craigmile Bolam, Joseph A. Gervais was still insisting his conclusion about her former identity of 'Amelia' was correct--when he agreed to participate in The Swindell Study--that had been designed to forensically evaluate what he claimed to know.
The creator of the Study, Tod Swindell, was well-educated on Amelia's disappearance himself and found it hard to believe an in-depth forensic evaluation of Mrs. Irene Craigmile Bolam's past--that included comparing her being to Amelia Earhart's being--had never been done before.

After the Study was completed in 2017, it left it clear to an obvious degree that Joseph A. Gervais had been right all along.






Post-War Irene & Amelia
digitally combined


After Digital Face Recognition arrived
it acheived a positive match between
Amelia and the post-war Irene






Her once famous look had changed. Nine years
had passed, a world war was fought and had
ended, after which Amelia no longer wished
  to be recognized for who she used to be.



Digitally combined photos from the left (1946-1965)
showing the same person, the former Amelia Earhart,
with close to twenty-years of age difference.  

The above 50th anniversary commemorative stamp series issued in 1987 by the Republic of the Marshall Islands shows Amelia's 1937 takeoff from Lae, New Guinea; her failure to spot Howland Island; her ditching in the lower Marshall Islands; and Amelia, her plane, and her navigator, Noonan, being retreived by Japan's Imperial Navy. Years before, in 1965, Admiral Chester Nimitz, Commander of the U.S. Navy's Pacific Fleet during World War Two, who was placed in charge of the Marshall's in 1944, confided to CBS radio news journalist, Fred Goerner, that such a thing was true that Earhart and Noonan were picked up by Japan. At the same time, Nimitz added that there were reasons the post-war U.S. government did not want the public to ever know about it.
While the U.S. government has never officially commented on it, let alone endorsed the reality of Amelia Earhart's and Fred Noonan's ongoing survival beyond the date they were declared missing, [July 2, 1937] South Sea Islanders never stopped insisting that the duo went down in the Marshall's where they were picked-up by Japan's Imperial Navy.
Here again below, consider the following 2002 quote recorded by the Associated Press from the U.N. Ambassador to the Marshalls, Alfred Capelle. His statement was issued almost forty years after Admiral Nimitz intimated to Fred Goerner that Amelia having been picked up in the Marshall Islands by Japan was something, "known and documented in Washington."


Where such certainty about Earhart's flight ending always remained from the pre-World War Two years on among the Marshallese and other South Sea Islanders, many of whom shared their accounts with U.S. soldiers stationed in the Pacific during World War Two, it begged the question: If Amelia and Fred continued to exist after they were declared 'missing', what became of them?

In the 1960s, after a variety of corroborating eyewitness testimonials became public information -- that described Amelia Earhart's and Fred Noonan's survival after they ditched in the Marshall Islands -- some unsubstantiated rumors surfaced that suggested different ways they might have died after they were rescued. Of course, none of them rang true. An example of the kind of spin that was placed on them, though, could be found on page 53 in Robert Gorlaski's World War II Almanac 1931-1945 published in 1982:  


While Fred Noonan's ultimate fate remains an enigma, as mentioned, in 1970, it did manage to surface that the identity of a 1930s' flying friend of Amelia's, that of Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, proved instrumental in delivering the privacy the once world famous pilot desired after World War Two.

Below, Amelia Earhart and the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile are displayed in the same 1930s' group photo:

What ended up being left unrealized in a public way, because the Smithsonian Institution has perpetually declined to acknowledge it, is that by the late 1930s, the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile was no longer evident, something that in turn left her identity available for Amelia Earhart's post-war use. Today one will not find a clear photo image of the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile that depicts her prior to the World War Two years. Keep going with an open mind to see how this all equates.

To better expound on how Amelia Earhart continued to live-on unnoticed after she went 'missing' in 1937, the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile's life story was thoroughly examined and reviewed.



The original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile.
[One of Amelia Earhart's 1930s' pilot friends.]
The material presented here is dedicated to Dr. Tom Crouch, Dorothy Cochrane,
Amy Kleppner, Grace McGuire, Clarence Alvin "Larry" Heller, Peggy O'Crowley,
Elgen Long, Richard Gillespie, Alex Mandel, and Mike Campbell, with special
thanks to Ann Holtgren Pellegreno, the late Leonard Hirshan, and Clint Eastwood.


Digitally combined with who she used to be is
the former Amelia Earhart, living as Irene in
1976, shown dining in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia.
[Croatia today.] Note the pendant she wears
that is also seen in her formal photo portraits.


Joe Klaas


Robert Myers


Col. Rollin Reineck


W. C. Jameson

Prefacing what became of Amelia Earhart after she went missing in 1937, it is worth noting how over the years four Amelia Earhart book authors; Joe Klaas (1970), Robert Myers (1985), Rollin C. Reineck (2004), and W. C. Jameson (2016), acknowledged that Amelia Earhart's post-loss existence as "Irene" was a reality that official United States historians were conditioned to ignore.  


Again, Amelia Earhart,
age 38 in 1935...


...transitions into...


...her future self in 1946. 

More about Amelia's sister, Muriel:


Amelia's sister, Muriel
Morrissey, in the 1990s.
After the war she knew
her sister as 'Irene' and
collaborated with her so
she could keep living the
private life she wanted.

Muriel Earhart Morrissey, who continued to know her sister, Amelia, as 'Irene' in her later life years, refused to endorse the reality of who her friend, Irene, used to be to her dying day in 1998. In the 1980s, Muriel even insisted there was, "no physical resemblance" between her later life friend, 'Irene' and her gone-missing sister, Amelia. This of course, was well before the forensic comparison analysis took place that proved Muriel wrong.
Muriel's protective opinion doesn't matter anymore, for once again the forensic analysis that used modern digital referencing and full body alignment techniques, determined there were no less than three different Twentieth Century women attributed to the same identity of Irene O'Crowley Craigmile [see the panel below] and the one Muriel knew, who was only identified that way after World War Two, was her still living sister, the former Amelia Earhart. Thus far, however, the Smithsonian Institution, the National Geographic Society, Amelia's family, and the family of the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile have been hesitant to endorse the study results. Their reluctance has to do with wanting to leave the published history of Amelia Earhart's life in place as it is. That history being: Amelia Earhart went 'missing' on July 2, 1937, and after not being found in a timely manner, in January of 1939 she was legally declared "dead in absentia." Except it is now certain, notwithstanding the many diversions that kept people from embracing the reality of it: Amelia Earhart definitely survived well beyond July 2, 1937, and while doing so, in pursuit of future anonymity, she made some adjustments to her appearance and changed her name.
Here are the three different Twentieth Century women who were attributed to the same "Irene O'Crowley Craigmile" identity: 


Above is Charles James Craigmile and his wife, the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile in 1930. To date, no one is aware of what became of the original Irene. It is known she gave birth to a child in 1934, who ended up being raised by a surrogate mother (shown on the right).


Above is the surrogate mother of the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile's 1934 born son. She also went by the name of Irene O'Crowley Craigmile. This is the way she looked in the early 1940s, according to the original Irene's son, who identified her within the 'Amelia to Irene' comparison analysis. Below is the way she looked in the 1970s.



Above once again is the former Amelia Earhart in 1946, newly living as the post-World War Two only, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile. Coming out of World War Two, she marked the third person to have the same Irene O'Crowley Craigmile identity attributed to her.


Again, the former Amelia Earhart in 1965, living as Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, with her new surname of 'Bolam' added by marriage in 1958.


Amelia Earhart, 1937


Post-War Irene in 1965 &
Amelia digitally combined.
Digital Face Recognition
concluded that their images
marked the same person.


Note the way the posturing
also aligns shoulders on up.


Charles Lindbergh and Amelia Earhart in 1933

Note: Again, the material presented here conveys the legitimate forensic truth pertaining to what became of Amelia Earhart after she went missing in 1937. To reiterate, for decades the general public has been persuaded by the Smithsonian Institution not to believe this truth, just as it had persuaded people not to believe that Charles Lindbergh led a double-life, even though he did. True, it wasn't until 2004, thirty-years after Charles Lindbergh died, that it was independently confirmed he at times went by a different name from the 1950s to the 1970s, that of, "Careu Kent."
The truth about Amelia Earhart's double life is simplified here for the viewer, although her 'plural identity' equation must be studied and understood in order to comprehend the veracity of it -- and the high-level concocted stratagem issued by the governments of the United States and Japan in tandem with the former Amelia Earhart herself -- that deftly kept her ongoing existence with a different name from being publicly recognized after World War Two.




Above: 1976, in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia.
[Dubrovnik is now part of Croatia.]




Top Row: Amelia turns into her post-war 'Irene' self.
Bottom Row: The post-war Irene turns
back into her former 'Amelia' self.




Above, the 1965 'Joseph A. Gervais' photo of Guy Bolam of England,
next to his wife by their 1958 marriage, the post-war Irene O'Crowley
Craigmile-Bolam, who used to be known as, Amelia Earhart. This photo
first appeared in the 1970 book, Amelia Earhart Lives, that was quickly
dismissed out of hand, chiefly by the former Amelia Earhart herself.


The following realities apply to Amelia Earhart's continued existence after she was declared 'a missing person' in 1937: 

1.) While the American public was led to believe that Amelia became lost in her plane and likely crashed into the ocean; in the region of the South Sea Islands where she was last known to be it was a different story. Many people there claimed to be privy to the reality of Amelia continuing to live beyond July 2, the date of her described disappearance. Not long ago, the U.N. Amabassador to the Marshall Islands, Alfred Capelle, told the Associated Press that Amelia Earhart, "definitely came to the Marshall Islands in 1937" and that his fellow Marshallese citizens recognized it as part of their country's history. Earlier, in 1965, U.S. Navy Admiral, Chester Nimitz, admitted to CBS Radio journalist, Fred Goerner, that it was, "known and documented in Washington" that Amelia and her navigator, Fred Noonan, were "picked-up by Japan" after they went down in the Marshalls.

2.) While it has long been perceived by historians that the U.S. government's executive branch under President Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration knew yet did not want to make public certain details it withheld pertaining to Amelia's flight ending circumstances, a basic 'official silence' toward what actually happened to the famous pilot greeted the curious ever since the event of her disappearance took place.





Amelia Earhart


Amelia Earhart

Since 1970, when knowledge of Amelia's ongoing life as 'Irene' first slipped into the public realm, the U.S. government's Smithsonian Institution has never stopped persuading anyone who inquired about it, not to take it seriously

In more recent times, after the reality of Amelia's post-war life as 'Irene' was rejuvenated in the 2000s through news media outlets, a Dr. Alex Mandel, who is part of the systemic conditioning process that continues to detour the public away from recognizing and embracing the truth about Amelia Earhart's post-loss existence, launched a deceptive Wikipedia page labeled "Irene Craigmile Bolam" that falsely claimed the Amelia became Irene conveyance was disproved by a detective hired by the National Geographic Society. [This never happened. The conveyance was never disproved by a National Geographic 'hired' detective nor any other entity.]
Here's the reality of it all:

The analysis results--the first ever achieved--confirmed that Amelia Earhart did live-on after she went missing in 1937, and coming out of the war years she was further known as, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile--again a name that had previously belonged to one of her 1930s' pilot friends. [What became of the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile--shown outlined below--has never been publicly divulged.] While examining the lives of the post-World War Two Irene O'Crowley Craigmile and Amelia Earhart, their physical bodies and character traits were evaluated and compared as well, enabling a natural realization that equated one in the same human being going by different names in different eras.


Charles and the original Irene.
Charles suddenly died in 1931.


The Original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile
On the left again is Charles Craigmile and his wife,
the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, in 1930.
While it is now understood that Amelia Earhart
assumed the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile's
identity for herself to use after World War Two,
at the same time it exists as a general consensus
that nary a soul from within the public realm
is aware of what became of the original Irene
O'Crowley Craigmile. Clear photo images of
her person were surreptitiously removed from 
circulation many years ago. Family photos, school
photos, wedding photos, any and all photos clearly
depicting the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile
the way she looked before the World War Two era
are virtually non-existent today. Even so, from the
photos of her the study did manage to locate, it
was plain to observe the person she was before
the war wasn't the same person who went by her
name after the war. That person was the former
Amelia Earhart, who ended up using the original
Irene's name after the war--for the rest of her life. 


The original Irene O'Crowley
Craigmile with her plane, 1933.
A 1933-34 pregnancy ended her
brief stint as a pilot. Read more
about her further down, and the
'surrogate' mother who ended
up raising her 1934 born son.


Twenty-seven years later: 


Above left, the post-World War Two only Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam, FKA "Amelia Earhart" in 1964 at a Zonta gathering. Above right, she is digitally combined with her former 'Amelia' self.





Charles Craigmile and his wife,
the original Irene O'Crowley
Craigmile, in 1930. 

Again above is the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile. Amelia Earhart assumed her left-over identity to use for herself after World War Two. Read about the original Irene further down, and her 1930s friendship with Amelia that ended up playing a private, yet pivotal role in Amelia's full life story.

"Where unadulterated synapses are firing correctly, it is quickly noticed within the comparison study results that the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, who Amelia Earhart had known, did not look anything like Amelia, yet the post-war Irene O'Crowley Craigmile looked exactly like her." Tod Swindell



Amelia Earhart, 1937


Post-War Irene in 1965 &
Amelia digitally combined.
A Digital Face Recognition
program said their faces
were of the same person.


How Verification Of The 'Amelia Earhart

Disappearance Cover-Up' Began To Take Form:

In 1966, Fred Goerner, a CBS Radio news journalist based in San Francisco, had his new book, The Search For Amelia Earhart  published by Doubleday. It was based on his six-year investigation of Amelia's 1937 disappearance. Few recall it today, yet it was top-ten New York Times best seller--one that marked the first study to shed a bright light on the original White House cover-up of Amelia Earhart's loss--dating back to FDR's administration during the pre-World War Two years. 



Fred Goerner


Was Fred Goerner onto something? Absolutely.

Where 'official silence' toward the loss of Amelia Earhart and Frcd Noonan has always reigned in the United States and Japan, to this day it remains common history in the Marshall Islands and its surrounding region, that the flying duo went down on a land spit adjacent to Mili Atoll of the Marshalls--where Japan's Imperial Navy retrieved them, impounded Amelia's plane, and then chose not to publicize it amid its war-readying atmosphere. Below again is the 1987 "50th anniversary" Marshall Islands stamp showing a Japanese naval vessel recovering Amelia's Lockheed Electra--as Amelia and Fred Noonan stand-by with a Japanese naval officer. (People don't make stuff like this up.)


In mid-July, Japan's ambassador in Washington was asked about a July 13 Tokyo news dispatch that reported Amelia Earhart having been picked up by a Japanese boat, something the ambassador, after checking with his government about it, refuted had occurred. However, later reports from the Marshall Islands conveyed that Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan were retrieved by Japan's Imperial Navy some time between the dates of July 6 and July 11, 1937. While sounding cordial enough, the above telegram was sure to emphasize Japan's offer to search the Marshalls for the downed fliers, stressing at the same time that U.S. merchant and 'fighting' ships were not to come too close to the Marshall Islands during their own search efforts. Japan's cordial tone lessoned after July 7, and it eventually withered completely leading up to the World War Two conflict.

In 1970, four years after Fred Goerner's book came out, a new claim describing Amelia Earhart's continued existence in the United States with a different identity applied to her person made national news. When he was asked about it, though, President Nixon dryly replied, "We don't discuss that subject around here." [That 'subject' being 'Earhart' and  'around here' being 'the White House'.]
Below: President Richard Nixon in 1970






Amelia and Amelia as
'Irene' in 1970, when
digitally combined.

The former Amelia Earhart was angry in 1970, and rightfully so, when she was called out for who she used to be. Her former-self had been legally declared 'dead in absentia' thirty-one years earlier (in 1939) yet suddenly, against her will, she was all-but being asked to go back to being the famous Amelia Earhart again. For a variety of good reasons, she and others who were aware of who she used to be knew it was impossible for her to do such a thing. One difficult question after another would have been asked of her for the remainder of her days had she acknowledged her true past. "Where did you go after you disappeared?" "Who were you with?" "What were you doing?" "Were you on a government mission when you went missing, like your mother said?" "What happened to the original Irene?" "How were you able to assume her identity?" [Get the picture?] Instead, she retained two powerful lawyers to help her maintain her ongoing private existence as, 'Irene', and for the most part they succeeded.

Below: Close-up, Amelia's eyes:


Below: Close-up, the post-war Irene's eyes:


Below: Amelia's & the post-war Irene's eyes digitally combined
displayed a perfect match pupil to pupil; tear-duct to tear-duct.


Amelia Earhart's famous career as a pilot spanned a period of nine years. It lasted from the time of her Friendship flight in 1928, when she was thirty-years old, until she went missing just shy of her fortieth birthday in 1937. The amount of different looks thousands of cameras captured of her during that time period were pretty amazing. Once again, in the below photos of Amelia that show her in 1937 and 1932, it is difficult to recognize that they exhibit the same person:


Again, Amelia in 1937, just before she went missing.


Amelia in France in 1932, after being awarded the French Knight Cross.


Can an individual change over time physically, emotionally, spiritually, and egotistically to a point where they become difficult to recognize after a long period of absence? Consider the following quote from Twentieth-Century philosopher, Uell Stanley Anderson:

"If we think of ourselves as bodies, our changing self becomes apparent. It is nearly impossible even for families to recognize a loved one after thirty years of absence, so greatly has the self altered. And a little reflection upon the changing quality of consciousness is sure to give us some insight into the numberless selves our surface minds and egos have become since first appearing in the world." Uell Stanley Andersen (1917-1986)

Here as well, consider the 1987 words of Monsignor James Francis Kelley, a former President of Seton Hall College who many considered to have been the post-war Irene O'Crowley Craigmile's closest later-life confidante. To several people, Father Kelley, who held PhDs in Philosophy and Psychology, reckoned his friend, Irene, as the former Amelia Earhart, and more than once he confided to individuals, "After all she'd been through she didn't want to be the famous Amelia Earhart anymore." The point being made here: The general public did not know 'all Amelia had been through' and how it changed her psyche to a place where she no longer wished to be the famous celebrity she once was.





"History is the unfolding of miscalculations."

Barbara Tuchman






After she denied herself to be Amelia Earhart, four years later in July of 1974, relatively unnoticed amid the Watergate scandal, the follow up article about her still unsettled lawsuit appeared:






Air Force Major Joseph A. Gervais (left) and
Amelia Earhart Lives author Joe Klaas
(right) state their case to the press in 1970.
Even though they were both war heroes and
 family men with upstanding reputations
[Note: Gervais was a pilot who served in
World War Two, Korea, and Vietnam;
Joe Klaas had been a POW in Germany
for over two years] news outlets were
influenced not to take them seriously by
the federal government run Smithsonian
Institution, along with the families of Amelia 
Earhart and the original Irene O'Crowley
Craigmile, a practice that continues today.

To shore-up her case, as noted, Mrs. Bolam and her attorney were able to cite some factual errors in Amelia Earhart Lives they believed were harmful to her reputation--and they sued for $1.5 million in actual and punitive damages. It is imperative to recognize that Mrs. Bolam's lawsuit did not directly challenge the claim that stated she was the former Amelia Earhart. Rather, once again, as if she acknowledged herself to be the former Amelia Earhart, she complained that the book, 'accused her of being a spy, a traitor, a bigamist, and a Tokyo Rose.' 
The case dragged on until it was finally settled in January of 1976. A summary judgment awarded Mrs. Bolam $60k to be paid by the book's publisher, McGraw-Hill, basically for poor fact checking. Otherwise she settled out of court with Joseph A. Gervais and the book's author, Joe Klaas, by way of exchanging $10 of consideration with them. She agreed to the settlement after refusing to submit her fingerprints--when Joseph A. Gervais had his attorney request them to prove her identity. Because she declined to do so, the controversy over her true life-long identity remained unsettled. Years later, after her death was recorded in 1982, more 'questioning' headlines and articles continued to surface about her:


"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." Arthur Schopenhauer



Amelia Earhart, age 38 in 1935...


...transitions into...


...her future self in 1946, marking the 
return of, "the pilot in pearls."


USAF Colonel, Rollin C. Reineck in 1944 

"Your work relating to Amelia Earhart and Irene O'Crowley Craigmile is absolutely outstanding. There is no other way to describe it." Author-Earhart historian, Colonel Rollin C. Reineck, USAF (Ret.) in response to Tod Swindell's Amelia Earhart versus Irene O'Crowley Craigmile forensic research and comparison analysis.


In the above-left photo, the post-World War Two Mrs. Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam, AKA 'the former Amelia Earhart' shown in the center dressed in brown and adorning her trademark pendant, signs autographs for some of the attendees. In the above right photo, the former Amelia Earhart is to the far left. Below: Amelia Earhart's previous and later-life face profile from the above right photo are combined to reveal the congruence.


Why is this so important to know, understand, and ultimately embrace anymore? There are a lot of reasons.

First, though, here is a review of how the 1970s' cover-up of the discovery of Amelia's post-loss existence as Irene came into being:

When the former Amelia Earhart was first publicly recognized in 1965, and then after the attempt was made to nationally 'out her' for who she used to be against her will in 1970, the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation Director, J. Edgar Hoover, resorted to a 'politburo' kind of control and influence over the matter--that obfuscated it to the national news media.

This left it where by the time J. Edgar Hoover died in 1972, every national news media figurehead understood the quiet edict laid down by the United States Federal government originated by Hoover himself, to never regard the 'Amelia became Irene assertion' in a serious manner. This is why we have never witnessed the national news media do its own investigation of the 'Amelia became Irene' assertion. What we have seen instead, is news reports about different people or clubs from within the private sector that offered a variety of ideas when it came to what happened to Amelia in 1937, that systematically steered clear of--or was sure to make light of the 'Amelia became Irene' claim if it ever came up. 

Additionally, the powerful level of control the federal government has over the U.S. court system, engaged by the former Amelia Earhart herself to enable her to continue leading the same private-life existence she had led since the post-war years was clearly evident--as is the reality that states her post-war private life existence came about by way of a carefully orchestrated Federal Witness Protection Program. There is absolutely no doubt this happened and there is absolutely no doubt the U.S. federal government was intent on never divulging it happened.

There is solace in knowing that J. Edgar Hoover is long gone now, as is the former Amelia Earhart, who, depending on whom one chooses to believe, either died in Edison, New Jersey in 1982, or in Mclean, Virginia in 1994, or possibly in some other place at some other time. The reason the ambiguity over when the former Amelia Earhart actually died exists, is due to the learned reality of there having been more than one person in the post-war years attributed to the same 'Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam' identity. As noted, the one featured on the memorial dinner program cover was not the former Amelia Earhart. She was the surrogate mother of the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile's 1934 born son. Although Irene's death was recorded in 1982, it remains uncertain which 'Irene' actually died then; the surrogate mother Irene or the former Amelia Earhart Irene.   


Below: The Human Being Plurality Of Irene O'Crowley Craigmile; Three Twentieth Century Women Who Ended Up Being Attributed To The Same 'Irene' Identity In Order To Obfuscate The Ongoing Existence Of The Former Amelia Earhart...  


Above, Amelia's long-ago acquaintance, the original Irene Craigmile (1932-1933) next to one of the plane's she learned to fly in.


Above, the second, Irene
O'Crowley Craigmile


Above, a "1970s" dated photo of the Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam, on the cover of her 1982 Memorial Dinner program. Below, the younger and older photo versions from above are digitally combined, displaying the same human being in younger and older forms. She was not the same Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam who Joseph A. Gervais met and photographed in 1965, even though according to history she should have been:



Above, the third post-war 'new' Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, FKA 'Amelia Earhart' in 1946. Below, she is digitally combined with her former 'Amelia' self.




Above, the 1965 Gervais photo of Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam digitally combined with Amelia. 


What Reality Now Tells Us


Before the surname of 'Bolam' was added to it in 1958, (the year the post-war only 'Irene O'Crowley Craigmile' married Guy Bolam of England) prior to World War Two the name 'Irene O'Crowley Craigmile' had belonged to a once aspiring pilot who had flown with Amelia Earhart.

By the time World War Two began, however, the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile no longer appeared in plain view. The results of the completed 'forensic research and comparison analysis' revealed this truth in no uncertain terms. It also revealed that a total of three different Twentieth Century woman ended up having the same 'Irene' identity applied to them:

Forgeries Were Used To Obscure
The Discovered Human Plurality
of Irene O'Crowley Craigmile:


Irene O'Crowley, who wed Charles Craigmile in 1928, is the person identified here in '1923' when she would have been 19. The original Irene's son didn't recognize this photo and did not know of its origin. It turned out to be a forgery that was built to match the later-life image of the surrogate mother to the original Irene's son. In other words; 'a fraud':





Mrs. Irene O'Crowley Craigmile in 1930, the year before her husband, Charles J. Craigmile, (shown above with her) died.

From Charles J. Craigmile's obituary


"My mother, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, around 1940" as identified in 2014 for the analysis by the original Irene's 1934 born son. She was not his biological mother. He thought she was, but she had served as a surrogate mother to him.


The post-World War Two only 'Irene O'Crowley Craigmile' in 1946, also not recognized by the original Irene's son. She was not identified anywhere as 'Irene' before the end of World War Two. Below, she is digitally combined with her former self, Amelia Earhart:


On preventing the discovery of truth:
"The discovery of truth is prevented most effectively by preconcieved opinion and prejudice." Arthur Schopenhauer


In a 1999 interview with Bill Prymak, the founding president of the Amelia Earhart Society of Researchers, he referenced an AES newsletter that described the war-time account of one James Golden, (shown above) that surfaced in 1978. Golden had served in the Pacific during World War Two and later ended up working for the U.S. justice department.
James Golden had learned of Amelia Earhart's and her navigator, Fred Noonan's post-loss survival under Japan's stewardship after they were picked up in the Marshall Islands--and were first taken to Jaluit--then on to Maloelap--and then on to Kwajalein there. He did not know what became of them after that, (he suspected they died while in Japan's custody) but his information came from a classified report he described--that was assembled after the U.S. occupied the Marshall Islands in 1944, then sent by a Marine division to U.S. Naval Intelligence. Golden felt that FDR, who was known for his proclivity for secrecy, would surely have been made aware of it, and there is little doubt he was correct.
James Golden later cited how back in May of 1938, when Henry P. Morgenthau Jr. was forwarded the query letter by Eleanor Roosevelt that asked if the idea of conducting more searches for Amelia Earhart was possible for the White House to consider, the request was denied based on this and other information the White House had--that led it to determine more search efforts were not practical at the time.
Recall in 1938, the advent of the Sino-Japanese War--a war the U.S. was newly (and secretly) supporting China's fight against Japan with its Flying Tigers effort, left FDR's hands tied when it came to further challenging Japan about Earhart. As well, beyond FDR appearing to firmly adhere to isolationism, the U.S. military was not yet ready for war and therefore not about to provoke Japan.
According to Henry P. Morgenthau Jr.'s response to Malvina Scheider, neither he nor the president had disclosed the post-loss Earhart information they shared to the First Lady prior to her May of 1938 query. As noted, he did however, mention to her that he was willing to discuss the matter with Mrs. Roosevelt later if she wanted to hear the, "not very nice story" the White House claimed to know about what really happened to her friend, Amelia, after she was declared missing. [This is all documented and part of the public record of Amelia Earhart's world flight ending.]



Above left, the post-World War Two only Irene Craigmile, AKA "the former Amelia Earhart" in 1964 at a Zonta gathering. Above right, she is superimposed with her former 'Amelia' self.


Here is a brief time-line of the original Irene Craigmile's 1930s existence that left her identity available for Amelia Earhart's later-life use:
1.)  In 1931, the original Irene Craigmile's first husband, Charles Craigmile, died from a sudden illness.
2.)  A year later, in 1932, the original Irene Craigmile began taking flying lessons with guidance offered by Amelia Earhart and Viola Gentry.
3.)  In 1933, the original Irene Craigmile became pregnant out of wedlock.
4.)  Purportedly, the photo above shows the original Irene Craigmile holding her March of 1934 born son. She had eloped to 'shotgun' marry the boy's father, one Al Heller, who had served as one of her flying instructors, but their marriage was subsequently annulled after it was learned Al Heller was still legally married to another woman who he also had children with.
5.)  By 1937, Al Heller had relocated alone to the distant city of Buffalo, New York. Estrangement and a legal 'visiting rights' battle began between he and the original Irene over their 'son' at that time.
6.) After enduring her mid-late 1930s' struggles, that may or may not have led to battles with alcohol and depression, (Al Heller indicated so much in his legal complaints about her) we may never know why exactly, but by the time World War Two began the original Irene Craigmile had slipped into oblivion.
7.) In 1993, a later life friend of the original Irene Craigmile's family, Diana Dawes, spoke of the original Irene Craigmile's death occurring and being 'covered over' in order to enable Amelia Earhart to further use her identity. (As mentioned, Amelia had known the original Irene Craigmile's prominent aunt through the Zonta organization. Years later, Diana Dawes grew to know the original Irene Craigmile's son.) The original Irene's 1934 born son was still young enough to be imprinted with a 'surrogate' mother figure at the time, whom he recognized as his 'natural mother' ever since. (His surrogate mother was neither the original Irene Craigmile nor the former Amelia Earhart.) As well, at his young age during the World War Two years, the original Irene's son was placed in a boarding school he graduated from in 1947.
8.)  With the post-war 'former' Amelia Earhart helping to endorse the process, Clarence Alvin 'Larry' Heller, the 1934 born son of the original Irene Craigmile, grew up to become a pilot for Pan Am Airways. His father, Al Heller, ended up becoming a senior vice president of the Miami Aviation Association. Note: Miami was a major Pan Am hub for many years and of course, Fred Noonan, Amelia's world flight navigator, had been one of Pan Am's chief navigators for its overseas Flying Clipper service before he left to navigate for Amelia. (The old rumor that Fred Noonan was fired from Pan Am for drunkeness and Amelia threw him a bone was not true. In his day, Fred Noonan was among the best air-over-ocean navigators in the world. He was selected and was 'asked' to participate in Amelia's world flight.)

"You're onto something that will stagger your imagination."
The above 1962 quote was recorded by CBS Radio Journalist, Fred Goerner. It was spoken by retired United States Navy Commander, John Pillsbury, and concerned the truth about what actually happened when Amelia Earhart went missing in 1937. Fred Goerner had recently embarked on an investigation to learn what really happened to Amelia, and beyond the quote above, Commander Pillsbury offered him words of encouragement to 'keep going' in a knowing manner. Pillsbury was speaking on behalf of himself and Admiral Chester Nimitz at the time, without disclosing information the two high ranking, World War Two officers had learned about the real ending of Amelia Earhart's world flight through Naval intelligence channels.
Admiral Nimitz had been put in charge of the Marshall Islands after the U.S. occupied it in 1944, and in the 1960s, he actually collaborated with Fred Goerner. Nimitz outright admited to Goerner that Earhart and Noonan, "went down in the Marshall Islands and were picked up by the Japanese" and how said information had been, "known and documented in Washington" during the World War Two era. 
Fred Goerner had joined in on researching Amelia's true fate after learning about the "Operation Earhart" investigation of Joseph A. Gervais that he also wrote about in his book. He solidly agreed with the early 1960s work of Gervais, that stated Amelia survived in Japan's care after she was declared 'missing' in 1937, but he could not precisely pinpoint where she eventually ended up after she was rescued by Japan. Unaware of Gervais' 1965 meeting with Irene Craigmile Bolam, when he published his book in 1966, Goerner concluded it by offering how Amelia 'possibly died' of an illness after living overseas for awhile, and based on other hearsay, he felt Amelia's flight navigator, Fred Noonan, 'possibly died' during a struggle with Japanese military personnel.
Just like Joseph A. Gervais, though, by the 1990s Goerner's investigative research and his best-selling 1966 book, The Search For Amelia Earhart that featured his interviews with Nimitz, Pillsbury, and other military personnel were barely recalled anymore. This is because Fred Goerner's work as well ended up being, "swept under the rug of official history" for having come too close to the fire of truth about Amelia Earhart's so-called, '1937 disappearance.'

Amelia Earhart Remembered in Photographs...
Here are some of Amelia Earhart's different looks that left her iconic image so recognizable throughout the world:













Zapruder and Gervais: Film Gamma Doesn't Lie


Former clothing manufacturer, Abraham Zapruder


Former USAF Captain, Joseph A. Gervais



It was unrealized by reporters in 1970, that the Irene who held the press conference that year appeared nowhere identified as 'Irene' prior to the 1940s, and as it turned out, according to the study results, she indeed was identical to Amelia Earhart. 
Incredibly enough, a comparison study to determine if the Irene in question at all resembled Amelia Earhart had never been done before, until the comprehensive analysis took place in recent years gone by. According to the overall study results, the following conclusion is now ascertainable: 

Head-to-toe, the physical bodies and character traits of the post-1940 Irene and Amelia Earhart all lined up. Except the post-1940 Irene was not Amelia Earhart's doppelganger, or non-related twin. Rather, she truly was the former Amelia Earhart, according to the forensic analysis results that proved the incontestable, 'human plurality' of Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam, with the post-1940 only Irene matching Amelia to exactitude.


For fifty-years news reporters and the general public have been persuaded by the Smithsonian Institution and the National Geographic Society [both subservient agencies of the United States Federal Government] not to recognize the distinguished and proud looking person above as the former Amelia Earhart, even though that is exactly who she used to be. The Irene O'Crowley Craigmile who Amelia Earhart knew in the 1930s, was an entirely different person. 


What the General Public Never
Knew about Amelia Earhart, after
she went 'missing' on July 2, 1937.



Again, the above passage was excerpted from a 1938 White
House transcript. Read more about it further down.


Above left: Fred Goerner, of the CBS Radio network, is shown at his broadcasting desk in 1965. His 1966 expose', The Search For Amelia Earhart (center) reached #1 on the New York Times Best Seller List. On the right he is shown with famous television personality, Art Linkletter, during his book's promotional tour. 
After reviewing the overseas preliminary findings of Operation Earhart, that featured numerous testimonials pertaining to Amelia Earhart's ongoing existence after July 2, 1937, Goerner also traveled to the South Sea Islands region where Amelia was last known to be. Once there, he learned for himself that the famous pilot did not just 'up and disappear'. As well, for three years, U.S. Navy Pacific Fleet Commander, Admiral Chester Nimitz, helped with Goerner's investigation and confided to him that it was, "known and documented in Washington" that Amelia and her navigator, Fred Noonan, were "picked up by Japan in the Marshall Islands" and they were sequestered there during the onset of the 2nd Sino-Japanese War.
Supplementing Admiral Nimitz' 1960s' statement to Fred Goerner, news items akin to this Associated Press article lead-in from 2002, continually managed to surface over the years, only to be left unaddressed in an official way: 



Above left, TV news reporter, Merrill Dean Magley; above right,
former Seton Hall College President, Monsignor James Francis Kelley

"After all she had been through, she didn't want to be the famous Amelia Earhart anymore." 1987, Monsignor James Francis Kelley (1902-1996) as told to reporter, Merrill Dean Magley. The well known monsignor was one of the former Amelia Earhart's closest friends in her post-1940 years. To select individuals he confided in, Monsignor Kelley spoke truthfully about his friend, Irene's past just as he did to Dean Magley and his wife, Carol, in the mid-1980s. Dean Magley was the only news reporter on record that Monsignor Kelley opened up to. As shown in the following 1982 clipping, he had steered clear of addressing his friend, Irene's dual identity to other reporters:



The comprehensive human comparison study included a modern Digital Face Recognition analysis that resolved Amelia Earhart and the Irene who faced the press in 1970, to have been one in the same human being. There is no denying this now verified reality. Henceforth, it stands to be rationally accepted by serious historians, or to be irrationally contradicted by people less aware of the facts that pertained to Amelia Earhart's 1937 disappearance and subsequent missing person case.


The material presented here displays the truth pertaining to what became of the famous pilot, Amelia Earhart, after she was reported 'missing' in 1937. This is not a new realization, but it has been a steadfastly subdued one.

For years, a collection of Amelia Earhart authors had already concluded that Amelia lived-on and became known as 'Irene', (their books shown above) and now more experts are aligning themselves with the recent findings of the innovative, 'digital forensic comparison analysis' that clarified the reality of Amelia Earhart's historically obfuscated, post-1940 existence that way.


1.)  The analysis deeply evaluated the most prominent theories that attempted to unravel 'the mystery' of Amelia Earhart's 1937 disappearance. 

2.) In the process, it discovered something never before realized about the maverick 1960s investigation known as Operation Earhart, that caused quite a news story in 1970, when it went public with its conclusion.

3.) Based on the results of its ten-year independent investigation, Operation Earhart boldly asserted, with a reasonable foundation for doing so, that Amelia Earhart quietly lived-on well after she was declared missing, and that she had changed her name to 'Irene'. Strangely enough, decades would go by after Operation Earhart made its assertion, before the 'Irene' in question was actually compared to Amelia Earhart.




The forensic comparison analysis evaluated and compared full bodies and character traits, and issued positive Digital Face Recognition results. Experts whom have reviewed the study results now agree that Amelia Earhart did live-on, and she eventually became known as, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile.

[Note: Previously, the United States Federal Government never issued a statement about the unresolved, 'Amelia became known as Irene' postulation.]

Incredibly, until the recent analysis took place an Amelia to Irene forensic comparison study had never been done before. The final results exhibited an overall physical and character traits congruence, and revealed that the woman in question known as 'Irene O'Crowley Craigmile Bolam' appeared nowhere identified that way prior to the 1940s.

While this has always existed as the true account of what became of Amelia Earhart after she went missing in 1937, dating back to 1970, when it was first made public, it ended up being a suppressed reality.

More digital composites follow... 



Amelia & the post-1940 Irene digitally combined.


Post-1940 Irene


Post-1940 Irene
FKA: Amelia

Muriel Earhart Morrissey, who died in 1998, was a key part of the network that protected the reality of her sister's post-war existence as Irene.




USAF Colonel, Rollin C. Reineck in 1944 

"Your work relating to Amelia Earhart and Irene O'Crowley Craigmile is absolutely outstanding. There is no other way to describe it." Author-historian, Colonel Rollin C. Reineck, USAF (Ret.), in response to Tod Swindell's Amelia Earhart investigative forensic research and comparison analysis.




The controversial 1970 book, Amelia Earhart Lives (left) featured a somewhat candidly taken '1965' photograph (right) of the former Amelia Earhart with her British husband, Guy Bolam. The book was written and published without the former Amelia's cooperation or endorsement and she strongly disapproved of it. She immediately fought to discount it, and denied her famous past in the process. McGraw-Hill removed its best selling book from the stores, although forty-thousand copies had already made it into circulation. Portions of Amelia Earhart Lives did contain some far-out speculating, but it presented an interesting alternate viewpoint of Amelia's fate and included some fascinating anecdotal information in the process. Although it ended up being widely discredited by historians, the writing of Joe Klaas gripped the attention of its readers as he profiled and expounded on the decade long 'Operation Earhart' investigation effort led by Joseph A. Gervais. It was eventually republished through the Author's Guild. 



The above excerpt came from a 1987 newspaper article.

Below: Close-up, Amelia's eyes:


Below: Close-up, the post-1940 Irene's eyes:


Below: Amelia's & the post-1940 Irene's eyes digitally combined
displayed a perfect match pupil to pupil; tear-duct to tear-duct.




The certainty that Amelia Earhart became known as 'Irene' in her post-1940 years was further enhanced by the discovery that she had been acquainted with the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, a once budding pilot, who looked nothing like her:



Above again: Charles J. Craigmile and the original Irene nee O'Crowley Craigmile in 1930.
[Both were gone by the time World War Two began.]

It is no accident that clear visual evidence of the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile is difficult to come by. Yet the available visible evidence of her the analysis managed to locate -- that shows her prior to the 1940s -- revealed a person who did not at all resemble Amelia Earhart. The analysis also examined the life story of the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, a former pilot friend of Amelia's, whose name and identity Amelia assumed for herself to use at some point after her disappearance.



Once again, this 1930 newspaper photo shows the
original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile between her
husband, Charles James Craigmile, and  her father,
Richard Joseph O'Crowley. She was not the same
Irene O'Crowley Craigmile who stood before the
the press forty-years later, in 1970. According to
history, though, she was, or should have been.
Richard Joseph O'Crowley was the oldest sibling
of Attorney Irene Rutherford O'Crowley, of
Dr. Clarence Rutherford O'Crowley, and of
Edna Madeleine O'Crowley Horsford.


Considering the above clipping, some might question the United States legal system's inability to determine whether or not the Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam under scrutiny at the time was or wasn't the former Amelia Earhart, and rightfully so. Continue on to learn more about how and why the debate over her true identity was left unresolved.



Re-Tracing the Forensic Path to the Truth
It was almost four decades after the 'Amelia to Irene' news-story saga played out, that an interesting twist occurred pertaining to who the Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam that faced the press in 1970 actually was -- when the forensic analysis concluded she was not identifiable as 'Irene' prior to the 1940s. This reality had not been publicly ascertained before.
As noted, the study also confirmed how prior to the 1940s, there was an Irene O'Crowley Craigmile who Amelia Earhart had been loosely acquainted with, and as also noted, the person who faced the press in 1970, who is shown directly below in 1977, was not she.


The post-1940 'Irene O'Crowley Craigmile' in 1977.
[Surname of 'Bolam' added in 1958 by marriage.]
She was previously known as, Amelia Earhart.


As also mentioned, it was additionally learned, likely as a result of her convincing denial, that the post-1940 Irene's physical being and character traits were never compared to those of Amelia Earhart back then.
So where it was eventually expounded on by individuals who closely tracked the above Irene's story, that her life long identity issue was never fully resolved, it stood to reason that a comparison study would at least eliminate the possibility of her previously having been known as Amelia Earhart.
This thinking remained... until the study delivered its unexpected reality:

"While numerous testimonials from overseas concurred that Amelia and her navigator were rescued by Japan's Imperial Navy in 1937, it remains difficult to precisely calculate what happened to them after that. Especially in Amelia's case, when it comes to determining where she was and what she was doing after July 2, 1937 to mid-1945, the precise answers to those two questions remain unknown beyond myriad educated guesses. The forensic analysis made it doable, though, to draw a hard conclusion on what eventually became of Amelia, by way of exhibiting her undeniable 'body evidence' that ostensibly solved her missing person case. Simply put, Amelia lived-on after she went missing, and became known as, Irene." Tod Swindell


A fifty-years commemorative stamp depicting the 'rescue' of Amelia Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, and the recovery of Amelia's plane. The two fliers were reported "missing" on July 2, 1937. The event of their rescue took place close to the same time the 2nd Sino-Japanese War began, on July 7, 1937. The United States strongly opposed Japan's invasion of China then, that served as a precursor to World War Two.


Amelia Earhart during her 1937 world
 flight, just before she went missing.

When World War Two finally
ended, people were still wondering
what had happened to Amelia. This
article appeared five days after Japan
surrendered to the allied powers.



While the general public continued to wonder about Amelia's true fate, the FDR administration's withheld facts of her disappearance became lost in the shuffle of World War Two. This dovetailed over to President Harry Truman's administration, that after it brought the war to a complete end left all post-war inquiries about Amelia's true fate to still be categorically greeted with official silence, and thus it remained ever since. Once again:

"Numerous investigations foundered on official silence in Washington and Tokyo, leaving the true fate of Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan an everlasting mystery." 1982, aviation historians, Marylin Bender and Selig Altschul on the 1937 disappearance and subsequent missing person cases of Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan, quoted from their book, The Chosen Instrument.

The truth about Amelia Earhart's post-loss survival was never obvious before. Now it is. Except, so what. Does anyone care? Should anyone care? Absolutely. This is a historical awakening not to be denied by academia, lest it prefers to omnisciently allow gullible people to keep dumping their hard earned dollars into Earhart cottage industries ...that peddle nothing less than false plane hunt expeditions. Over the years, millions of dollars have been donated by the public and spent on these fool-hearted endeavors -- and it is time for this ridiculous practice to stop. 


Below, renewed interest in the 'mystery' of Amelia Earhart's disappearance was generated in the 1960s and 1970s by way of these two remarkable, aforementioned books: 


1966 book by Fred Goerner that profiled
his five-year CBS radio investigation. 


1970, The Joe Klaas book about the decade
long 'Operation Earhart' investigation

To continue with the diversion after controversial 'truths' about Amelia's loss were made public in the 1960s, primarily by 'Operation Earhart' and CBS Radio, (the best-selling books about their investigations shown above) opposing theories destined to never ring true were serially introduced and publicly promoted. This led both of the above books and their contents to pretty-much be forgotten as the decades passed. As well, in time 'cottage industries' popped up that mounted expeditions to look for Amelia's plane far from where it ended up going down -- so they of course turned up nothing. 
The World War Two era left behind a number of realities that United States official history moved away from. The true story about what happened to Amelia Earhart was one of them. In the South Sea Islands region that Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan became lost in, however, the place where both Operation Earhart and CBS Radio had focused their 1960s investigations, a different account of what happened to the famous fliers has always existed, that stated they were rescued. Once again: 


Again, the 1987 Marshall Islands commemorative stamp depicting the
rescue of Earhart and Noonan and the retrieval of Amelia's plane.


Again, the 2002 Associated Press quoted the Marshall Islands
Ambassador to the United Nations in the above manner.

Note: During the past decade this first of its kind study was placed on the World Wide Web as a 'still in progress' endeavor and it remained that way throughout its recent completion stages.



In consideration of the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, let's return to the 1930s, and some people who were acquainted with her...


Above left to right: Pilots
Amelia Earhart, Elinor Smith,
and Viola Gentry (1932)


Below, a rare group photo features Amelia Earhart, Viola Gentry, and the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile within it:

Well known pilot, Viola Gentry, who helped conceal Amelia Earhart's post-1940 existence as 'Irene O'Crowley Craigmile' is shown directly to the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile's right in this 1932 group photo. The original Irene (her face fully shaded) is outlined in black in the photo; Amelia Earhart is outlined in white: 




Viola Gentry



As mentioned, it turned out that clear photos of the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, were removed from circulation years ago. 



Back to the Original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile
Ever since the post-1940 Irene O'Crowley Craigmile was called out as the former Amelia Earhart; Amelia's family, the family of the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, and constituents of the Smithsonian Institution cohesively fought against endorsing the reality of it into public acceptance. This is because the record of Amelia disappearing in 1937, followed by her being declared "dead in absentia" in 1939, was never supposed to change according to any 'official' historical viewpoint. Here, where an attempt to conceal visible evidence of the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile had clearly taken place at some point, her person managed to rise from the ashes of it all and make herself known anyway. For starters, the original Irene's husband, Charles James Craigmile, who was fifteen years older than she, tragically died of a sudden illness in 1931. The following obituary for him ran on September 23, 1931:




Above, according to record, this is how the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile looked in 1930. Below is how she looked when she was fourteen years old, in 1918. She did not resemble Amelia Earhart.


After her husband, Charles, died of a sudden illness in 1931, the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile became a budding pilot, who, until she realized she was pregnant out of wedlock in 1933, had become acquainted with Amelia Earhart. To date, the general public is unaware of what became of the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile. What is certain from a forensic standpoint, is that her 1934 born son ended up being raised by a surrogate mother figure, (displayed further down) who the former Amelia Earhart, living as 'Irene' after World War Two, interfaced with. It is also possible for the former Amelia Earhart to have been instrumental in guiding the chosen career of the original Irene's son, who went on to become a pilot for Pan Am Airways. (Long retired, the original Irene's son still lives today.) As mentioned, at some point clear images of the original Irene's person from prior to the 1940s were removed from circulation, ostensibly to make Amelia's use of her leftover identity more feasible. Today, when one looks at the available record of photos displaying Irene O'Crowley Craigmile's person in a life-long way, (1904-1982) it immediately becomes clear that Amelia's person does not show up identified as Irene until the mid-1940s, or, after World War Two. 


Back to the former Amelia Earhart... 


Senator Hiram Bingham
& Amelia Earhart



Digitally combined


Here again is the 1977 photo-portrait of the former
Amelia Earhart. She was known as Irene O'Crowley
Craigmile after 1940, then added the surname of
'Bolam' in 1958, by virture of her marriage to
international businessman, Guy Bolam, of
England. She was a constant world traveler
with Guy in the 1960s, and she continued to
travel the world in the 1970s, after Guy died. 


The Positive ID Placement Made By Irene O'Crowley Craigmile's Son:

BELOW is the 2014 written exchange between Clarence Alvin (Larry) Heller, the 1934 born son of the original Irene Craigmile, and Tod Swindell. The woman Mr. Heller positively identified as his "mother" was not the same woman whose image appeared in the 1970 McGraw-Hill book, Amelia Earhart Lives, even though according to history she should have been.


Tod Swindell: Thursday, February 20, 2014
Subject: Verification


Hi Larry,

I want you to know that I am in full agreement with you that Amelia Earhart was not your mother. Your mother, as you identified her in these younger and older version photos, led a very different life than Amelia and bore little resemblance to her physically. Our agreement on this matter is pertinent to the correct presentation of the facts.  

My conveyance is that you have positively identified these images as those of your late mother, and that she absolutely was not, and never possibly could have been Amelia Earhart. I agree with this 100%, and understand that you do too. If you could you send back a simple ‘I agree’ for verification I’d appreciate it.




Clarence Alvin 'Larry' Heller: Friday, February 21, 2014
Subject: Re: Identity Verification

The attached pictures are of my mother and she was not Amelia Earhart.  C. Heller.  Proof is available.

"EARLY 1940s"


The original Irene's son was correct when he insisted the mother he knew was was not Amelia Earhart. Below, when the younger and older images Mr. Heller identified as his 'mother' were digitally combined they did equate the same person.




Among the important discoveries Tod Swindell's forensic analysis was credited for revealing, was that even though they were attributed to the same "Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam" identity, the images below do not depict the same individual human being. The photo on the memorial dinner program was supplied by the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile's son, who verified her to have been his 'mother' in the study. (His mother's death was recorded on July 7, 1982.)
To this day it remains uncertain when the former Amelia Earhart's death actually took place. Although unconfirmed, according to a late private detective by the name of Jerome Steigmann, the former Amelia lived to her late 90s before she died in McClean, Virginia, and that she was interned at Arlington National Cemetery. 


Above: 1965 

Below: 1946 


This is one of the earliest known photographs of the
former Amelia Earhart, the way she looked in 1946.


Above: "1970s"  

Below: "1940s" 




An entire world war had taken place and nearly a decade had passed by the time Amelia resurfaced in the United States as the new Irene O'Crowley Craigmile. Beyond age and style differences, other adjustments to her look were required to make it difficult for people to recognize who she used to be.

According to noted Forensic Anthropologist, Dr. Walter S. Birkby, who examined portions of the forensic analysis while it was still in progress, in order to identify the post-1940 Irene as the former Amelia Earhart, post-disappearance cosmetic surgeries she endured must be accounted for. Deviated septum rhinoplasty and skin-tucks that furrowed her brow took place, as did a reduction in the gap between her two front teeth. Amelia's visage was still there, though, as seen above to the right, with her post-disappearance adjustments eliminated. As Dr. Birkby put it: "Should it someday stand to be recognized in a factual manner that she indeed was the former Amelia Earhart, it's a sure bet she had some work done."


"Special recognition goes to Tod Swindell, who undertook an extensive, in-depth forensic analysis of [the post-war only] Irene O'Crowley Craigmile Bolam as compared to Amelia Earhart, to show the world they were one in the same person." USAF Colonel, Rollin C. Reineck (Ret.), from his book, Amelia Earhart Survived.


Yes, for decades now, Dr. Tom Crouch, later to be joined by Dorothy Cochrane, of the Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum, have commented to news media outlets about a variety of theories and suggestions that tried to explain Amelia Earhart's fate, all the while persuading them not to pay attention to the reality based account of Amelia's post-loss existence as "Irene O'Crowley Craigmile."
It is worth noting here, the Smithsonian Institution [a 'ward' and 'acting agent' of the U.S. federal government] has never conducted its own investigation into Amelia Earhart's disappearance and missing person case. In the meantime, as mentioned, it has also never strayed from automatically rejecting the never disproved assertion of Amelia Earhart surviving and changing her name -- even though since 1970, it has existed as a truth augmented by Amelia's own full-proof body evidence. This is because it has long been a tradition of the Smithsonian to demonstrate no accountability when it comes to the Amelia Earhart disappearance matter -- within its objective to keep the 'Earhart mystery football' in play.


Yes, as complicated as it was, it turned out that there were a total of 'three' different Twentieth Century women attributed to the same Irene O'Crowley Craigmile identity, with the former Amelia Earhart having been one of them.
As noted the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, who Amelia had known in the 1930s, gave birth to a son in 1934, who ended up being raised by a 'surrogate' mother figure. The surrogate mother 'Irene' is the one featured on the memorial dinner program cover. Below once again, she is shown in younger and older forms -- as positively identified in 2014 by the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile's son, Larry Heller. 


'Surrogate mother' Irene
O'Crowley Craigmile
(later 'Bolam') "1940s"


'Surrogate mother' Irene,
O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam, 


Digitally combined,
younger to older,
same person.


The original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile


What The Smithsonian Institution
Refuses To Publicly Acknowledge
About Irene O'Crowley Craigmile
Again, ever since Amelia Earhart's ongoing existence with a different name was made public in 1970, the Smithsonian Institution has consistently persuaded anyone who inquired about it not to take it seriously. It wasn't until the Twenty-First Century 'Amelia to Irene' human comparison analysis took place -- the first one to be done -- that the reality of Amelia's post-loss existence with the alternate name of, "Irene O'Crowley Craigmile" attributed to her came into focus. Beyond the physical and character traits match the analysis realized, once again the other significant way the reality of Amelia's name-changed existence was solidified, had to do with the analysis surfacing the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, who did not resemble Amelia.  

Contrary to anyone who claimed there was no physical resemblance, it turned out that the post-war Irene O'Crowley Craigmile and Amelia Earhart lined-up with exactitude when digitally compared. This included by way of Digital Face Recognition, head-to-toe height comparisons, appendage comparisons, and tear-duct to tear-duct alignments. Not to leave out, their character traits aligned as well, including handwriting, voice, habits, friendships, etc.
forensic giveaway also occurred by virtue of the analysis displaying how the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, who Amelia had known in the 1930s, and whose identity she assumed for herself to later use, bore no resemblance to Amelia. Notated as well, the original Irene was not the same person who appeared on the memorial dinner program cover, nor was it the former Amelia Earhart who appeared there, leaving a total of three different women who were historically attributed to the same 'Irene' identity.
Ultimately, the digital alignments that exacted the post-war only Irene O'Crowley Craigmile to Amelia Earhart were no coincidence... because the post-war only Irene used to be known as Amelia Earhart:


Post-1940 Irene & Amelia
digitally combined




Post-1940 Irene
& Amelia 


Post-1940 Irene
& Amelia 


Amelia in 1937 and the post-1940
Irene in 1965 digitally combined.
[Note before and after below.]


Amelia Earhart


Amelia Earhart



Digitally Combined


Digitally Combined


The former Amelia
Earhart in 1965.


The Former Amelia, 1965


The former Amelia Earhart
in 1977. She was known as
Irene O'Crowley Craigmile
after World War Two.

000001icbbwAB.jpg the former
Amelia Earhart
in 1965.


Almost a decade after she went missing, the former Amelia Earhart, shown above in 1946, resurfaced in the United States with a different look and a new name applied to her person, that of Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, making her the third person to use that same name and identity. Her front teeth 'gap' was gone, and where Amelia was known for her history of sinus troubles that featured two operations, according to Forensic Anthropologist, Dr. Walter S. Birkby, the slightly different nasal look may have been the result of a 'deviated septum rhinoplasty' procedure she underwent at some point after 1937, before she appeared as Irene. In such a procedure the nasal bridge cartilage is fractured and slightly pushed down to open the nasal passages, thus causing the nostrils to flare. Dr. Birkby also noted that as people age their 'noses and ears' continue to grow in more or lesser degrees depending on the individual. This certainly appeared to be noticeable with Amelia's mother and sister as they grew to old age. There is no longer any doubt that it is the former Amelia Earhart who is shown above. It is even obvious anymore, based on all of the forensic research and from a truthful human comparison standpoint. Indeed, today it is non-truthful to aver that Amelia Earhart wasn't who the post-war only Irene used to be.


Amelia Earhart, age 38 in 1935...


...transitions into...


...her future self in 1946, marking the 
return of, "the pilot in pearls." Her
different post-war look was essential.

Of Note: Everything you are observing here is reality based. Be advised, though, the Smithsonian Institution has yet to acknowledge it as real and continues to persuade people not to believe their eyes when they examine the Study results. This is because as an acting agent of the U.S. federal government, the Smithsonian (along with the National Geographic Society, if only by default where it tends to follow the Smithsonian's lead) has long served as a participant in the cover-up that hid the true outcome of Amelia Earhart's 1937 disappearance -- and what became of her afterward.  



"Your work relating to Amelia Earhart and Irene O'Crowley Craigmile is absolutely outstanding. There is no other way to describe it." Author-Amelia Earhart historian, Colonel Rollin C. Reineck, USAF (Ret.) in response to Tod Swindell's Amelia Earhart versus Irene O'Crowley Craigmile forensic research and comparison analysis.

Amelia Earhart, age twenty-six.
1923 into a mirror self-photo portrait. She would become famous in 1928.

Amelia Earhart, 1933

Amelia, 1928

Classic Amelia, the blend begins.

Orville Wright & Amelia

Gervais-Irene & former Amelia self
Two photos superimposed.
Gervais-Irene & former Amelia self
Gervais-Irene,1965 / Amelia,1933
Gervais-Irene & former Amelia self
Gervais-Irene,1963 / Amelia,1928
Gervais-Irene & former Amelia self
Gervais-Irene,1976 / Amelia,1932
Gervais-Irene & former Amelia self
As the Gervais-Irene, 1978 / as Amelia, 1929

The Gervais-Irene, FKA 'Amelia Earhart'
Candid photo taken at a 1964 ZONTA gathering

The Gervais-Irene & her former self
Superimposed congruence

Amelia Earhart
1932 Photo

"1923" according to the Tribune series above

Non Gerva