Thanks To A Forensic Study, The Truth Pertaining To What Became
Of Amelia Earhart Is Now Plain To See:
Amelia Earhart
Digital Composite
The post-1940 only Irene. [There was more than one Irene O'Crowley Craigmile.]
Irene O'Crowley Craigmile was
a Twentieth Century person who had known Amelia Earhart. The individual shown above in 1977, was only identified as Irene O'Crowley Craigmile from the 1940s on because she was not the original Irene
O'Crowley Craigmile. New research confirmed that the person above did not appear anywhere as "Irene"
prior to the 1940s. As well, the results issued by a forensic
comparison analysis have now made the former identity of the post-1940 only Irene displayed above,
easy to recognize:
In 1965, it was first suspected that
the distinguished looking person who was known as Irene O'Crowley Craigmile from the 1940s on, had
previously gone by the name of Amelia Earhart. In 1970, she was publicly accused of being the former Amelia
Earhart, yet she denied it within the context of a national news story and people were quick to believe her. At the time, few bothered to evaluate the full basis
of the accusation, nor did it register to anyone that the question that asked if the post-1940 only Irene was or wasn't the once world famous pilot going
by a different name, somehow missed being forensically addressed. Keep going to learn more about the relentless foundation of
this story, that was endlessly scorned by pseudo historians,
whom in turn influenced American pop-culture to not take the Amelia became known as Irene truth seriously
for half a century.
1966 by Fred Goerner
1970, The Joe Klaas book about
the Gervais, Dinger,
and Briand ten year investigation known as: 'Operation
1994, by Randall Brink, updated the previous work of Fred Goerner and Operation Earhart
the six books displayed above:
Hello. My name is Tod Swindell. I'm
a less than well-known artist, writer, and filmmaker who in the 1990s, began looking into Amelia Earhart's all but forgotten, missing
person case. It is now 2021, and for the past several
years the results of a research and comparison study that I orchestrated to test a decades-old, never disproved assertion
about Amelia Earhart, managed to consume my interest. The
reason I called for the study was simple: No one had done such a thing before, and I wanted to forensically ascertain if it
was actually true that Amelia Earhart survived her 1937 disappearance and lived to become known as Irene. This was
largely because of the six books displayed above. Four of them concluded that Amelia lived to become known as Irene, while
the other two that were published in 1966 and 1994, concluded that Amelia did live well past the date of her storied disappearance,
except they did not mention the name of 'Irene.' The
final two books, Rollin Reineck's and W.C. Jameson's, referenced my in-progress forensic study and agreed that its preliminary
findings were correct where they evidenced that Amelia did become known as Irene. Colonel Rollin Reineck, was a person I befriended along the way. He had studied Amelia Earhart's
disappearance for many years and already attested that she survived and went on to become known as Irene. In 2003,
Rollin was impressed by some of the initial study results I had achieved with help and guidance from Dr. Walter S. Birkby,
a noted forensic anthropologist. So much so, it inspired him to write his book, Amelia Earhart Survived. Rollin
credited my study in his book for, "making it plane for the world to see" that Amelia did become known
as Irene. Myself and Dr. Birkby tried to talk Rollin out of going forward with his book, though, because the study had a ways
to go before it would be finalized for public review. No matter, Rollin was a World War Two flying hero who was getting old,
and he wanted to make sure that he left behind his version of Amelia Earhart's disappearance and her later incognito return
to the United States. (Colonel Reineck died in 2007.) W. C. Jameson, on the other hand, derided my efforts. Although he agreed
that Amelia became known as Irene, he wrote of my study, that I had just submitted for copyright when his book came out in
2016, that it did nothing to influence his opinion. I believe that wasn't true. The Associated Press had written about my
work, some of it was displayed on the National Geographic Channel in 2006, and elements of it had been viewable over the internet
for several years before his book came out. I'll add that until I embarked on the study, the old Amelia became known
as Irene assertion had been dormant for decades. I never met author Robert Meyers, who came to know the former Amelia Earhart and averred that she confided
in him about her true past. Through author Randall Brink, I did meet
and become good friends with another World War Two flying hero, one Joseph A. Gervais, during the last decade of his life.
Joe's ten year investigation in the 1960s known as "Operation Earhart" had inspired the 1970 book, Amelia Earhart
Lives by Joe Klaas. Joe Gervais was the original person to meet and (somewhat candidly) photograph the former
Amelia Earhart, at a 1965 gathering of retired pilots in New York. It was there, to his own astonishment, that he instantly
recognized who she used to be through her post-1940 Irene veil. She rebuffed him, though, after she cited factual
errata in the book, Amelia Earhart Lives, that had attempted to out her. Joseph A. Gervais became a subject of
ridicule after that, but he never stopped insisting that she was the former Amelia Earhart, all the way to his dying
day in 2005. Now, thanks to a lot of hard work done by myself and others, a lot more about the Amelia-to-Irene truth is known. By the way, all of those other stories you've heard about Amelia;
that her bones were found on a desert island; that she was captured by Japan and executed for spying on its military installations;
or that with hours of fuel remaining she aimlessly flew on until her tanks ran dry -- thus causing her to spiral down into
the sea; they were all false claims issued by people who saw a way to financially capitalize on the so-called "mystery"
of Amelia's disappearance. The wikipedia page that states the Amelia became known as Irene
assertion was debunked in 2006, is also false there, not to mention misleading in other ways. The path of truth you're on here, however, continues below.
This old and grainy photograph from 1932,
listed Amelia climbing
on the wing, Jack Warren in the rear pilot seat, and the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile & Viola Gentry standing. The plane had just recently been purchased by the original Irene. Jack Warren, Viola's beau, was one of the original Irene's early flying instructors. Viola
Gentry, a famous pilot herself and a good friend of Amelia's would become a key figure in the Amelia-Irene story. Below is a 1932 photo of Amelia and Viola
together, taken
when Amelia returned from soloing the Atlantic.
Above, Amelia Earhart in 1931, next to
a Pitcairn Autogyro
she flew sponsored by Beech Nut Gum
From the 'digital comparisons' section of a forensic research analysis that deeply examined the
life stories of three 1930s' flying pals, Amelia Earhart, Viola Gentry, and Irene O'Crowley Craigmile,
the post-1940 only Irene's image and Amelia's image are shown together here in another digital composite:
Earhart in 1937...
begins to...
digitally transition into...
...the post-1940 Irene
in 1965
The comprehensive Amelia Earhart
and Irene O'Crowley Craigmile forensic research study and comparison analysis not only surfaced the reality of
more than one Twentieth Century person having been attributed to the same, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile identity; it also
left no doubt that the post-1940 only Irene O'Crowley Craigmile was previously known as, Amelia Earhart. Keep
going to learn more about this recently affirmed, and now wholesomely presented finality.
The photo below was taken by retired
Air Force Major
Joseph A. Gervais in 1965. By then, Amelia had been gone for 28 years and was no longer current in the public mindset. Between the new hair and dress styles, and the slight weight gain, it was hard to recognize her:
This photo of the post-1940 only
Irene was taken in East Hampton, New York. After she married Guy Bolam of England in 1958, she became known as Irene Bolam. The forensic study learned that she appeared
nowhere identified as 'Irene' prior to the 1940s. She did not emerge from out of nowhere, rather, she used to be known as Amelia
Earhart. When she was challenged about her past in 1970, the post-1940 only Irene declined
to admit who she used to be, choosing instead to adhere to her later-life assumed identity. Her following newspaper
quotes from that year verified her denial:
In November of 1970, a new book titled,
Amelia Earhart Lives caused quite a stir when it asserted that [the post-1940 only] Irene O'Crowley
Craigmile Bolam, was actually the still-living Amelia Earhart, sporting a different identity. The press had a field day
with it. Below are a few comments made by the flustered Mrs. Bolam to some reporters the day before she held a news conference
-- to deny the book's allegation that suggested she was the former Amelia Earhart -- even though Amelia Earhart indeed
was who she used to be.
After Amelia
Earhart Lives was published, as noted above, Mrs. Irene Bolam told the press that her maiden name had been Irene
O'Crowley, but when she earned her pilot's license in 1933, she was known as, Irene Craigmile. Amelia Earhart's sister, Muriel Earhart Morrissey, acknowledged in 1970 that she had "known"
Mrs. Bolam for many years, but insisted she was not her sister, Amelia, adding how Mrs. Bolam demonstrated, "practically
no physical resemblance" to Amelia. [The recent study results revealed that Muriel, who died in 1998, was obviously incorrect
with her "no physical resemblance" comment. It is certain anymore that Muriel was instrumental in helping to obscure
the truth of her sister's ongoing incognito existence as Irene.]
Amelia's sister, Muriel
Amelia Earhart's only sibling, her sister, Muriel Earhart Morrissey,
steadfastly denied that her later-life friend, [the post-1940 only] Irene, was actually her still-living sister,
Amelia, going by a different name.
Below, a newspaper article quoted Muriel's negative reaction to the claim about her friend, Irene, that surfaced
in the 1970 book, Amelia Earhart Lives.
Not long before Muriel
died in 1998, a contingency of Earhart researchers became aware of the fact that the 'Amelia became known as Irene' claim
was never really officially settled. In response to their rekindled pursuit of the controversy, Muriel once
again decried the effort. Here she is quoted again:
Note: The "women's club"
that Muriel mentioned she and Mrs. Bolam had both belonged to was the International Zonta Club of professional career women.
As shown in the clipping below that referred to the post-1940 only Irene, it was not until after World War Two that
the post-1940 only Irene joined the Zontas. (Muriel as well, did not become a Zonta member until after World War
Two.) When she was Amelia, however, she joined the Zonta's right after she became famous in 1928, and her Zonta membership
was still active when she went missing in 1937. The original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, (who further down is shown and written about) wasn't a career woman and was never a Zonta member. She also did not become a member of any
flying clubs in the 1930s, per the brevity of her days as a pilot. The following clipping, however, describes a few impressive
exploits of the post-1940 only Irene that exclusively took place after World War Two:
Few people recall that Amelia Earhart
was an extremely intelligent person with good business acumen, and that she also spoke several languages. This left her well
suited to become a Zonta International Relations chairperson in her later-life years when she was known as Irene.
Of note, that same 'International Relations' position was previously filled by the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile's
aunt, a well known New York and New Jersey attorney by the name of, Irene Rutherford O'Crowley. Attorney Irene was
a Zonta charter member who Amelia met and looked up to after she herself joined Zonta. It was Irene Rutherford O'Crowley who
introduced her niece, the original Irene, to Amelia. The linchpin of Attorney Irene Rutherford O'Crowley having brought
her niece's desire to become a pilot to Amelia's attention in 1932, also surfaced in the research portion of the analysis.
Below, throughout her adult life, the
original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile's aunt, Attorney Irene Rutherford O'Crowley, was often featured in newspaper stories
that covered her various attainments. The story on the left ran in 1928, the year she met Amelia Earhart. The story on the
right ran in 1963. Note: Attorney Irene Rutherford O'Crowley played a pivotal role in keeping her niece's identity
'alive' for Amelia to use from the 1940s on. Attorney Irene and her mother, Sarah, had raised the original Irene from
age twelve on.
It's of little surprise, really,
that when the post-1940 only Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, AKA the former Amelia Earhart, faced the
press in 1970, Attorney Irene Rutherford O'Crowley was still very much alive at the time, but she was not sought for comment
and she issued no statement.
Meet the original Irene
O'Crowley Craigmile:
The original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, who Amelia
Earhart knew and had flown with in the early 1930s, looked nothing like Amelia:
This 1930
dated newspaper photo features the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, shown between her husband, Charles James
Craigmile (left) and her father, Richard Joseph O'Crowley.
Tragedy struck the original
Irene O'Crowley Craigmile's life in 1931, when her husband of three years, Charles James Craigmile, suddenly died:
After her husband died, the original
Irene O'Crowley Craigmile decided to become a pilot. With Amelia's and Viola Gentry's encouragement, she purchased a plane
in 1932, and she earned her wings in 1933. In fact, she was a pretty good pilot for awhile, and through Amelia and Viola she
befriended the small, elite group of lady fliers that flew out of Long Island, New York's Roosevelt and Floyd Bennett Airfields.
She also moved to Brooklyn from New Jersey.
An old newspaper
photo of the original
Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, shown next
to her plane in 1933.
It was no small
feat for any pilot in 1933, to fly a single engine, two-seater plane to Chicago from Long Island, New York.
In 1967, an elderly, retired pilot by
the name of Elmo Pickerill, recalled the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile from the early 1930s, in the following
Strangely, approximate to when Amelia
Earhart went 'missing' in the late 1930s, the original Irene
O'Crowley Craigmile as well, was no longer evident.
In time, clear photo evidence of the original Irene had also been removed from circulation. Whatever became
of the original Irene is not publicly known, but it is certain anymore that Amelia Earhart had continued
to live-on after she was declared missing during the pre-dawn era of World War Two, and in due-time she
was able to assume the original Irene's leftover identity for herself to use... for the remainder of her
days. Any further, this reality of what became of Amelia Earhart after she went missing in 1937, exists
as an obvious truth to behold. The accumulated over time forensic research evidence that supports it
is non-contestable.
[See more digital comparisons further
"The forensic studies are very convincing. She was not an ordinary housewife
as she claimed. She was influential, knew many well placed people and was well traveled." From an Associated Press article by Ron Staton, John Bolam refers to early results from the 21st Century Amelia-to-Irene forensic comparison analysis
orchestrated by Tod Swindell. John
Bolam was the generation younger brother
of the post-1940 only Irene's British husband, Guy Bolam. He died
in 2008, not long after making the above statement.
"All one has to
do is realize that the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile was a real person who knew Amelia Earhart in the 1930s --
but that she did not look like Amelia -- while understanding at the same time how the post-1940 only Irene O'Crowley
Craigmile, proved to be congruent to Amelia Earhart in a head-to-toe manner, and the truth suddenly reveals itself."
Tod Swindell
The 'Irene' Controversy Originally Surfaced:-
1970 book, Amelia Earhart Lives, by Joe Klaas,
focused on the results of 'Operation Earhart', a ten-year investigation of Amelia's 1937 disappearance -- that concluded by
boldly asserting the post-1940 only Irene O'Crowley Craigmile (later, 'Bolam'), shown above next to the book,
had previously been known as, Amelia Earhart.
The post-1940 only Irene was
blindsided by Amelia Earhart Lives, and she was quick to denounced it. People ended up making fun of Operation
Earhart's assertion about her as well, after she deliberately convinced the curious it was outlandish to even suggest
that her long ago friend, Amelia Earhart, somehow survived her 1937 disappearance and went on to be known by another name. I
have studied this issue for a long time and I am here to inform all that anymore, mocking the simple notion of Amelia
Earhart continuing to live-on after she was declared missing, and later opting to change her name, is no longer judicious.
To be sure, it never was judicious. The idea of Amelia Earhart changing her name, especially after experiencing whatever
she endured during her war-time period of absence, was never as far-fetched as some individuals made it out to be, nor was
it an outlandish suggestion, especially given all that was left unknown about her world flight outcome. Hindsight
now shows that Amelia's survival and name change to Irene was not only true, but it was the product of a well thought
out endeavor, the end result of which, that of Amelia Earhart veritably replacing the original Irene O'Crowley
Craigmile, was a reality that was never supposed to be known by the general public, and nobody knew that better than
the former Amelia Earhart herself. In 1970, the book Amelia Earhart Lives apparently
did catch the living, former Amelia Earhart off guard. When it did, she saw no other choice but to deny her
true past in order to preserve her privacy, and no doubt as well, to avoid causing much confusion and conflict, that admitting
who she used to be surely would have done. Anymore it is completely evident, though, that beyond a variety of reckless suppositions
the book, Amelia Earhart Lives presented, that enabled the former Amelia to pick it apart, it was still correct
where it asserted that Amelia Earhart survived her disappearance, and lived to become known as, 'Irene.' Tod Swindell
Above: The former Amelia Earhart faces the press
in 1970. She denounced the contents of the book, Amelia Earhart Lives, denied her true past, and people believed her.
Amazingly, however, no one back then thought to compare her to Amelia. Decades later, researcher Tod Swindell's study of Amelia's
life story became the first such effort to include an Amelia to Irene, forensic comparison analysis.
Amelia Earhart
Digital Composite
The former Amelia
as 'Irene'
Again, the post-1940 only Irene
O'Crowley Craigmile
looked nothing like the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, because she used to
be known as, Amelia Earhart.
Above is another digital
composite of Amelia Earhart and the
post-1940 only Irene O'Crowley Craigmile (Bolam), from the first-ever 'Amelia versus Irene' comparison analysis. [The study issued many comparisons.]
Above, the cover of Shirley
Dobson Gilroy's classic 1985, "artistic
tribute to Amelia Earhart"
book, Amelia / Pilot In Pearls
The results of a long-term, comprehensive forensic research analysis that studied Amelia Earhart's
life story and her 1937 disappearance and missing person case in a revolutionary kind of way are presented
here, and they display the veritable truth pertaining to what became of Amelia after she went missing. Amelia Earhart aficionados
were already familiar with the unresolved, Amelia/Irene controversy from the 1970s. The analysis results confirmed that the
top of the page photo portrait shows the former Amelia Earhart in 1977, who lived the remainder of her days in
the United States with the identity of Irene O'Crowley Craigmile applied to her person. It now exists as a forensic
reality, that from the 1940s on, the former Amelia Earhart was known as, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, until
1958, when she married Guy Bolam, of England, that updated her name to, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile Bolam. [From 1958
on she was more commonly known as, "Mrs. Irene Bolam" or "Mrs. Guy Bolam".] Amelia Earhart knew and had flown with
the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile in the early 1930s. After the original Irene endured a tough decade,
though, by the late 1930s she no longer appeared. You will find out more about the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile
as you continue reviewing the analysis results displayed here. You will also further ascertain for yourself how from the 1940s
on, even though the person featured in the top portrait photo was legally known as Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, (and later,
'Bolam') she definitely was not the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile. Rather, she was the former Amelia
Earhart, according to the
forensic research discoveries and comparison results the analysis delivered.
Amelia Earhart in 1937, right before
she purportedly,
disappeared without a trace. ~~~
If you cannot fathom the truth about what became of Amelia Earhart by way of the analysis
results displayed here, it is most likely because your care worn Earhart soul won't permit you to.
Your chance to recognize the truth about Amelia, though, is by being considerate to what my in-depth analysis discovered about
her, as opposed to dismissing it all out of hand. The people who have been Earhart educated in misleading
directions will likely influence you in a 'don't believe what you see here' kind
of way, as will stodgy historians that will tell you to disregard the now plain to observe reality that shows
what became of Amelia Earhart after she went missing. Notwithstanding
the number of false Earhart platitudes out there -- that conflicts a person's
ability to maintain a sense of proportion about Amelia Earhart -- it is your right, if you wish to keep learning about the
truth, to continue on here. Tod Swindell, 2021
Note About A Person's Looks Throughout her famous career, Amelia Earhart demonstrated a variety of looks. Below left is the same photo of her taken during
her 1937 world flight, just
before she went missing. Yet, when
compared to the 1932
photograph in the center and the 1928 far right photos, it's not so easy to recognize that they all display the same person. [Food for thought when comparing individuals and their
different looks.]
all Amelia...
~~~ The
Origin Of The Now Recognizable Truth About Amelia
Earhart Few recall
the contentious, never resolved story from 1970, about an assertion that stated Amelia Earhart continued to survive
after she was declared missing in 1937, and how she was later discovered in the U.S. living
under an assumed identity:
November of 1970 Headlines:
The University of Texas at Dallas, that houses a special collection of U.S. aviation historical
research, recently cited that Amelia's survival in the described manner above was plausible given the amount of
credible evidence that supported it. Keep going to find out why, and what more results from the new, comprehensive analysis
learned about the shared Twentieth Century identity of, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile (Bolam). Note: Wikipedia's "Irene Craigmile Bolam" page presents a falsified brief about
the never resolved 'Amelia became Irene' assertion, where it suggests the Irene identity controversy
was settled using known facts about her life, and by way of a forensic detective hired by the National Geographic Society
in 2006. The study learned that the National Geographic Society never hired a forensic detective that delivered a final conclusion
about Irene's life-long identity, and facts about the original Irene, who had known Amelia in the 1930s, are easy for
anyone to trace. It is important to point out that there is
no record of any forensically drawn conclusion that stated Amelia Earhart did not live to become known as, 'Irene
O'Crowley Craigmile (Bolam)' in her later life years. So wikipedia's page is misleading where it implies such a thing. In the meantime, an overwhelming preponderance of both forensic and circumstantial evidence accumulated
in decades gone by indicates that Amelia did live on after she went missing, and at some point, for reasons only
she and very few others understood, she assumed the leftover identity of a person she used to know, whose name was Irene
O'Crowley Craigmile. ~~~
to the forensic analysis results, at some point the post-1940 only Irene assumed the original Irene's leftover
identity. As well, also according to the analysis results, there were a total
of three different women attributed to the same Irene O'Crowley Craigmile identity, as displayed
below. Note: Clear photo records of the original Irene
were removed from circulation long ago. J. Edgar Hoover made sure of it.
Thanks to the analysis results, it is now fairly easy for one to recognize with a naked eye, that the above younger
to older images are those of the three different people who were attributed to the same Twentieth Century identity of Irene
O'Crowley Craigmile. Individually they were: 1.) The original Irene. 2.) The surrogate mother Irene, and
3.) The post-1940 only Irene.
A Quick Look Back 'The History of the Mystery' As we enter 2021 after a most trying year,
anymore it seems that people are bored with the subject of Amelia Earhart's odd 1937 disappearance. In recent decades,
to regenerate public curiosity, a variety of organizations and theorists, (a few shown below; the oldest being TIGHAR and
the newest being the 2017 upstart, Chasing Earhart) took to promoting myriad theories to the news media,
within their attempts to offer a solution to the 'mystery' cloud that continued to hover over the legendary pilot's fate.
Of little surprise, it turned out that none of their varied conclusions were correct. However, another
accredited researcher, Tod Swindell, who deftly avoided media adulation, quietly approached Amelia Earhart's disappearance
and missing person case forensically. The results of his work are detailed beneath the following once
promoted but now discarded theories.
Richard Gillespie of Tighar, 'learned what happened'; said Amelia flew south of the Equator to a desert island, died a castaway, and was eaten by small land crabs.
Elgen Long, of Nauticos, said he 'solved the mystery': Claimed Amelia flew in an uncertain direction after missing Howland, and she went down in the ocean at unknown coordinates.
Mike Campbell said he found, 'the truth at last'; Claimed Amelia died in captivity within a ruthless Nippon military culture.
Richard Martini of "Earhart's Electra" felt he, 'knew the answer'; Amelia was executed on Saipan by a small Japanese firing squad.
The New, 'Paradigm Shift' Alternative
After decades
of intense study, what does Tod Swindell profess to know
about Amelia Earhart's old missing person case -- and
a forgotten controversy in relationship to it? A lot. Enough to where the differing conclusions offered by past Amelia
Earhart theorists were deemed anachronistic with one long ago, prematurely dismissed exception. Here's
why: A forensic analysis
he orchestrated with human identity experts, proved instrumental in discovering never before known realities about an infamous
assertion from the 1970s, that stated Amelia Earhart privately lived on for years under an assumed identity after she was
declared "missing" in 1937, and "dead in absentia" in 1939. To begin with,
until the analysis took place, it was not known that a formidable woman known as, Mrs. Irene Bolam, who in the
1970s had been called-out as the former Amelia Earhart, had a physicality about her that proved to be congruent to
Amelia Earhart's physicality. It wasn't known because Mrs. Bolam was never actually compared to Amelia Earhart
before the analysis took place. After the analysis did take place, when the results were combined with the additional corroborating
information that had previously surfaced, (such as the accounts given by Monsignor Kelley, previewed directly below) it became
forensically clear that Amelia did survive and in time became known as Irene.
The post-1940 Irene (FKA Earhart) dining with Monsignor Kelley
all she'd been through she didn't want to be the famous Amelia Earhart anymore." Monsignor James Francis Kelley, 1987
Monsignor James Francis Kelley [1902-1996] held PhD's in philosophy and psychology. He admitted to having counseled Amelia in the 1940s, and helping
with her
identity change as well.
The post-1940 only Irene, (FKA Earhart) above on the right, did not like it when people candidly took her picture. Her expression here appeared
to make that abundantly clear. The dark haired gal with the gray streak in the photo was Gertrude Kelley Hession, Monsignor
James Francis Kelley's sister, who was a regular 1970s traveling companion of Irene's after Guy Bolam died. This photo was
taken in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, in 1976. (Note the digital composites below.)
Ever evasive to
the press, when asked about the identity controversy
that concerned his friend, Irene, Monsignor Kelley was quoted in 1982 in the New Jersey Tribune this way:
information about the post-1940 Irene and her 1970s' friendship with LPGA promoter, Peter Busatti:
Above: The post-1940 Irene and Peter
Busatti, 1978
Above left is the post-1940 Irene O'Crowley
Craigmile; above center is the post-1940 Irene and Amelia digitally combined; above right is
a rare profile photo of Amelia Earhart, taken just before she went missing.
Busatti said he accompanied Mrs. Bolam to the Wings Club in New York City
on one occasion. He said a full length portrait of Amelia Earhart hangs in the room dedicated in her honor. ""It
was a dead ringer for Irene,"" he said. ""Sometimes I thought she was [the former Amelia]
and sometimes I thought she wasn't. Once when I asked her directly she replied, "When I die you'll find out,""
Busatti said. At a Wings Club event
in Washington, Busatti mentioned how, ""All the admirals and generals seemed to know her.""
Excerpted from a 1982 New Jersey Tribune article. When interviewed, Peter Busatti openly commented about his suspicion
that his friend, the post-1940 Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam, used to be known as Amelia Earhart.
The above 'hot air balloon' newspaper photo taken in 1979, features Irene
O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam [FKA 'Amelia'] accompanied by famous golfer, Kathy Whitworth. Especially
in the 1970s, after taking over to manage her company's accounts, to include for her main client, Radio Luxembourg, the former
Amelia Earhart was simply known as 'Irene Bolam' to friends and associates of hers. In the meantime she had also grown to
be respected and admired by important people not only in the United States--but internationally as well.
Those who were aware of who she used to be, of course, never talked much about her, such as her friend, Senator Barry Goldwater,
who in her later life years she shared her ongoing love of photography with. Senator Goldwater himself was a great pilot
who distinguished himself that way in World War Two.
Anymore, reality states that the woman above was not the original
Irene O'Crowley Craigmile. Rather, she was known as 'Amelia Earhart' for the first half of her life, and then as 'Irene' for
the last half of her life. To not recognize this is to not recognize the truth when it comes to what became of Amelia Earhart
after she went missing in 1937.
from the Orchestrator of the Forensic Analysis
Tod Swindell and 'Gibson' in 2016
For clarification, I am not, nor
have I ever claimed to be a certified forensic expert, but to learn and better understand forensic comparison applications,
I educated myself by reading about them, meeting and consulting with forensic detectives, with forensic anthropologists, with
physicians, with a voice comparison specialist, and with a document examiner. Ultimately, by the time I finished my forensic endeavoring,
twenty-years of a learning process had transpired as I applied various comparison techniques I became familiarized with to
the dated, yet never settled, did Amelia become known as Irene question. I began my 'forensic comparison journey'
in 1997. I first registered portions of my research at the Writers Guild of America in 1998, then again under the MSS title
of Protecting Earhart in 2004, 2008, 2012, & 2016, revising it along the way. I copyrighted my MSS in 2014, and
then again in 2017, with the forensic visual elements added to it. I am now in the process of launching a new website platform
while producing a trailer for my upcoming documentary, and am preparing my Protecting Earhart MSS
for final publication. Hocus-pocus
has never characterized my work, or "hokum", as it was once accused of being by one of Amelia's living relatives.
I was never prone to trickery or fraud, or chicanery or frame. I just let the chips fall. In recent years I have been unfavorably written about in newer
Amelia Earhart books. As well, various media outlets, starting with the National Geographic Channel in 2006, took to downplaying
my forensic accomplishments. That never bothered me much, really, because it wasn't until 2020, the horrid year of the Covid
19 outbreak, that I finally started to feel I was ready to go public with my epic, Amelia-to-Irene forensic journey...
and the full results it achieved. This included its discovery of the unrealized fact that three Twentieth Century
women were attributed to the same 'Irene' identity, with the post-1940 only Irene being the one who matched Amelia.
I suppose that amid the fog of 2020, I decided it might provide a good, and possibly enlightening public distraction
to come forward with this new information. I attest that my efforts handily display a forensic reality about Amelia Earhart, pertaining to a truth about
her that has been ignored ever since it first surfaced five decades ago. That's right. In 1970, our national news media alerted our country of this very same
truth about Amelia's post-loss survival as Irene, only to see it be categorically shouted-down without being disproved.
[Note: A self proclaimed Earhart fanatic, Dr. Alex Mandel of Ukraine, outright fabricated in his 2007 posted,
"Irene Craigmile Bolam" wikipedia page, where he wrote that the Irene in question's 'life history' was, "thoroughly
documented, eliminating any possibility she was Earhart," and that a Nat Geo forensic detective "concluded"
that the 'Amelia became known as Irene' postulation was false. Trust knowing, Dr. Mandel marshaled some
loose information that he twisted into lies there.] If you cannot fathom the truth about what became of Amelia Earhart by way of my work,
again it is most likely because your care worn Earhart soul disallows you to. Your best chance to recognize
it, though, is by giving serious consideration to my analysis results instead of dismissing them all out of hand, as less
Earhart-educated individuals will influence you to, or people who simply wish to leave the now observable reality about Amelia,
alone. It's up to you. Otherwise, my own reward of truth came by way of the incredible journey I
traveled to get to it. For what it's worth, I am thankful for choosing the path less chosen when I came to my Amelia Earhart fork
in the road, for it did make all the difference. Tod Swindell - 2021 "The journey is the reward." Tao
Review: Mrs. Bolam's Press Conference
off guard, but wielding a strong and certain voice, Mrs.
Bolam stood alone while reading a statement prepared by her attorney. She admonished the assertion that said she was really Amelia Earhart, then held her ground while briefly answering a few questions. She concluded by strongly denouncing
the book, Amelia Earhart Lives, and left the room. Except, the story about her true past was far from over.
Continuing on... It
turned out that the fairly enigmatic, Mrs. Irene O'Crowley Craigmile Bolam, was a jet-setting international businesswoman
who in 1958, married Guy Bolam of England, the person who originally founded the business she ran. Beyond facing the
press to challenge the McGraw-Hill Company, Amelia Earhart Lives author, Joe Klaas, and Joseph A. Gervais, whose ten
year investigation had inspired Klaas to write about it, Mrs. Bolam followed-up with a defamation lawsuit against them.
Below: The indomitable Mrs.
Irene Bolam
Irene O'Crowley Craigmile Bolam Versus McGraw-Hill
The Irene Bolam versus McGraw-Hill
defamation case that lasted from 1971 to 1976, was more complex than people realized. Mrs. Bolam had claimed to be an ordinary
New Jersey housewife, although in actuality, she was a world traveler who presided over 'Guy Bolam Associates' that sported
major global clients, to include Radio Luxembourg.
Mrs. Bolam rejected the book's implication about her, the press conference she held and her subsequent lawsuit did not put
an end to her 'real identity' controversy. True, in the years that followed, strangely enough even the New York State legal system (see below) was not able to determine if she was or wasn't the former
Amelia Earhart. In fact, few people realized that the controversy over Mrs. Irene Bolam's life-long identity never came
close to being settled in a forensic kind of way.
2009 "Lou Foudray
calls the investigative research of Gervais and Swindell, ""Just the tip of the Iceberg.""
"All the evidence all put together, I feel like she [Amelia]
did survive. I think she survived and came back to the United States, but that she wanted her privacy."
Lou Foudray, Amelia Earhart Historian and former proprietor
of the Amelia Earhart Birthplace Museum in Atchison, Kansas, is quoted from interviews conducted
by Lara Moritz of KMBC TV, Kansas City, and by The Topeka Kansas Capital-Journal's, Jan Biles.
Mrs. Foudray believed that the combined research of Joseph A. Gervais and the in-progress forensic analysis orchestrated by
Tod Swindell, had already provided enough proof to conclude that Amelia Earhart had survived after she went missing,
and that in time she became known as, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile (and later, 'Bolam'.) She also correctly projected
that there was much to the story that remained unknown, by way of her, "tip of the iceberg" anology.
Some reporters kept tracking the curious,
unresolved case of who Irene Bolam really was, or used to be. The reason the controversy over her identity was
never fully settled was found in the forensic analysis that ended up displaying how more than one Twentieth Century
woman had been attributed to the same, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile Bolam identity. It also revealed that the
Irene who faced the press in 1970, appeared nowhere identified as 'Irene' prior to the 1940s. In short, she was not
the original Irene, who is shown again here:
Above, the former Amelia Earhart,
AKA, the post-1940 only Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam, faced the press in 1970 to defend her honor and dignity, and her right to keep on living the
private life she had grown accustomed to. That's easy enough to understand and accept. The bottom line, however, is that she
was not the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, and she was well aware of that.
In the decades that followed 1970,
Joseph A. Gervais (above) continued to be interviewed on television, all the while insisting, no matter what anyone else said
or believed, that the 'Irene Bolam' who he met and photographed in 1965, most definitely was the former Amelia Earhart. He died in 2005, having never disavowed his certainty about it, and in the end, Tod
Swindell's forensic research and comparison analysis proved him correct.
Tod Swindell and Joseph A. Gervais in
More About How The Original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile became a pilot with help from Amelia and Viola Gentry:
Note: After Charles
James Craigmile died of a sudden illness in 1931, as noted his widow, the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, who through her attorney aunt had met
Amelia Earhart before, was swept under the wings of Amelia and Amelia's well-known pilot friend, Viola Gentry, in pursuit
of her new dream of learning to fly airplanes:
Amelia Earhart in 1921. In 1928, when she was thirty
years old she
suddenly became famous. Soon after that she met the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile through Irene's aunt, a noted attorney by the name of Irene Rutherford O'Crowley.
Above, Viola Gentry in 1927. She came to know the original Irene through Amelia
Earhart. Viola Gentry
was famous for her endurance
flying and stunt flying.
The original Irene O'Crowley
Craigmile, shown next to her plane in
1932. The following Spring she earned her pilot's license, but her future
as a pilot was interrupted right
after she did that.
As an unexpected twist of fate
had it, just after the original Irene earned her pilot's license in mid-1933, she became pregnant out of wedlock, an issue that naturally interrupted her new
life as a pilot. She went on to deliver
a baby boy in early 1934, yet by the late 1930s, her son, (whose father was estranged) was being raised by a 'nanny' mother figure whom he grew up believing to be his biological mother.
The original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile's pilot license was not renewed beyond 1937, and to this day her ultimate fate remains unclear. All that is known in a forensic way is that by the late 1930s,
when her son was 3 to 5 years old, the original Irene was no longer evident. Her leftover identity, however, helped Amelia
Earhart to become the non-public person
that she had missed being during her fame years. Before Amelia left on her 1937 world flight, she was sure to announce
it would be her last flight of any significance, and she turned the attention of news reporters toward her pilot friend, Jackie
Cochran, proclaiming that Jackie stood to be America's new female aviation heroine going forward. Attesting
to this less-known fact, while Amelia prepped for her world flight in the Spring of 1937, she and Jackie Cochran flew together
to Dayton, Ohio, where a slew of reporters and photographers anxiously awaited a glimpse of Amelia's new Lockheed Electra.
When interviewed there, Amelia announced she was "retiring from stunt flying" and she proclaimed there was, "a
new first lady of the air" as quoted directly here by Dale Francis of the Dayton Journal Herald:
Jackie Cochran went on to receive
the Harmon Trophy as the top female aviator the following year, (1938) and she served gallantly as the head of World War Two's,
Women's Air Service Pilots division. Not to omit, she would later become the first woman to break the sound barrier,
and as a good friend of Chuck Yeager's, she once aspired to become the first female astronaut. Of Amelia, Jackie later wrote
in her autobiography, "God, the world hounded that woman after she became famous," and before Amelia left on her
world flight, Jackie wrote, "I was closer to Amelia than anybody." Some considered it was no accident that Jackie Cochran
became the first American woman to set foot in Japan after VJ Day. One of them was Amelia Earhart researcher and author, Rollin
C. Reineck, who recorded an interview he conducted with Monsignor James Francis Kelley, in 1991, that included the following
exchange: REINECK: "We believe Jackie Cochran was sent to Japan to help bring Amelia home. Are you aware of that?" KELLEY:
"Yes, I was involved with that." Jackie mentioned that she was ordered to head
to war-torn Japan by military brass right after the second atom bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, to, "write a story for
Liberty Magazine about the way Japanese women participated in the air war." That reason of course, would have had no
practical sense of urgency at the time, but no one questioned it, and her real mission to bring home the survived
Amelia Earhart would not be connected to her trip until the late 1960s. In the early 1980s,
to one Donald Dekoster, a trusted acquaintance of Monsignor Kelley's, Mr. Dekoster quoted the Monsignor having mentioned to
him about Amelia, "After all she'd been through she didn't want to be the famous Amelia Earhart anymore." He also
reaffirmed later that Monsignor Kelley had described to him how he had received Amelia after the war and counseled her, and
that he helped with her identity change to 'Irene.'
Note: It seems clear enough that it did become known by U.S. military intelligence at some
point during the war years, that Amelia was still alive overseas, although it seems equally clear that Amelia had grown tired
of the attention she constantly received before she left on her world flight, and that she was intent on seeking peace for
herself after she completed it, and apparently, she never let go of that vision. To gain some insight toward the way Amelia
regarded the world fame that she achieved during her flying career, consider the following quote from one of her biographers,
Doris Rich: "Over the nine years spanning her first and last transoceanic flights,
Amelia Earhart became one of the most famous women in the world. The private Amelia disliked that fame intensely." From author-historian, Doris Rich's 1989 biography of Amelia Earhart.
~~~ About
The "post 1940 only Irene" Moniker The analysis discovered
that the post-1940 only
Irene O'Crowley Craigmile (Bolam) was not identifiable anywhere as 'Irene' prior to the 1940s. When combined with its other realizations, hindsight revealed that the post-1940 only
Irene's past identity
question emerged in 1970 as a valid controversy -- that became obfuscated by endless deliberating -- thus enabling the former Amelia Earhart
to continue on living the post-World War Two era 'private life' she'd grown accustomed to, and so obviously preferred not
to abandon.
Two Friends...
Above: Eleanor Roosevelt and Amelia Earhart
in 1933. The two
became friends after they met. Below is a digital composite of Amelia's above image and a 1965 taken photo of the post-1940 only Irene O'Crowley Craigmile (Bolam).
~~~ -
"It is nearly impossible even for families to recognize a loved one
after thirty years of absence, so greatly has the self altered. And a little reflection upon the changing quality of consciousness
is sure to give us some insight into the numberless selves our surface minds and egos have become since first appearing in
the world." Philosopher Uell Stanley Andersen (1917-1986)
the post-1940 only Irene O'Crowley Craigmile Bolam in 1965. her look here may not remind us of her former life, yet there is
no question anymore
that she did used to be known as Amelia
~~~ An Executive Branch Quandary Even A War Couldn't End
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
find excerpts from a document generated by the White House nine months after Amelia Earhart was declared a missing
person. The full transcript it came from concerned information President Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration withheld
that pertained to what actually happened to the famous pilot:
To this day no explanation has been given to account for the above recorded words, but it is now
certain that Amelia Earhart continued to live-on well past July 2, 1937, the date she went missing. Here, one can understand
why the secrecy that concerned what really happened to Amelia in July of 1937, and what became of her afterward, managed to
remain in tact.
Note: The spirit of forensically recognizing and accepting the truth about what
became of Amelia Earhart, was not born from an idea suggesting FDR's administration used bad judgment during the pre-dawn era of World War Two, when it optioned not to publicly disclose
what it learned about the outcome of Amelia's failed world flight attempt.
~~~ Issued in 1987 by the Republic of the Marshall Islands: Below is a 50th Anniversary
commemorative stamp depicting Japan's Imperial Navy rescuing Earhart and Noonan, and recovering Amelia's plane. This occurred at the same time the second Sino-Japanese
War was commencing, that served as a precursor to World War Two. Whatever went wrong with the duo's flight plan, it put the White House in a tough spot since the U.S. was against Japan's invasion of China. The United States general public was conditioned not
to recognize the Marshalls' version of Amelia Earhart's world flight ending from the time it was first evidenced to a variety of United States soldiers who had been sent to serve in World War Two's Pacific theater.
Below, this Associated Press article
lead-in appeared in 2002. Ever
since the World War Two era, different, 'Amelia ended up in the Marshalls' accounts akin to this one kept surfacing. Sadly, in the United States, few seem to care much about this reality based
version of Amelia Earhart's world flight ending:
Especially in
recent decades, people have been cajoled (or misled) into looking for Amelia's plane above all else, even though
the sad reality is, her plane will never be found by privately organized and funded expeditions. ~~~
"While I do believe
that Amelia Earhart ended her world flight quest in the lower Marshall Islands, I do not believe that she was a spy when she
was 'picked up' there by Japan, the Marshall's governing authority when her world flight took place. I do consider, though,
where James Donahue's British Connection research from the 1980s comes into play, and statements made by Lockheed
employees that referenced how an additional plane similar to Amelia's had been readied to also participate in her world flight
plan, that there possibly was another man and woman flight team in some other plane, that while doing reconnaissance over
the Marshalls adjacent to Amelia's "civilian" flight plan, had encountered trouble and went down there. Where the
White House transcript cited that Amelia disregarded all orders, this may have been relative to Amelia
unexpectedly rerouting her flight and heading to the Marshall's in an effort to help the downed fliers, one of whom may
have been the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile. (The original Irene was a competent pilot who had known Amelia, and Amelia was not shy and spoke some Japanese.) Unfortunately, the
move backfired when Amelia learned the other
plane had been shot down and the pilots did not survive, and she also realized she was viewed by Japan's military as a diversion
'accomplice' to the other plane's illicit activities, thus prompting her detainment, and eventually leading to the official
silence that would always be maintained toward the matter by the governments of the United States and Japan."
Tod Swindell
"Numerous investigations foundered
on official silence in Washington and Tokyo, leaving the true fate of Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan an everlasting mystery." 1982, aviation historians, Marylin Bender and Selig Altschul on the
1937 disappearance and subsequent missing person cases of Amelia Earhart, and her navigator, Fred Noonan, quoted from their
book, The Chosen Instrument.
Above is Amelia Earhart in 1928, the year she instantly became famous. Nine years later, in 1937, she purportedly disappeared without a trace, and
according to history
she was never seen again. Many documented World War Two 'Pacific Theater' servicemen from the U.S. and Japan, along
with South Sea Islands'
government officials and residents, disagreed with history there. They commonly stated, based on the eyewitness
accounts of people who saw Amelia alive overseas after she was declared missing, and on other corroborating testimonials,
that Amelia Earhart lived-on
well after the date of her so called, disappearance. From the 1960s' on, several investigations
that were conducted also agreed with this conclusion. Throughout the war years, Amelia's mother, Amy Otis Earhart, also insisted
that her daughter was still alive overseas based on information she'd privately been made aware of.
Again, above is Amelia Earhart (left)
and Viola Gentry, two good
pilot friends in the 1930s, who both knew and helped the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile to earn her wings.
By the late 1930s,
however, the original Irene was gone, and to this day it remains unclear what her ultimate fate was. Reusing a few photos, the box below has more on this trio:
The original Irene O'Crowley
Craigmile, again shown next to her plane
in 1933. She was commonly
referred to as, 'Irene Craigmile' as listed below:
Again, Amelia Earhart, before she became famous. Eight years after she met the original
Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, Amelia Earhart was declared a missing person. Then in 1939, to release her estate to her next of kin, she was legally declared, 'dead
in absentia' after
no certain explanation to account for what became of her could be given.
Above, Viola Gentry, "The Flying Cashier." She and the original Irene lived in the same Brooklyn apartment building for awhile. Viola often invited the original Irene to events she attended, like this one in 1933:
Another 1933 press notice telling of Viola Gentry entertaining Lady Drummond Hay of England, along with the original Irene Craigmile and other pilots. Note: Pearl Pellaton lived in the same 316 Rutland Rd apartment building in Brooklyn that the original Irene and Viola did.
The above 1932 Akron, Ohio newspaper
photo featured Amelia
Earhart (outlined in white), Viola Gentry (outlined in gray), next to the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, (outlined in black.) Reprinted from today's available
newspaper archive, when enlarged, the original Irene's facial image is the only one in the group with no discernible
Viola Gentry, who maintained Amelia was still alive after she went missing in 1937, was among the
individuals who continued to know Amelia -- after Amelia assumed the original Irene's leftover identity. The same goes for Amelia's sister, Muriel. However, they never publicly acknowledged who
their later-life friend, 'Irene' used to be. Instead, both strongly contested the suggestion whenever they were asked about
There may have been
more to the McGraw-Hill publishing controversies that took place in 1971, and their relationship
to Amelia Earhart's old 'missing person' case than was realized at the time, and once again, where so, Viola Gentry may have
figured in. That one of the most reputable publishing houses in the world would issue consecutive
books that dialed in on the life of Howard Hughes, and then quickly withdraw them both, is somewhat odd in itself. The first
book was Amelia Earhart Lives, that threaded a theorized level of involvement that Howard Hughes possibly had in covering
for Amelia after she went missing. (Read about the 'Irene Bolam versus McGraw-Hill's Amelia Earhart Lives book
lawsuit' further down.) Hughes, a great pilot himself, was a known 1930s acquaintance of Amelia's, but he was never consulted
by Joe Klaas, the author of Amelia Earhart Lives, and the book was withdrawn by McGraw-Hill in early 1971, shortly
after it was published. Next, throughout 1971, Clifford Irving wrote a supposedly authorized by Howard Hughes 'autobiography'
that was set to be published by McGraw-Hill at the end of the year. Once again, however, Clifford Irving did not consult with
Hughes, and he was charged with perpetrating a hoax after Hughes objected to his book and claimed he'd never met Irving. This
led to pressed copies of the book being burned by McGraw-Hill before they made it into circulation, and to some jail time
for Irving as well. Interestingly enough, Joe Klaas was never challenged by Howard Hughes at all, nor was he fined or convicted
of any crime, and neither was Joseph A. Gervais, whose ten year investigation Amelia Earhart Lives was largely about.
Amelia Earhart Medal
Presented to Howard Hughes by Viola Gentry on Amelia's sixty-sixth birthday, 7/24/1963
The Amelia Earhart medal displayed above,
was presented to Howard Hughes by Viola Gentry two years before the former Amelia Earhart was first publicly recognized
for who she used to be. Perhaps not so ironically, it was Viola Gentry who introduced the post-1940 only Irene to
the gentleman who recognized her as the former Amelia Earhart, (Joseph A. Gervais) the day before this photograph
was taken:
Above is Viola Gentry and Guy Bolam, on
August 9, 1965, outside
of the Sea Spray Inn of East Hampton, Long Island. The original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile was long gone by then. Viola had known her, just as she knew the new post-1940 only
Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, who had married Guy Bolam in 1958, and who had previously been known as her famous flying friend, Amelia Earhart. (Above photo taken by the former Amelia Earhart, AKA, Mrs.
Guy Bolam.) Below is an excerpt from Jennifer Bean Bower's 2015 biography of Viola Gentry, The Flying Cashier, where a 1941 interview Viola gave to Maybelle Manning
was recalled. While reading these words, know that Viola maintained that her missing friend, Amelia, was still alive throughout
the war years, yet after the war ended she stopped talking about her:
Knowing how close Viola Gentry had been to both Amelia Earhart and
the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, it is incomprehensible to even entertain the idea that after 1940,
Viola's friend, the original Irene, could have suddenly morphed into an older-version, carbon copy twin of
Viola's famous friend, Amelia Earhart, who had gone missing years before, never to be seen again. It turned out the original
Irene was gone by the end of the 1930s, and basically, Amelia, who had continued to live-on, took her name in the 1940s to
further use for herself.
Above Center: The original Irene
O'Crowley Craigmile, in 1930, shown between her husband and father. After meeting Amelia Earhart through her aunt, she briefly became a pilot herself until a pregnancy interrupted her flying days. Not by accident, no clear photos of the original Irene are readily available today. -
"It's sad, in a way, how the profound greatness of Amelia
Earhart's person became lost in the so-called mystery of her disappearance. Here, for a brief moment let's again
look back at the outcome of Amelia's loss through words generated by the White House nine months after she was declared missing:
As mentioned, the White House never did reveal what it knew
about Amelia Earhart's world flight outcome, and by now it is certain that the general public was dissuaded from being able
to realize what really happened to Amelia. Today, people seem to have forgotten that Amelia's 1937 disappearance was an international controversy,
because it ended up being systemically swept under the rug of official history by the U.S. federal government. This exercise
was already in the works in September
of 1939, when Germany invaded Poland. The facts of Amelia Earhart's loss continued to be obfuscated throughout the
war years as well, and then even more exponentially after the war was over. Indeed, the effort to muddle the truth about what
became of Amelia Earhart, actually continued on into the 1950s, until finally, it was determined that people in general had
been conditioned enough to accept that Amelia simply crashed and sank at unknown ocean coordinates prior to completing her
world flight, even though that was a far cry from what had actually happened. Heeding to the false dictates of Amelia's living family members, institutions
overseen by the U.S. federal government, and its offshoot cottage industries that managed to keep the the curious stupefied,
this is all the public continues to know at this present space in time. And that's a shame. Basically, for decades
gone by the citizenry of the United States has been spoon fed non-truths about Amelia Earhart's world flight
outcome, by individuals that felt they were doing it for the better good of the body public. Anymore, though, it is obvious
that Amelia managed to live-on and become known as one of three Twentieth Century women attributed to the same Irene O'Crowley
Craigmile identity." Tod Swindell
Above is Amelia Earhart and the post-1940
only Irene in a digital composite. Over the years people were conditioned to not pay attention to the never fully
settled, Irene Bolam Versus McGraw-Hill lawsuit. Now, in 2021, the forensic analysis arranged by Tod Swindell,
that concluded Amelia
Earhart and the post-1940 only Irene were the same human being, has proved itself to be an incontestable equation.
To better ascertain this for yourself, keep going to learn more about this new, fortified reality.
the late 1990s, I couldn't believe it when I came to know Joseph A. Gervais, the Air Force officer whose ten year investigation
had inspired the 1970 McGraw-Hill book, and he mentioned that no one had seriously compared Irene Bolam to Amelia Earhart
before. It seemed odd, because after decades he was still insisting that she was the former Amelia Earhart." Tod
Tod Swindell and Joseph A. Gervais in
theories have been given by many different people; some bordering on the absurd, some plausible. Gervais’ theory as
to what happened to Amelia Earhart is one of the plausible ones. Gervais and his colleagues were seasoned Air Force pilots,
and thus, understood the problems in flying long distances over water as well as the technical aspects of flying aircraft.
Their experience and some of the documents and leads uncovered in their research led them to believe that Amelia Earhart did
indeed survive." Paul A. Oelkrug, C. A., University of Texas at Dallas, 2006.
Below, another digital composite example from the analysis:
Amelia Earhart
Digital Composite
The post-1940 Irene Bolam
Above is how the post-1940 only
Irene Bolam looked in 1965. Hardly a soul felt that she resembled Amelia Earhart all that much, and while looking at this
photograph that Joseph A. Gervais took of her that year, it seems understandable. Most people assumed Gervais' assertion that
suggested she was the former Amelia Earhart, was debunked at some point, but it never was, and to people's astonishment,
the Twenty First Century forensic analysis displayed her to have been congruent to Amelia Earhart. This included by way of
Digital Face Recognition, that was much improved and became more available in the Twenty First Century:
Amelia Earhart... (continued below)
A Digital Face Recognition
grid common to the post-1940
Irene O'Crowley
Craigmile Bolam and
Amelia Earhart. Same posturing
of head position and
neck to the shoulders is clearly evident as well.
Light shading adjustments can help to exact a common face print within a digital composite.
...begins to...
...digitally transition into...
...the post-1940 Irene
Tod Swindell's human comparison
study revealed that more than one person had been attributed to the same Irene Bolam identity, and
the one above shown compared to Amelia, was not identifiable as "Irene" prior to the 1940s. The study also
determined that not only facially, but the post-1940 Irene's entire physical being was congruent to Amelia Earhart's physical
being, as were her character traits. These 'forensic realities' were not known before the study took place. Why? Once again,
simply put, no one had ever seriously compared Irene Bolam to Amelia Earhart before.
Dr. Walter S. Birkby Dr. Walter S. Birkby, a noted Forensic Anthropologist
who advised on key portions of Tod Swindell's analysis, challenged himself with a, 'if this, then that' argument
when it came to the assertion of Amelia living-on and becoming known as Irene. Based on the different Irene Bolam's that Dr. Birkby acknowledged
the study displayed, with the Irene that proved herself to be congruent to Amelia Earhart appearing nowhere as 'Irene' prior
to the 1940s, it was prudent of Dr. Birkby to offer his expert opinion in said manner. In Rollin Reineck's book, Amelia Earhart Survived, Dr.
Birkby commented on the difficulty he had in nullifying the post-1940 Irene as the former Amelia Earhart. (Dr. Birkby
was originally engaged by Tod Swindell to nullify her if he could. He couldn't.) Dr. Birkby acknowledged that the cranium, hairline, facial features,
and neck-to-torso of the post-1940 Irene were the same as Amelia's. He was also impressed with the post-1940 Irene's eyes,
calling them, "a perfect match spacing wise and tear-duct to tear-duct" to Amelia's eyes. Beyond aging and some obvious post-1940 changes
that included hairstyles, fashion, and makeup, there may have been some nasal work endured by the post-1940 Irene as well,
but nothing (according to Dr. Birkby) that would have been unexplainable in medical terms. Dr. Birkby also pointed out that
while it varies, a person's ears and nose will continue to grow as he or she gets older. Thus his, "if this, then that"
approach surely would apply where the idea was for the 'Irene Bolam' in question not to be recognized for who she used to
be. So the "if
this, then that" example would be: If at some point, Amelia Earhart optioned for a non-public life going
forward after she was declared "missing" in 1937, and "dead in absentia" in 1939, then her overall
objective that involved changing her name and altering her appearance some, would have included her not wanting to be recognized
for who she used to be.
stands to reason: The plural Irene's realization coupled with the digital composites that revealed the post-1940 only Irene's
full head-to-toe congruence to Amelia Earhart, when further combined with the overwhelming preponderance of circumstantial
evidence, and the eyewitnesses that pointed to Amelia's continued existence after the date of her so-called disappearance,
never amounted to, just a coincidence.
A key indicator of the post-1940 only Irene was
the large flower pendant that she often wore. (See it outlined in the boxes below.) Joseph A. Gervais believed it to be emblematic
of her former identity of 'AE' for people in the know.
Merritt Island, Florida - 1965
Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia - 1976
Senator Hiram Bingham & Amelia Earhart
Digital Composite
Earhart Rescued
and Detained as opposed to Captured, Imprisoned, and Executed "In the Twenty First Century, clarity was delivered to
the suppressed fact that Amelia Earhart did not go missing somewhere in the equatorial South Sea Islands. From the World War
Two era on, in a contiguous manner, the people who saw her alive there and knew who she was shared the non-promoted reality
of it with others. They commonly stressed that Amelia went down on a remote, civilized land-mass in the lower Marshall Islands,
where she and her navigator, Fred Noonan, were rescued within a matter of days by Japan's Naval Authority, just as Japan was
beginning to engage China in the second Sino-Japanese War. This first-ever 'human comparison analysis'
managed to surface non-contestable body evidence that displayed Amelia Earhart alive as 'Irene Bolam' long after
she went missing. Therefore, coupled with the reality
that Amelia had continued to privately live-on that way, it appears certain anymore that all along, the event of her rescue in the lower Marshall's and her subsequent detainment was nothing less than straight-forward information delivered by honest speaking people." Tod Swindell
Earhart In The Marshall
Above, a remarkable 1994 book authored
by Donald Moyer Wilson, (revised in 1999) displayed well over a hundred testimonials offered by South Sea Islands residents,
World War Two soldiers from the U.S. and Japan, U.S. military brass, and more, that described Amelia Earhart's post loss survival
under Japan's stewardship. The common thread that existed among the testimonials was that Amelia went down in the lower Marshall
Islands where she and her navigator were rescued and detained by Japan's Imperial Naval Authority. Although a few people said
they heard that Amelia may have died while in Japan's custody, no real evidence was ever found to support that such
a thing had happened.
Below once again, this Associated Press
article lead-in appeared in 2002. Ever since the World War Two era, different accounts akin to this one kept surfacing. In the United States, to this very day few seem to care about this reality
based version of Amelia Earhart's world flight ending:
Below, a 'Winter of 2015'
article by Larry Clark, featured in an issue of Washington State University magazine, described some recent Marshall
Islands travel-adventures of school teacher and WSU alumni, Dick Spink. Well studied on Amelia Earhart, Mr. Spink first visited
the Marshalls in 2006, and was amazed that the history of Amelia Earhart having been there was common knowledge:
Below, again the 1987 "50th anniversary"
commemorative stamp issued by the Marshall Islands, depicts the rescue of Amelia Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, and
the recovery of Amelia's plane.
"While Amelia's rescue and detainment in the Marshall's is generally accepted to have been true by astute researchers of Amelia Earhart's missing person case, the account went awry
in the 1960s, when people started pushing sensationalized conjecture that touted Amelia as a 'spy' who was captured,
imprisoned, and executed. The fact is, however, nobody ever knew that to be true. In the meantime, the later
introduced notion that said Amelia continued to live-on after she was rescued and detained -- that she continued to survive
-- and that at some point she changed her name, seemed to go over the vast majority of people's heads. Yet it is obvious anymore,
that did happen." Tod Swindell
Disclaimer: Nat Geo Versus Wikipedia Before Tod Swindell embarked on his study, previous investigations
of Amelia Earhart's disappearance and missing person case had
not bothered to compare Irene Bolam to Amelia Earhart.
Wikipedia's "Irene Craigmile Bolam" page posted in 2007, is misleading.
Where it states, "Bolam's personal life history has since been thoroughly documented, eliminating any possibility she
was Earhart", it is now known that statement is untrue. It turned out here was an original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile
who Amelia had known in the 1930s, and that was not the person who faced the press in 1970, who later demonstrated an overall
congruence to Amelia Earhart. Although clear photo evidence of the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile is all but
non-extant today, below is how her image appeared in a newspaper photo taken in 1930. Once again, she was not the same Irene
who faced the press in 1970:
1930 dated newspaper photo of Charles James Craigmile, his wife, the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile,
and the original Irene's father, Richard Joseph O'Crowley. Below, the original Irene's image is enhanced.
The wikipedia page also incorrectly mentions that a National Geographic hired forensic detective "concluded" that Amelia did not become known
as Irene Bolam. This was and remains a fabrication issued by the person who launched the page, Dr. Alex Mandel, of Ukraine.
Dr. Mandel posted the page in 2007, after learning about the comparison study Tod Swindell had embarked on. Dr. Mandel, favored
a claim stating Japan had captured and imprisoned Amelia in 1937, and that she died in its custody. Japan, of course, maintains
to this day that it never harmed Amelia Earhart.
In recent decades there has been an aligned contingency of individuals
that have influenced news media outlets (and therefore the general public) in different directions about Amelia Earhart's
1937 world flight outcome. This has prevented the reality of Amelia's post-1940 'private life' existence from being openly
embraced. While the Smithsonian and National Geographic Society have always ridden the fence about Amelia's final fate, their
one exception has been to traditionally downplay the 'Amelia became Irene' conveyance. The "forensic detective" who briefly appeared on a Nat Geo special in 2006, Kevin Richlin,
had little foreknowledge of the Amelia-to-Irene postulation, and merely looked at a few photo samples given to him by Nat
Geo's producers. After doing so, he suggested if the material they gave him was 'all there was' to support the assertion
of Amelia becoming known as Irene, then he would advise the proponents of it to 'move on to something else.' Detective
Richlin never deeply evaluated the postulation himself, nor did he come close to "concluding" that Amelia having
changed her name to Irene was forensically untrue. Given all that was learned about it dating back to the late 1960s, it would
have taken a much more serious evaluation on his part to make a forensic determination. Thus the adage, "Don't believe
everything you read in wikipedia."
Beauty is truth, truth beauty, that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know. Keats
history tried to impress upon people that the two Irene Bolam images below represented one in the same person, the analysis
revealed them to have been entirely different human beings:
The above cover
features a 1970s photo. According to record, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile Bolam died on July 7, 1982, and a Memorial Dinner was held for her in October. Anymore the question is, which Irene died that year? The
one above did not
match Amelia Earhart at all. She was not
the original Irene either. Rather, she served as a mother figure to the original Irene's 1934 born son.
Above book
page leaf: Reprinted with permission from Joe Klaas, the author of the 1970 McGraw-Hill
book, Amelia
Earhart Lives. The Irene in the photo only appeared
as 'Irene' after 1940.
Shown above, as mentioned, a key discovery that Tod Swindell made during the course of his study: There
was more than one Twentieth Century person attributed to the same Irene Bolam identity. In fact there were three,
for the person featured on Irene Bolam's memorial dinner program cover was not the original Irene, nor was she the
post-1940 only Irene. This is edified further down. In the meantime...
The Positive ID Placement Made By Irene Craigmile Bolam's Son:
From Tod Swindell: Thursday, February 20, 2014 Subject: Verification Hi Larry, I want you to know that I am in full agreement
with you that Amelia Earhart was not your mother. Your mother, as you identified her in these younger and older version photos, led a very
different life than Amelia and bore little resemblance to her physically. Our agreement on this matter is pertinent to the
correct presentation of the facts. My conveyance
is that you have positively identified these images as those of your late mother, and
that she absolutely was not, and never possibly could have been Amelia Earhart. I agree with this 100%, and understand
that you do too. If you could you send back a simple ‘I agree’ for verification I’d appreciate it. Thanks, Tod Clarence Alvin 'Larry' Heller: Friday, February 21, 2014 Subject: Re: Identity Verification
The attached pictures are of my mother and she was not Amelia Earhart.
C. Heller Proof is available.
Reviewing A White House Preface:

The above sentences were photo-copied from
a White House transcript that
referred to the actual outcome of Amelia Earhart's 1937 world flight attempt. They were recorded in 1938, nine months after Amelia was reported 'missing'. The Executive Branch of the United States Federal Government has never revealed the details it knew about Amelia's 1937 world flight outcome, dating back to the administration of President Franklin Roosevelt. ~~~
Newspaper Headlines from July 2 & 3, 1937:
Amelia in 1936
Amelia and her later-life self in a digital composite.
"The forensic
determinations that showed Amelia Earhart's physical being alive as 'Irene' in the last half of the Twentith Century
are non-contestable." Tod Swindell
the Foundation of this Forensic Research Study The below investigative accounts of Amelia Earhart's 1937 disappearance were extensively analyzed
in a recently completed study. The endeavor was undertaken to shed a better light on Amelia Earhart's old missing
person case, that was historically left unresolved. The end result is a new Manuscript and Forensic Analysis
entitled, Protecting Earhart. Both are set to be issued in 2021 by independent researcher and film producer, Tod
Swindell. His documentary film that has been years in the making is also nearing completion. This website serves as a preview.
1993 UK, 1994 US
1994, revised-1999
of the above investigations determined that during
the pre-dawn era of World War Two, Amelia Earhart,
and her navigator, Fred Noonan, did not lose their lives by crashing into the Pacific Ocean at unknown coordinates, as the
public was left to assume. As well, five of them ended up concluding that Amelia Earhart not only survived beyond the date
of her disappearance, [July 2, 1937] but that she continued to live-on, and in time changed her name. Most people found that
hard to believe. Now, (as Paul Harvey used to say) here's the rest of the story...
An Old Story with a New Twist The following material is exclusive to Tod Swindell's Twenty First Century analysis,
that revealed a non-publicized forensic reality about Amelia Earhart.
As the world knows, Amelia Earhart was
declared 'missing' in 1937, and then 'dead in absentia' in 1939. Thus far, historians
at the Smithsonian have been encouraging people to not pay attention to the digital composites issued by the analysis,
even though they are non-contestable. Again:
The post-1940 Irene in 1977
Amelia Earhart
and the post-1940 Mrs. Irene O'Crowley Craigmile Bolam, AKA Mrs. Guy Bolam, in a Digital Composite from
the overall analysis. (She
had wed Guy Bolam of England in 1958.)
The post-1940 Irene O'Crowley Craigmile Bolam in 1977
The comparisons not only demonstrated an overall Amelia-to-Irene congruence,
they also evidenced that the 'Irene' above was not identifiable as 'Irene' prior to 1940. It is essential to recognize that there actually was a 1930s pilot by the name of, Irene O'Crowley
Craigmile, who, although her prominent family never officially reported it, went missing close to the same time
Amelia Earhart did. This person was simply known as 'Irene Craigmile' and both Amelia and her well-known pilot friend, Viola
Gentry, knew her and had flown with her. According to Viola, Amelia had introduced her to Irene Craigmile. Learn more about
the original Irene further down. For now, below are excerpts from a letter written in 1967 by one
Elmo Pickerill, who at the time was serving as secretary of a Long Island based club called, The Early Birds of Aviation:
Above, a small brownie camera photo from 1932, listed Amelia climbing on the wing, Jack Warren in the rear pilot seat,
and Irene Craigmile
& Viola Gentry standing. The plane had recently been purchased by Irene. Below once again, is a photo that appeared in the Akron Ohio Beacon Journal on September 1, 1932.
Outlined in white is Amelia
Earhart; outlined in gray is Viola Gentry; outlined in black and fully shaded is the original Irene Craigmile:
Where one takes the time to enlarge each facial image in the above
photo, it's somewhat curious that Irene's is the only one where no facial features are discernable. The photo was reprinted
from today's available newspaper archives.
Again, the 1930 dated newspaper photo
of Charles James
Craigmile, his wife, Irene, and Irene's father, Richard Joseph O'Crowley. Below, Irene's image is enhanced.
In late 1931, Charles James Craigmile fell ill and died within three days time. From his September obituary:
A year after Charles died, his widow,
Irene, began taking
flying instructions from Viola Gentry's husband, Jack Warren.
"The courts have yet to decide the matter once and for
all." After the news story about her broke in 1970, Mrs. Guy Bolam, sued for defamation. Her
attorney referenced where the Air Force officers' new book, Amelia Earhart Lives, contained factual errata beyond
insinuating that his client, Mrs. Bolam, was possibly a bigamist and a traitor. Four years
later, in 1974, as the follow-up news article stated, the 'courts' still had not decided if Mrs. Guy Bolam was or wasn't the former Amelia Earhart, and in the end it was left that way. When her defamation case was finally settled
in 1976, Mrs. Guy Bolam, who had originally sought $1.5 million in damages, was awarded $60,000 to be paid by the book's publisher,
McGraw-Hill. The Air Force officers were left alone, however, since the question
of Mrs. Bolam's former identity remained unanswered. Amazingly, it stayed that way well into the Twenty
First Century, until Tod Swindell's comprehensive forensic analysis was undertaken, the first one ever to compare Mrs. Guy Bolam to Amelia Earhart,
that naturally delivered its telling results.
A handwriting example from the character traits section of the comparison analysis:
Above is a cryptic handwritten
line from a 1967 note penned by the post-1940 Irene to Joseph A. Gervais. She actually
wrote about two people who, 'knew us both well as Amelia
Earhart and Irene Craigmile'. Below is Amelia's own 'Amelia M Earhart' signature the way it appeared
on a school form she filled out when she was seventeen. The similarity of the cursive
styles is no coincidence since the same hand produced them.
Below, more from the Character Traits section
of the comparison study, some of the post-1940 Irene
(O'Crowley Craigmile) Bolam's cursive letters are shown on the left, and some cursive letter samples from when she lived as
Amelia are shown on the right:
Looking Back at the Life of Mrs. Guy Bolam
Note: It was Joseph A. Gervais
(USAF Ret.), who in 1965, encountered Mrs. Guy Bolam at a gathering of senior pilots in New York. After he was introduced
to her, without formally receiving permission, he took a photograph showing her next to her British husband, Guy Bolam, who
she had wed in 1958:
Above left, the 1965 photo taken by
Joseph A. Gervais of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bolam; center, from the original negative; right, the infamous 1970 book, Amelia Earhart Lives, that the 'Guy and Irene Bolam' photo
appeared in. It is easy to see why Mrs. Bolam did not remind people of Amelia Earhart, until recent years, when the digital composites the forensic analysis generated
were issued.
Above: February 5, 2000, retired USAF
Major Joseph A. Gervais, accepts the Amelia Earhart Society of Researchers 'Historical Achievement Award' for his unparalleled
investigative research and final analysis of Amelia Earhart's failed world flight attempt. The
Society's founding President, Bill Prymak, referred to Joe Gervais as, "A World War Two flying hero widely
recognized as the world's leading authority regarding the subject of Amelia Earhart's disappearance."
Joseph A. Gervais died in 2005, having never disavowed that at some point after she went missing in 1937, Amelia Earhart took
the name of a past 1930s' acquaintance of hers, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, whose demise was obscured to enable it. One might ask: Why is it that people in general have never heard of Joseph A. Gervais? The best answer was given by Gervais himself: "No one was was ever supposed to know
that Amelia survived and took on another identity, so my 1960s investigation that learned she did was swept under the rug
of official history."
"Before his passing took place in 2005, I befriended and came to know Joseph A. Gervais, and I was surprised
when he mentioned that no one had ever really compared Irene Bolam to Amelia Earhart before. Based on the national news-making
claim that he made about her in 1970, I found that hard to believe and decided to do something about it." Tod
Below, the most significant
realization from Tod Swindell's overall analysis, that is tantamount to understanding the duplicity that characterized the
Amelia-to-Irene equation and how it was originally contrived, was the discovery of not just two, but three different
Twentieth Century women having been attributed to the same Irene O'Crowley Craigmile identity. This was
never ascertained before. Not to omit, the one who matched Amelia Earhart appeared nowhere as 'Irene' prior to 1940:
Above on the left is the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile in 1930, who Amelia Earhart had known, shown between
her first husband, Charles James Craigmile, and her father, Richard Joseph O'Crowley. She did not resemble Amelia Earhart.
The original Irene went missing around the same time Amelia did. What became of her is unknown . Above in the center, shown in younger and
older forms, is the surrogate mother of the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile's 1934 born son. She was also attributed
to the same identity of Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, after she took over raising the original Irene's son in 1937. To the right is the third Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam, shown on top in 1946, and below in 1965. She married Englishman, Guy Bolam, in 1958. The forensic study concluded
that she was not identifiable as Irene O'Crowley Craigmile prior to 1940. [The math should start to get
simple here.]
Digitally Forensic
Post-1940 Irene & Amelia digitally combined
Accredited Digital Face
Recognition programs arrived in the Twenty First Century
Tod Swindell's comprehensive forensic
research study that deeply reviewed the known facts of Amelia Earhart's disappearance, also examined the full-life story of
Irene O'Crowley Craigmile Bolam. This included comparing her physical being and character traits to Amelia's. According to
a purely objective viewpoint, the results of his study only appear to affirm the concealed reality of Amelia Earhart's post-1940
life as, Irene.
~~~ The Amelia To Irene Forensic Study © Tod Swindell 1997-2020
What The Entirety Of The Accumulated Data Revealed data (noun):
a general collection of facts, such as numbers, words, measurements, observations and descriptions of things forensic (adjective): belonging to, used in, or
suitable to courts of law or to public discussion and debate ~~~ First, a look at how the Amelia Earhart to Irene Bolam assertion became clouded by misinformation: Note: Of the invented Amelia Earhart cottage industries shown below, the oldest and most notable being Tighar, and the most recent being Chasing Earhart, (that
surfaced in 2017) none of them produced significant factual data pertaining to the 1937 disappearance and missing person case
of Amelia Earhart. Nor did they produce authentic evidence to help explain what actually happened to
her. Basically, cottage industries such as these operate as businesses that exploit the mystery of Amelia Earhart's disappearance in the interest of adulatory pursuits and financial benefit.
Contrarily, the 1960s investigations of two individuals, Fred Goerner and Joseph A. Gervais, along with the 1980s
investigation of Randall Brink, that reviewed and solidified the data originally generated by Goerner and Gervais,
and then expanded on it, well eclipses any information produced by other parties on the subjects of Amelia Earhart's
1937 disappearance and her post-loss missing person case. Based on the additional accumulated data that supports the authentic findings of Goerner,
Gervais, and Brink, it is pragmatic to ignore viewpoints expressed by Amelia Earhart cottage industries that offer other ideas.
Especially where so much of the data the earlier investigations generated has now been solidified by
the Twenty First Century efforts of investigative researcher, Tod Swindell. His first-ever, 'Amelia-to-Irene' comparative
analysis was part of a massive, in-depth study that commenced some twenty odd years ago. The results he achieved only affirmed
that Joseph A. Gervais, was correct all along where he determined that Amelia Earhart lived well beyond 1937, excepting that
she had changed her name for both political reasons, and for the sake of her own future privacy.
"Special recognition goes to Tod Swindell, who undertook an extensive, in-depth
forensic analysis of the post-1940 Irene (O'Crowley Craigmile) Bolam as compared to Amelia Earhart, to show the world
they were one in the same person." In his book, Amelia Earhart Survived, a quote
from author and golden age of aviation historian, USAF Colonel Rollin C. Reineck. [Colonel Reineck was a Joseph A. Gervais
collaborator from 1990 to 2005.]
Tod Swindell
Some years ago, after meeting and getting to know Joseph A. Gervais (USAF Ret.) from 1996 to 2005,
it perplexed me to learn that no one had ever disproved his 1970 assertion that stated Amelia Earhart had changed her name
and continued to live-on for decades after she was declared 'missing' in 1937. This is because the former Amelia
Earhart hired powerful lawyers that did an incredible job when it came to obfuscating the life story of Irene O'Crowley Craigmile,
a real person Amelia had known in the 1930s, whose leftover identity the famous pilot went on to assume for herself after
1940. Today, we need
only remind ourselves that from
1970 to 2016, five nationally published book authors averred
that Amelia Earhart survived her disappearance and later became known as Irene. Could the reason be they were advancing
the truth, except the general public, that was basically unfamiliar with the shouted-down 'Amelia to Irene' story,
found it too hard to believe? Yep. That's basically it. I've worked hard on developing and exposing the reality of this truth
ever since meeting Joseph A. Gervais, a great pilot himself and a veteran of three foreign wars, who died in 2005, never having
disavowed what he alone discovered. As the year 2021 kicks off a new decade with positive vaccine news, perhaps it is time
for our body public to begin taking the now obvious reality of Amelia's later life existence more seriously. Especially
when compared to the variety off-base, Johnny come lately Earhart theories presented in recent decades by glitzy
looking cottage industries out there, the ineffective activities of which dominate the news media and the internet, in turn
hindering the verisimilitude of Amelia's post-1940 life as Irene O'Crowley Craigmile from cleanly shining through. Tod
Swindell, 2020
the following dedications, continue to examine Tod Swindell's landmark forensic undertaking.
Dedicated to Doris Kearns Goodwin and Amy Kleppner
Above, Historian Doris Kearns Goodwin
(left) and Amy Kleppner (right)
Educator, Doctor of Philosophy, Amelia Earhart's niece.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg 1933-2020
Also honoring the life of Justice Ruth
Bader Ginsburg, who, "...bore witness to, argued for, and helped to constitutionalize the most hard fought and least-appreciated
revolution in modern American history: the emancipation of women. Aside from Thurgood Marshall, no single American has so
wholly advanced the cause of equality under the law." Jill Lepore, The New Yorker
~~~ Most importantly, remembering
Amelia Earhart...
Amelia Earhart, 1937 "Amelia
Earhart was interested in the status of women from an early age. She compiled a scrapbook about women who had nontraditional
jobs, mainly in male dominated fields. She wanted women to achieve greater equality in the aviation industry. She persisted
because she loved aviation and she also was passionate about achieving equality for women." Amelia Earhart's niece,
Amy Kleppner [2018 Canary & Co interview]
Amelia Earhart
Again, the original Irene O'Crowley
Craigmile looked
nothing like Amelia Earhart. After 1940, Amelia virtually replaced her. Read more about the original Irene below.
The former Amelia Earhart in
1977, living as
Mrs. Irene (O'Crowley Craigmile) Bolam. The original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, who Amelia Earhart had known, earned her pilot's license in 1933, then gave birth to a son in 1934. She did not frequent airfields as much after that, and her license was not renewed after 1937. What became of the original Irene is a mystery unto itself. Before 1940 arrived, a surrogate mother had
already been raising her 1934 born son for her, and her son grew up believing she was his biological mother. ~~~ Below is the original Irene's son, Clarence Alvin "Larry"
Heller's positive ID placement that he put in writing in 2014, as a contribution to Tod Swindell's forensic research and comparison
analysis. Mr. Heller met twice with Tod Swindell in New York, and optioned his version of his mother's life story to him through
the law firm of Cowan Liebowitz & Latman PC.
The Positive ID Placement Made By Irene Craigmile Bolam's Son:
From Tod Swindell: Thursday, February 20, 2014 Subject: Verification Hi Larry, I want you to know that I am in full agreement
with you that Amelia Earhart was not your mother. Your mother, as you identified her in these younger and older version photos, led a very
different life than Amelia and bore little resemblance to her physically. Our agreement on this matter is pertinent to the
correct presentation of the facts. My conveyance
is that you have positively identified these images as those of your late mother, and
that she absolutely was not, and never possibly could have been Amelia Earhart. I agree with this 100%, and understand
that you do too. If you could you send back a simple ‘I agree’ for verification I’d appreciate it. Thanks, Tod Clarence Alvin 'Larry' Heller: Friday, February 21, 2014 Subject: Re: Identity Verification
The attached pictures are of my mother and she was not Amelia Earhart.
C. Heller Proof is available.
Now, take another look:
It is fairly easy for one to recognize with a naked eye, that the above younger to older images are those of three
different people; the original Irene, the surrogate mother Irene, and the post-1940 only Irene.
The above photograph, described in newsprint
as taken in 1937, shows the original Irene's son, Clarence Alvin "Larry" Heller, with his
"mother" in the Florida everglades, although it is hard to truly determine which mother is shown with him.
The annulment of his parent's marriage was just getting underway at the time, and Larry Heller's father, a Brooklyn based
pilot by the name of Al Heller, moved alone to Buffalo, New York that same year. As the story went,
the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, had become pregnant out of wedlock with Al Heller's child (Larry) in
mid-1933, so the two eloped to marry and she briefly took his last name -- until it became known to her that Al was still
legally married to another woman he'd had a child with. After the annulment was completed, (that
basically says a marriage never legally happened) the surname of 'Heller' went back to being Craigmile, the last
name of the original Irene's first husband, who had died in 1931. Al and Irene's son, Larry, however, kept the surname
of 'Heller' as was listed on his birth certificate. It seems somewhat out of place that in the
annulment complaint, Al Heller was described as "improvident" when it came to the matter of supporting his wife
and son, where the photo above depicts them looking fairly well supported. Not many people could afford travel trailers, kiddie
cars, and vacations to Florida back then. May as well add here, that it was Miami, Florida where Amelia departed from on June
1, 1937 to begin her world flight. It does appear to have been the case, that both Amelia and the original Irene went missing
approximate to each other, leaving it possible to consider that the original Irene, a pilot herself and a friend of
Amelia's, had flown in the other purported plane that had been designated to coincide with Amelia's world flight plan to do
reconnaissance during the Pacific leg of Amelia's journey, and that the original Irene and her possible 'British furnished'
male co-pilot met with tragic misfortune while doing so. The original Irene was a pretty good
pilot. The below May of 1933 mention in the Brooklyn Eagle newspaper was a testament to this fact. For anyone to fly alone
in his or her own plane from New York to Chicago and back, that was a hardy 'private pilot' feat during that time period.
It was a month or two after that, though, she realized she was pregnant with Al Heller's child.
As revealed
in a 1938 White House transcript discovered decades later, it was against "all orders" (see below) that Amelia headed
toward the Marshall Islands, the last known area the other flight duo was believed to have been doing fly-overs. Amelia aborted
her known flight plan to head there in an effort to try and find out what had happened to Irene, and to help if she could.
Unfortunately, the move backfired and left her as an additional suspect pertaining to the recon flight plan. This
was deduced from a September of 1938 OS-2 intelligence report discovered decades later, that stated that Amelia made
the final call to head "north" (her given bearing was actually northwest) and she continued to check in at half-hour
intervals while doing so until she was out of range. The OS-2 report directly contradicted the two-way radio report released
by the White House two months earlier, in July, a full year after Amelia's world flight had taken place. Read more about the
two plane scenario in the "British Connection" section, relative to the 1985 book by James Donahue, that is elaborated
on further down. [Note: First hand accounts from Lockheed employees, the manufacturer of Amelia's plane, did convey
that more than one plane was prepared for and involved with Amelia's world flight plan.] If this sounds like a far-fetched
idea, it merely serves as a potential explanation for the original Irene's non-reported
demise, and why Amelia, who survived her 'missing person case' ordeal, later ended up using Irene's name. This suggestion
was first introduced by Tod Swindell in his copyrighted manuscript, Protecting Earhart.
Above, another excerpt from the May
13, 1938 White House transcript that denied First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt's request for its 'report' on Amelia Earhart's premature
world flight ending from the previous year. FDR right hand man, Henry P. Morgenthau Jr., made these comments directed to Mrs.
Roosevelt, adding to the reason for his additional aforementioned comment below, of not wanting to ever make public what really
happened to Amelia. Of note, the White House never did make public the information it withheld. It is apparent that initially,
the White House deduced that Amelia and her navigator, Fred Noonan met their demise after they entered Japan's forbidden fly
zone of the Marshall Islands. It wasn't until August of 1939, about eight months after Amelia was legally declared dead
in absentia, that the White House first became privy to new information, suggesting that at least Amelia was possibly
still alive under Japan's stewardship. More accounts of Amelia's ongoing survival surfaced after that, but by then Germany
had invaded Poland (September 1, 1939) marking the beginning of World War Two.
Below left is the cover image of the
James Donahue book, that expounded on a non-publicized arrangement to involve more than one plane in Amelia's world flight
plan. Next to it, once again is the 1987 commemorative stamp issued by the Marshall Islands. The stamp depicts Amelia, her navigator, Fred Noonan, and Amelia's plane being retrieved in the
lower Marshall Islands. As noted, this has always been considered 'common history' in the South Sea Islands region that Amelia Earhart went missing
in. The Smithsonian Institution, however, as an acting agent of the U.S. federal government, all-but censures any version
of Amelia's continued existence after the date of her disappearance, July 2, 1937.
Recognize her above? Probably not, but
this is the post-1940
Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, or, 'the former Amelia Earhart' in Hawaii, before she married British international businessman, Guy Bolam, in 1958.
Above: The former Amelia Earhart in Jamaica in 1976.
Question Can an individual change over time physically,
emotionally, spiritually, and egotistically to a point where they become difficult to recognize after a long period of absence?
Consider the following quote from Twentieth-Century philosopher, Uell Stanley Anderson:
"If we think of ourselves as
bodies, our changing self becomes apparent. It is nearly impossible even for families to recognize a loved one after thirty
years of absence, so greatly has the self altered. And a little reflection upon the changing quality of consciousness is
sure to give us some insight into the numberless selves our surface minds and egos have become since first appearing in
the world." Uell Stanley Andersen (1917-1986) Now, here again, consider the 1987 words
of Monsignor James Francis Kelley, a past President of Seton Hall College, who perhaps was the former Amelia Earhart's closest later-life friend and confidante. Although he demurred
when reporters asked him questions about her, to certain individuals he knew, Father Kelley, who held PhD's in Philosophy
and Psychology, disclosed that his friend, the post-1940 Irene, indeed was the former Amelia Earhart. He included
the rationale of why she decided to become another person in the following aforementioned way: "After all she'd been through she didn't want to be the famous Amelia Earhart
anymore." The point being
made here: The general public did not know 'all Amelia had been through' both during her
famous career -- and especially during her long years of absence -- and how it altered her psyche to a place where she no
longer wished to be the famous celebrity she once was.
Life was never easy for Amelia. Before she went missing her nine
years of fame consumed her; then during the eight years she was not in view, wherever she was and whatever she was doing was
very likely no picnic for her. Consider the following Doris Rich quote about Amelia's famous career from prior to
her 1937 world flight:
"Over the nine years spanning her first
and last transoceanic flights, Amelia Earhart became one of the most famous women in the world. The private Amelia disliked
that fame intensely." From author-historian, Doris Rich's 1989 biography of Amelia Earhart.
Why People Didn't Know As we enter the third decade of the Twenty First Century, the first ever, Amelia
to Irene forensic comparison study left no doubt that Joseph A. Gervais was right all along about having discovered the
former Amelia Earhart living as Irene (O'Crowley Craigmile) Bolam, in 1965.
Why people didn't see this before, and why a human comparison study was not orchestrated
until after Tod Swindell came along, is partially explained in the following way: Beyond the 'official government silence' observed toward the matter ever since the
event of Amelia's loss occurred, there were four main players involved in maintaining the nondisclosure of Amelia's ongoing
existence with a different name after 1970, the year that Joseph A. Gervais went public with his discovery. They were, 1.)
Amelia's sister, Muriel 2.) Amelia's pilot friend from the 1930s, Viola Gentry 3.) Clarence 'Larry' Heller, the
1934 born son of the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, and 4.) Most significantly, the former Amelia Earhart
herself. Under the photo of the original Irene, shown between her husband and father below, the above mentioned individuals
are shown in younger and older forms:
Again, Charles James Craigmile, the original
Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, and the original Irene's father, Richard Joseph O'Crowley, in 1930
Post-1940 Irene [F.K.A. AE]
Above columns, left to right: Amelia's sister, Muriel, in younger
and older forms. The
next column shows Viola Gentry above, with Amelia, far left, and Elinor Smith in between them. Underneath is Viola in 1965
with Guy Bolam, the British husband that the former Amelia Earhart married in 1958. The next column shows Clarence 'Larry' Heller, the 1934 born son of the original
Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, above in a 1982 newspaper photo, and in a more recent photo underneath it. The next column shows the former Amelia Earhart, above in a 1965 photo, living
as the post-1940 Irene (O'Crowley Craigmile) Bolam, and in a 1977 formal photo portrait taken of her underneath it. All four individuals were quick to refute the 1970 Gervais' assertion, that stated
in the 1940s, Amelia Earhart had quietly resurfaced in the United States with a different name and a new profession. Anymore,
though, by virtue of the study results, it is clear that such a thing did happen. For the sake of what reality states, while focusing on how they were individually quoted
when it came to what Joseph A. Gervais asserted at the conclusion of his 1960-to-1970 investigation, the duplicity that went
on to characterize the issue of Gervais' concern is revealed.
1.) Starting with Muriel's quote, beyond admitting that she 'knew' (the post-1940) Irene,
she countered: "Its just ridiculous. There is practically no physical resemblance."
2.) From Viola: "Why, that's ridiculous. I knew
Irene since 1930, and I knew Amelia Earhart, too, when we all flew from Roosevelt Field. They certainly are not the same woman."
3.) From Larry Heller: "My mother is not Amelia
4.) From the
post-1940 Irene, FKA 'Amelia Earhart': "I am not a mystery woman and I am not Amelia Earhart." Note: Based on the decades worth of data accumulated after the above individuals
offered their comments, and upon analyzing the context of each quote, the line between truth and non-truth becomes blurred. This is due to the realization of the study results exhibiting that more than
one person had been attributed to the same Irene O'Crowley Craigmile identity. Therefore, Muriel was not so incorrect when she said there was, "practically no
physical resemblance" ...since the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, did not at all look like her
sister, Amelia. However, the post-1940 Irene, who Muriel knew in her later life years, proved to be a head to toe match to
her sister, Amelia. As well,
Viola Gentry definitely had known -- and sometimes flew with the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile in the
1930s -- just as she knew the post-1940 Irene (O'Crowley Craigmile) Bolam in her later life years, who used to be Amelia.
Since it was true that the post-1940 Irene was not the same woman as the original Irene, Viola was not so
incorrect there. As for Clarence
'Larry' Heller, clearly, Amelia Earhart, who was famously in the public eye in 1934, (the year Mr. Heller was born) was not his
biological mother, rather, the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile was. So his statement of, "my mother was not Amelia Earhart" was correct as well. Last but not least, the former Amelia Earhart did not live a mysterious life
as 'Irene' after 1940, and technically, she no longer was Amelia Earhart. Rather, when she said what she did
in 1970, she was in her third decade of being known as Irene.
Note: It is not so unusual for a person to change his or
her name. In the case of celebrities, the simplified logic for it would include a person saying goodbye to their old 'normal'
self-image in order to welcome their new 'star' self-image. Fugitive criminals are also at times known to change their names and appearances within efforts to avoid being
caught and/or incarcerated. In an extreme case,
Bruce Jenner, once a world famous Olympic gold medalist, changed his gender and further became known as, Caitlyn Jenner.
Needless to say, without knowing such a thing had occurred, and after not seeing Bruce Jenner for ten or twenty years,
it would be next to impossible to recognize Caitlyn Jenner on the street as the former Bruce Jenner. On the other hand, the most practical explanation for the case of Amelia's name and
identity change, would likely have included a Federal Witness Protection Program co-endorsed by herself coming out of the
World War Two years. Read more about this further down.
Thus, in 1965, Joseph A. Gervais
(USAF Ret.), did not recognize Amelia Earhart per-se, rather, he recognized the person who used to be known as Amelia
Earhart. Not to omit, the former Amelia had no intention or desire to go back to being Amelia Earhart.
That prospect was entirely unwanted not only by her, but by the official historical account of her loss as well. It would
have meant reversing Amelia's 1939 legally declared 'death' that took place two years after she went missing, albeit of course,
she was declared, dead in absentia. More significantly as well, the public would have demanded an explanation
for where she was and what she was doing during her years of absence. According to her later life friend, Monsignor James
Francis Kelley, of New Jersey, the former Amelia did not want to have to go there.
What the general public never knew about, AMELIA EARHART
Study Review Starts Here
President Harry S. Truman, 1945
"The only
thing new in the world is the history you don't know." President Harry Truman, quoted from an interview he gave following the conclusion of
World War Two. ~~~
Why a modern 'forensic analysis' of Amelia
Earhart's 1937 world
flight ending was deemed necessary in the Twenty First Century: In the 1960s, controversial information surfaced about
Amelia Earhart's final flight outcome that renewed interest in what really happened to the famous pilot. Separate overseas
investigations learned truths that were never reported in the United States. Below, in 1966, CBS radio's Fred Goerner, published
a best selling book about the untold story of Amelia's world flight ending. During Fred Goerner's preceding five-year investigation,
Admiral Chester Nimitz had confided to him how it was "known and documented in Washington" that Amelia and her navigator,
Fred Noonan, managed to ditch in the restricted area of the lower Marshall Islands where they were "picked up" by
Japan's Imperial Naval Authority.
Fred Goerner
Goerner's 1966 'Best Seller'
Admiral Chester Nimitz
However, Admiral Nimitz, who was placed in
charge of the Marshall Islands toward the end of World War Two, was unable to tell Fred Goerner what became of the duo after
Japan picked them up. He indicated to Goerner that he did not know the answer to that question. Decades earlier, the promoted idea of Amelia and her navigator,
Fred Noonan, meeting their demise by crashing into the ocean was greeted by so much conflicting information, it left people
to view what really happened to them as, "a mystery":
Thanks to Fred Goerner's work, that was inspired
by another 1960s overseas investigation known as Operation Earhart, led by Joseph A. Gervais, it became clear that for decades
a lot of people in the South Sea Islands region where Earhart and Noonan went missing, (and many U.S. soldiers who
served in the Pacific Theatre during World War Two) had unwaveringly been conveying a different explanation for what happened
to the two fliers. Their version, shored-up by Admiral Nimitz, commonly shared that Earhart and Noonan did not perish
in an ocean plane crash. Rather, backed by eyewitness accounts, they told of how the duo managed to ditch on a land spit in
the restricted territory of the lower Marshall Islands, where they were quietly rescued by Japan a few
days later, during the tense pre-dawn era of World War Two. Although less publicized, this alternate version of what happened
to the fliers has been repeated ever since, along with numerous books about it being published. Note once again, the 2002
Associated Press article lead-in:
The Marshall Islands 'ditching' version was perpetually sidestepped by U.S. military intelligence
ever since the event of Amelia's loss took place. This was clearly the preference of the U.S. federal government, that chose
to remain silent about it. In fact, to this day there has never been an official investigation that looked into it, or an
official explanation given on what happened to Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan. The public was merely left to assume the
two had perished at sea, but public doubt toward what really happened remained throughout the war years and
beyond. Note the article below that appeared on August 20, 1945, just five days after Japan surrendered to the allies.
As the new information that shored-up the reality of Earhart and
Noonan's non-publicized rescue took hold in the 1960s, something extraordinary occurred approximate to it: When the decade
of the 1960s came to an end, it was made public that the alive and well body of Amelia
Earhart had purportedly been recognized in the United States, with a different name applied to it. [The
word 'body' is used here by intention.] Incredibly,
it wasn't until after the Twenty First Century arrived that a serious effort to compare the 'body' in question to Amelia Earhart's
body would commence. This was deemed essential after it was realized that the recognition claim, although shouted down and
discredited, was never forensically disproved. The initial comparison results were alarming, so a more in-depth analysis was called for. Now, as the trying year of 2020 comes to a close, the following
represents the culmination of a Twenty Year exercise bent on determining if Amelia Earhart survived her 1937 disappearance
and missing person case and went on to become known as, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile. As you are finding out, the startling conclusion of the exercise showed that
is precisely what Amelia did.
Note: Digital
Face Recognition was not available until after the Twenty-First Century arrived.
post-1940 Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam in 1977. (Eyes, mouth, nose, and faceline darkened for comparison observed in the below-right
digital composite.)
Amelia Earhart
Amelia + post-1940 Irene Digital Composite
The post-1940 Irene sternly
faces the press to decry the
contents of the new book, Amelia Earhart Lives, in 1970. Summoned into the spotlight against her will, she saw no choice but to deny her famous past. Few people were
aware that after Amelia Earhart went missing in 1937, she lived-on
and later assumed a new identity, that of, Irene O'Crowley
Craigmile. The
Smithsonian and National Geographic Society, as preferred by their common overseer, (the U.S. federal government)
have steered the people away from recognizing this reality ever since
it surfaced.
Post-1940 Irene, 1970
A digital composite
of Amelia Earhart and her
later-life 'Irene' self in 1970. Amelia Earhart's person had never been forensically compared to Irene O'Crowley Craigmile until recently.
left, Amelia; below right is a digital composite with the post-1940 Irene.
In 1977, looking all
of her eighty years. ~~~
Digital composite of Amelia and the post-1940 Irene [When the truth stares back at you, perhaps it's time to pay attention
to it.]
may choose to look the other way but you can never again say that you did not know." William
By virtue of the Twenty First Century human
comparison analysis, again, the first one on record to be done, the forensic reality of what became of Amelia Earhart
is now this: There were a total of three different Twentieth Century women attributed to the same Irene O'Crowley Craigmile identity, and after Amelia Earhart went
missing in 1937, and was declared 'dead in absentia' in 1939, she became one of them. In the box below the three
different women who were attributed to the same 'Irene' identity are displayed.
Next: Amelia had known the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile After Amelia Earhart became famous, she formed the 99's women's flying organization and served as its first president.
She influenced and came to know a lot of women pilots back then, including the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile,
who she was acquainted with, shown again here between her husband, Charles James Craigmile, and her father, Richard Joseph
O'Crowley. To the right her image is enhanced. Note: Clear photos of the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile
that showed her image before 1940, were removed from circulation long ago, ostensibly to help enable Amelia Earhart to become
the new Irene O'Crowley Craigmile from the 1940s on.
~~~ FDR's
Amelia Earhart Conundrum Again, the sentences below appeared in a '1938' White House transcript
several months after Amelia Earhart
was declared missing. The full page context of
the transcript showed that the White House, then under President Franklin Roosevelt, had withheld important information from the public that concerned what actually happened to Amelia at the end of her 1937 world flight.
~~~ Below is a respected and influential woman from the Twentieth Century worth paying tribute to.
Here's why:
From 1970 to 2016, five nationally published 'Amelia Earhart' book
authors reached the same conclusion, along with many others whom steadfastly clung to their common belief -- that stated the
person in the 1977 photo portrait (below left) who was the post-1940 Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, (surname 'Bolam' added
in 1958) was famously known as "Amelia Earhart" in the 1930s. Below right, she's shown in a 1970 press conference
Only during the recently completed study was the post-1940 Irene forensically
compared to Amelia Earhart for the first time, an endeavor that proved enlightening. Keep going to learn more truths,
knowing that in the Twenty First Century it was discovered and then confirmed by her next of kin via identity placements,
(made by the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile's 1934 born son) that there was more than one woman attributed
to the same, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile identity, and as it turned out, the post-1940 only Irene O'Crowley Craigmile did match Amelia Earhart.
To edify, the post-1940
Irene O'Crowley Craigmile told the press that she sat and talked with Amelia Earhart a few times in the 1930s, yet only recently
did digital composite tests reveal her to have been identical to Amelia Earhart. As
noted, the authors of five different books over the years (below); Joe Klaas,
Robert Myers, Randall Brink, Rollin Reineck, and W.C. Jamison, all concluded
that Amelia Earhart survived her
disappearance and went on to become known as, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile (and
later, Bolam), who was the same person in the above 1977 photo-portrait and 1970 press conference
photos. Even though the general public was strong-armed over the years not
to believe their common assessment, the now observable forensic reality
shows they were correct.
A Quick Look Back:
Below, the infamous 1970 Amelia Earhart Lives book saga featured a 1965 photo of the former Amelia Earhart within it, that showed her standing next to her English husband, Guy Bolam, who she wed in 1958. She was known as, "Mrs. Irene Bolam" after she married Guy, a successful international businessman. She told the press
her maiden name was O'Crowley, and that when she knew Amelia in the 1930s, she was going by her then married name
of Irene Craigmile. The analysis results concluded that she was not the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile,
though, since she appeared nowhere as 'Irene' prior to the 1940s.
Reproduced from the original negative
is the photo of
the former Amelia Earhart, taken on August
8, 1965 by Joseph
A. Gervais, USAF (Ret.) in East
Hampton, New York, outside of the
Sea Spray Inn. Gervais stated he recognized her right away, thus prompting him to request a photograph. She had just turned back
to politely
decline his request as he clicked his shutter. After he took it she quietly said, "I wish you hadn't done that."
Widened in black and white, this is the
way the photo of Guy and Irene Bolam appeared in the book, Amelia Earhart Lives by Joe Klass, who shared
its copyright with Joseph A. Gervais. Guy had just finished telling Irene that he didn't think a photo being taken of them was a very good idea.
innovative forensic research analysis of Amelia Earhart's 1937 disappearance, caused consternation where it marked the first
'Earhart investigation' on record to comprehensively compare the human likenesses of Amelia Earhart, and the enigmatic
person who was known as Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam, to each other. The stark comparison results proved to be incontestable
by way of the digital transition and composite examples.
Observe here once again, knowing that there were three people attributed to the same 'Irene O'Crowley Craigmile' identity, and the post-1940 Irene acutely matched Amelia:
Above, 1965 Below, once again digitally combined:
Above, 1977 Below, once again, digitally combined:
"This is not just a coincidence. There
was more than one person attributed to the same Irene O'Crowley Craigmile identity and the one who matched Amelia appeared
nowhere as 'Irene' prior to the 1940s. When one thinks about it, the math would actually be simple here, were it not for the
obfuscation over the years that made it more difficult." Tod Swindell
Amelia Earhart, age 38 in 1935...
...transitions into...
...the post-1940 Irene who held the 1970 press conference, the way she looked in 1946. This composite used one of the earliest known photos of the post-1940, named-changed Amelia Earhart.
me a clear photograph or Irene O'Crowley Craigmile from before 1940, that even comes close to
matching the way Irene O'Crowley Craigmile looked after 1940, and I'll eat my hat." Amelia Earhart
Survived Author, Rollin C. Reineck
The post-1940 Irene O'Crowley Craigmile
did not resemble
the Irene O'Crowley Craigmile who Amelia Earhart knew in the 1930s. Rather, she looked more like a 1940s 'style-changed' Amelia Earhart.
Amelia's post-1940,
'Irene' look was a bit more defined than people recalled, yet with some help from a forensic artist (below) it was not so
difficult to find her familiar visage from the 1930s:
The "Eyes" Have It
Amelia's eyes, 1932
Custom modified, the post-1940 Irene FKA 'Amelia'
Post-1940 Irene's eyes, 1946
1946-1965 Digital Composite, same person younger-older.
Observe Once Again:
Amelia, 1935
...transitions to...
Post-1940 Irene, 1946,
Same person younger and older.
Below: Amelia Earhart
Close-up, high contrast, Amelia's eyes:
Below: Contrast enhanced, the post-1940 Irene's eyes:
Below: Amelia's &
the post-1940 Irene's eyes digitally combined displayed a perfect match pupil to pupil; tear-duct to tear-duct.
The Analysis Outcome
When the post-1940 Irene was thoroughly compared to Amelia, a head-to-toe
physical congruence was demonstrated. Additional comparisons showed that their character traits also aligned. This was no
coincidence. As difficult as it is for some to conceptualize, the post-1940 Irene and Amelia amounted to the same human being...
who went by different names in different eras. In other words, one will not find the post-1940 Irene O'Crowley Craigmile looking like the original
Irene O'Crowley Craigmile who existed before the 1940s, because they were different human beings. As
mentioned, the analysis identified and revealed the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, (below left) who Amelia
Earhart was acquainted with in the 1930s, yet who looked nothing like Amelia. The Irene O'Crowley Craigmile who proved to
be congruent to Amelia Earhart in every way, (below right) was identified in the comparison analysis as, "the post-1940
Irene" because she appeared nowhere as 'Irene' prior to the 1940s.
Above: Two entirely different
people who were attributed to the same identity in different eras.
Tod Swindell
"I suppose I know
this story better than anyone from within the public realm. I've been studying and writing about it since the mid-1990s. Along
the way, as a result of the combined efforts of myself and other Earhart truth seers before me, and more recently
by way of the comparison analysis results, I watched the veracity of Amelia Earhart having changed her name to Irene and living well beyond 1937, evolve into what can only be described as, "an obvious reality." Unfortunately,
an opposing 'think-tank' has long existed, or, a legion of important sounding individuals if you will, that
continues to ridicule and/or argue against the now easy to recognize truth of Amelia's post-1940 life as Irene, but that is destined to change. [Wikipedia's "Irene Craigmile Bolam" page concocted by a Dr. Alex Mandel of Ukraine, that
falsely states in 2006 the National Geographic Society hired forensic detective that concluded the post-1940 Irene
and Amelia were not one in the same, is one truth detraction example out there among several. In short, that did
not happen.] TIGHAR; wrong. Nauticos; wrong. Amelia somehow dying while in Japan's custody; wrong.
All wrong. Amelia lived-on after 1937, and for reasons only she and a select few others knew coming
out of the World War Two years, (future privacy for herself easily listed among them) she optioned, no doubt with
important supportive assistance, to assume a different identity. Where people still have a hard time accepting such a reality
about this historically formidable, equal-rights advocate, (beyond fighting for gender equality, Amelia was outspoken about
the mistreatment of African Americans a decade prior to Jackie Robinson being allowed to step onto a Major
League Baseball diamond) yes, where people still have a hard time accepting this now recognizable truth, it is because the
curious were always led in other directions that kept them from studying the bigger picture... of Amelia Earhart."
"Foudray calls the
investigative research of Gervais and Swindell, ""Just the tip of the Iceberg.""
"All the evidence all put together, I feel like she [Amelia]
did survive. I think she survived and came back to the United States, but that she wanted her privacy." Lou Foudray, former proprietor
of the Amelia Earhart Birthplace Museum in Atchison, Kansas, quoted from interviews conducted
by Lara Moritz of KMBC TV, Kansas City, and by The Topeka Kansas Capital-Journal's, Jan Biles.
Above, a 2016 photograph of Lou Foudray, Earhart historian and former
caretaker of the Amelia Earhart Birthplace Museum. She is shown on the front porch of the home where Amelia Earhart was born
in Atchison, Kansas. Lou lived there for many years and was one of the learned individuals who recognized
Amelia's post-loss existence with a different name.

U.S. Navy Rear Admiral, Ernest Eugene (Gene) Tissot Jr.
"I have carefully studied the presentation. Its conclusion that there was more than
one Irene O'Crowley Craigmile has completely convinced me that this is indeed the case. The study results also convinced
me that one of them used to be Amelia Earhart. Incredible. It is quite an impressive package. Keep charging - Gene." A note forwarded
to the forensic analysis and comparison study orchestrator, Tod Swindell, from retired
U.S. Navy Rear Admiral, Ernest Eugene (Gene) Tissot. Rear Admiral Tissot was a prominent member of the Amelia Earhart Society of Researchers from 1989 to 2014.
Tissot's father, Ernie Tissot, served as Amelia Earhart's head plane mechanic during
her 1935 Hawaii to Oakland flight.
How Did This Happen?
Above: Former long-time FBI Director, the indomitable, J. Edgar Hoover, (1895-1972).
FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover Knew Information About Amelia Earhart The General Public
Did Not Know: "Don't worry
about her well being. She is perfectly all right." 1945, from
a FOIA declassified 'FBI' file once controlled by FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover; a Japanese intelligence officer describes
the state of Amelia Earhart's condition to an American POW. Below is an excerpt
from a 1945 generated document that was recorded and filed at the office of FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover. The
full document provided a detailed account relayed by an American POW previously held by Japan, whom had managed to escape.
(It was at the FBI's discretion to blot out names in FOIA released documents.) The soldier's account [one among many WWII
Pacific Theatre soldier accounts about Amelia Earhart] was initially recorded in December of 1944, while he was recovering
at Walter Reed Hospital in Washington DC. It was J. Edgar Hoover himself who sent a federal agent to interview the soldier,
in response to medical personnel phoning the FBI to report what the soldier had described to hospital staff members. This
was seven years after Amelia was declared missing. Other documents exist in the FBI's, 'Amelia Earhart WWII file'
that described the famous pilot's ongoing existence under Japan's stewardship after she went missing in 1937. While
the soldier was being held by Japan, in the following
excerpt he referenced the response from an English
speaking Japanese intelligence officer whom he had asked if Amelia Earhart was still alive -- after the soldier had heard
other accounts that told of Amelia having been rescued in 1937, and that she had subsequently been transported to Japan. The
intelligence officer was taken aback by the question and responded by stating the he couldn't disclose anything about Amelia,
other than, "Don't worry about her well being. She is perfectly all right." The war ended nine months after
the soldier's statement was recorded.
post-1940 Irene in the 1977 photo portrait did look to be, "perfectly all right." It is also worth adding here,
that beyond the FBI file contents, during the war and for years afterward, testimonials kept surfacing, including some eyewitness
accounts that described both Amelia Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, ending up in Japan's care in July of 1937. So
much is considered 'history' in the South Sea Islands. In the United States, of course, any and all
conveyances of Amelia Earhart's ongoing existence after July 2, 1937 (the date she was declared "a missing person")
consistently fell on deaf ears in Washington. In 1990, however, it was finally confirmed by the U.S. State Department, that
it housed a "Special War Problems" Amelia Earhart file that was kept current throughout the war years
and during the month following Japan's surrender to the allied forces. The State Department's designation for the file: "Earhart,
Amelia SWP 740.0015A" [SWP = Special War Problems.] It should be noted here that one section of the file featured 'PW'
initials for Prisoner of War, although given Amelia's status, it is doubtful she would have been your typical POW,
and some have argued that the 'PW' labeled Earhart document may have referred to another civilian internment camp resident,
whom had been sent overseas in an effort to gain intelligence about Amelia, and ended up there. Said
file was not voluntarily released by the State Department. Rather, some of its contents were located by a State Department
employee in 1984, (Patricia Morton) who, after she went public with the portion of the file contents she had discovered, (a
civilian internment camp liberation telegram dated August 21, 1945, six days after VJ Day) it inspired Senator Daniel Inouye
of Hawaii, to write a formal query letter about it to the U.S. State Department. Senator Inouye's letter generated a confirmation
of the file's existence from the office of then Secretary of State, James Baker. The reply confirmed the file contained, "documents
that concerned Amelia Earhart" without specifying how or why they concerned her. Nor did it specify why the file's existence
was even deemed necessary... for a missing person who was declared "dead in absentia" nine months before
Germany invaded Poland in September of 1939. We now know the answer ourselves based on the modern forensic
analysis results: 1. Amelia lived-on after she was declared 'missing'. 2. Amelia survived the war years and changed her name to 'Irene'
while doing so. 3.
Amelia's survival and name change occurred under the omniscient, albeit, classified guise of the Federal Government
of the United States of America, that to this day has never officially commented about it. Anymore, however, it's an obvious
reality to behold. People inevitably ask: "Why did Amelia end up changing her name?" It seems
the best answer was provided by a later life close friend of hers: "After all she'd been through, she didn't want to
be the famous Amelia Earhart anymore." Msgr. James F. Kelley, 1987 ~~~ "Those who denounce
the achieved study results, and some people do in the interest of maintaining status-quo Amelia Earhart history, do not express a reality based viewpoint."
Tod Swindell ~~~
reiterate, there was an original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, who Amelia Earhart had known, but who looked nothing like Amelia: Below
once again is the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, with her husband, Charles James Craigmile, in 1930. Both were gone by 1940. To the right is the enhanced version of the original Irene's image. As told, the original Irene, once
a pilot herself, was acquainted
with Amelia Earhart in the 1930s. Read more about
her further down.
Most people forgot about this national news item from 1970. Except, they shouldn't have. Fifty
years ago, a controversial claim about Amelia Earhart surfaced that was covered by all U.S. news outlets. It had to do with
information contained in a newly published book about Amelia -- that led to a major press conference:
Curious, how after four years of debating it, the United States legal system still could not decide if Mrs. Guy Bolam
was or wasn't the former Amelia Earhart(?) On the surface that seems a bit odd. Peering below the surface with newly
applied digital technology, helps one to understand why:
"Better Go Slow Below
The Surface" Dan Fogelberg When digitally combined in multiple ways,
within the first-ever evaluation to perform such an analysis, Amelia Earhart and the post-1940 Irene O'Crowley Craigmile exhibited an undeniable, head-to-toe congruence.
Here are two more examples:
Above left, proud with her wings is a 1977
photo portrait of the same person who held the 1970 press conference, the post-1940 Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam. Above right, she is seen in another
press conference photo. She was not identifiable as 'Irene' prior to the 1940s. Below again are digital composites of her
person and Amelia Earhart's person:
Amelia + Irene Digital Composite
Below, Amelia Earhart poses with Senator Hiram Bingham.
Earhart, age thirty-one
Amelia + Irene Digital Composite
Amelia Earhart at
age thirty-one.
The Final Analysis Results By Tod Swindell ©
2020 The final analysis
results showed that all people who stressed there was only ever one, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, and that there was
never a significant Irene-Amelia resemblance to speak of, were off the mark with their assements. True, thanks to the advent of digital comparison
technology, the multiple Irene's discovery and overall Amelia to post-1940 Irene congruence exist
anymore as undeniable forensic realities. This is so, notwithstanding U.S. Federal Government agencies, to include the Smithsonian Institution and the National Geographic
Society, other dogmatic news influencers, and Amelia Earhart status-quo stalwarts whom have long persuaded the general public not to believe or accept the Amelia became known as 'Irene' reality
based conveyance. The original motive
for maintaining ignorance toward the learned truth of Amelia Earhart's ongoing existence as 'Irene' into the latter part of
the Twentieth Century, that stemmed from the top down, was based on adhering to the status-quo historical convenience of Amelia having been
declared, "dead in absentia" in January of 1939. Anymore it is perfectly clear, though, that Amelia living a long
life after she went missing in 1937, and having her name changed to Irene early on in the process of
that, actually did happen. Continuing on, it should
be solidified that the post-1940 Irene, AKA, "the former Amelia Earhart", was not related to the original
Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, other than by having the original Irene's leftover identity applied to her person after
1940. People who seriously take the time to examine the details of the original Irene's existence on earth, conceptualize
this reality easier than people who do not. For the people who do soon realize there were actually three different
Twentieth Century women attributed to the very same 'Irene' identity, with the post-1940 only Irene, equating to have
been the former Amelia Earhart. [Note: The 'third Irene' who died in 1982, proved herself to have been 'a surrogate
mother figure' to the original Irene's 1934 born son.] Presently,
it is time for the citizenry of the United States to stop kidding itself by remaining in denial about this. Interested college
history professors and news media representatives need to step up. Coming out of World War Two, the Federal Witness Protection
Program that was readied for Amelia Earhart, orchestrated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation under the guise of J. Edgar Hoover, was fully exposed in recent
years. Dr. Tom Crouch, and Dorothy Cochrane, of the Smithsonian Institution, have been advised of this truth but it appears
that the Smithsonian as a whole remains intent on sidestepping and/or denying any awareness of it -- until it is over-challenged.
Again, this is because the Smithsonian itself is a fixture of, and subservient to the 'official history preferences'
of the Federal Government of the United States of America. Amelia Earhart's living descendants and those of the original Irene Craigmile, commonly
prefer for the general public to go on ignoring this now identified reality as well, but that does not necessarily
mean the general public should abide by their shared preference. Indeed, moving forward it will only prove itself reckless
to further ignore the nouveau obviousness of Amelia living-on and becoming known as Irene. Reckless, because millions
of dollars invested by private citizens have already been spent on false expeditions assembled by privately formed, 'Amelia
Earhart cottage industries', and the federal government should stop allowing this blatant waste of its own tax payer's money,
because it can, by allowing the Smithsonian to endorse the now easy to recognize truth about Amelia Earhart. The ignored and disregarded facts of Amelia Earhart's so-called "disappearance"
evolved to exist as a historical joke accidentally played on the world public by the post-war nations of
the United States and Japan. During the World War Two reparations process, the two countries made a pact where they agreed
to dismiss and never acknowledge what really happened to Amelia Earhart when she failed to complete her world flight, and
they banked on the truth of her ongoing survival after July 2, 1937, to remain as something that would never be recognized.
Yet, they were wrong. Only twenty-years after World War Two ended, on August 8, 1965, the
former Amelia Earhart absolutely was recognized for who she used to be. By then, of course, she had long relished
the privacy she'd grown accustomed to. She also understood and accepted the ongoing preference of the federal government to
remain silent about who she used to be over allowing her to be outed -- the result of which would have meant embarrassment
to Japan, the United States, the former Amelia herself, her family and friends, etc., etc. Hindsight, however, reveals that the denial path actually did make sense not only those years
ago, but as long as the former Amelia Earhart continued to live. She's understandably gone by now, though, lest one
believes it's possible that she's still alive somewhere, living in her 123rd year. On the other hand, metaphorically, as the former Amelia
herself put it down on paper in 1967, (in recognizable handwriting) "It has always been my feeling the Amelia Earhart
has not passed away completely, so long as there is one person alive who still remembers her." And she did write it exactly
like that, referring to her former self as, "the Amelia Earhart", where she all-but likened the famous person
she used to be -- to a dry-docked vessel that had been removed from service decades earlier. To one of her later-life friends, however, 1970s' LPGA promoter, Peter Busatti, who outright
asked her if she used to be Amelia Earhart, she replied, "When I die you'll find out." So much lends credence to
a likely understanding she had -- that was reneged on by whomever she had it with -- after she was gone. Not to be outclassed, and it took some time, but in her afterlife she managed to reveal herself
anyway by virtue of the analysis results... for who she used to be. This was and is to her own universal credit,
and for it, Amelia Earhart, considered to have been the most famous private-citizen woman in the world in the 1930s, deserves
a simple... thank you.
Thank you, Amelia
The above 'hot air balloon' newspaper photo taken in 1979, features Irene
O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam [FKA 'Amelia'] accompanied by famous golfer, Kathy Whitworth. Especially
in the 1970s, after taking over to manage her company's accounts, to include for her main client, Radio Luxembourg, the former
Amelia Earhart was simply known as 'Irene Bolam' to friends and associates of hers. In the meantime she had also grown to
be respected and admired by important people not only in the United States--but internationally as well.
Those who were aware of who she used to be, of course, never talked much about her, such as her friend, Senator Barry Goldwater,
who in her later life years, the former Amelia shared her ongoing love of photography with.
Next... In Brief: The Original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile
Below, the rare 1930 newspaper photo of Charles James Craigmile, (left) with his wife, the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, and her father, Richard Joseph O'Crowley, (right). Once again the original
Irene's image is enhanced next to it, along with a 1918 photo showing the original Irene at age fourteen, far right.
Above, it's easy to observe with a naked eye that the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile looked nothing like Amelia Earhart. Below, the original
Irene's husband, Charles James Craigmile, tragically died from an appendicitis attack in 1931.
After her husband, Charles, died
in 1931, the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, who Amelia Earhart was already acquainted with, decided to become a pilot herself, and she was for a brief period of time. Here, she's
listed in the same 1932 news photo with Amelia:
A year after Charles Craigmile died, his widow, the original
Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, [outlined in black] appeared in the above September 1, 1932 Akron Beacon newspaper photo with Amelia
Earhart, [outlined in white] and other lady pilots. Listed between pilots Viola Gentry and Edith Foltz, the original
Irene had purchased a plane with some of her late husband's life insurance money, and had just begun her flight training when
the photo was taken. She was awarded her pilot's license nine months later, in May of 1933.
Above, about a month or so after this May of 1933, 'local interest
news mention' appeared in the Brooklyn Eagle, the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile realized she was pregnant out
of wedlock by way of one of her flight instructors, Alvin Heller. Naturally, her flying days dwindled after that, and within
a few years her pilot's license lapsed and was never renewed.
In trying to account for the true fate of the original Irene
O'Crowley Craigmile, (something that remains unknown to this day) in 1987, James Donahue's Earhart disappearance book, The British Connection was published, that may be worth a closer look today. In his book, Mr. Donahue, a '1930s golden age of aviation' aficionado,
presented an extraordinary projection based on research avenues not previously considered. His version of Amelia's 1937 world
flight involved British aviation holds in the South Pacific and South Sea Islands region that were in place at the same time
Amelia went missing there. Mr. Donahue presented his treatise, knowing that planes similar to Amelia's Lockheed, that the
British were flying in the same South Sea Islands region at the time, such as the American made Lockheed Electra 12's purchased
by England, (to an untrained eye the Lockheed 12 looked identical to Amelia's plane) and England's own manufactured, Envoy as
well, that was also similar to an Electra, minus the twin tails. James Donahue, with what he determined was, 'a
strong enough foundation' to allow its introduction, discovered a connection and personally believed, based on knowing
that England and the U.S. both suspected Japan was illegally fortifying the Marshall Islands in 1936 and 1937, that Earhart's
'innocent' civilian world flight would provide a good distraction for a separate flyover sponsored by England. Note: The Marshall's
were located directly above England's Gilbert Islands -- that were in-line with and part of the Marshall's same archipelago. James Donahue determined that England had worked
out an arrangement with the United States that coincided with Amelia Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan's world flight
plans. The arrangement featured another plane supplied by England designated to conduct flyovers of the Marshall Islands
at the same time Earhart and Noonan would be flying adjacent to them on their way to Howland. The overall plan included a
dupe man and woman flying team in a plane that resembled Amelia's Lockheed 10E. Taking Donahue's projection a step further from
where he left off, it is known that the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile had proved herself to be an adequate,
if not superior pilot before she was derailed by her unexpected pregnancy from late-1933 to early 1934. The fact that the original Irene's
pilot's license final date of renewal was May 31, 1937, the day before Amelia Earhart departed from Miami on her world flight
quest, (June 1, 1937) perhaps should not be overlooked either. In 1937, the original Irene's 1934 born
son, estranged father and all by then, would have only been three years old at the time, leaving the ability for a surrogate
mother figure to smoothly step in and transition his awareness in such a way where he would only recognize her going forward
as his true mother. [This is brought up because at some point very early in his childhood, a surrogate mother figure
did step in whom the original Irene's son henceforth recognized as his 'true' mother.]
Above, this Irene O'Crowley Craigmile
served as a surrogate mother figure to the 1934 born son of the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile. She did not resemble the original Irene, nor did she resemble
Amelia, leaving
a total of three different women attributed to the same identiy.
Recall how
a variety of South Sea Islander testimonials asserted that Amelia was 'captured' and 'imprisoned' by Japan, but her disposition
after that often differed. Some said that Amelia was imprisoned before being was executed for spying; others that she died
of medical neglect. On the other hand, different Pacific Theatre U.S. soldier accounts indicated they had heard
that Amelia had continued to exist under Japan's stewardship during the war years. Significantly, however, nary a soul appeared
to have expressed any awareness of Amelia surviving the duration of the war and was liberated after VJ Day. The varying conveyances lent at least some credence
to Donahue's account, where it could have been possible for a British plane with its own supplied pilot, flying with the original
Irene serving as his co-pilot, being brought down by Japan after it was detected in an area pre-designated as 'a no fly zone'
to foreign aircraft. This idea is introduced here, because as much secrecy was applied to the true fate of the original
Irene Craigmile as it was to that of Amelia. (Note: At the onset of her famous career, Amelia was fairly acquainted with the
original Irene's family during her New York years, [1929-1934] the O'Crowley's of Newark, New Jersey, leaving one to
wonder why no mention of them ever appears in any Amelia Earhart biographies.) The question posed here; was July of 1937 the
time that both Amelia and the original Irene went missing amid extraneous circumstances? With Amelia having
been the one who survived, yet was subjugated by a truth she was destined to always protect? Anyone can say what they want,
but it remains clear to this day that something highly inordinate occurred on that fateful July 2, 1937 day in the South Sea
Islands region, that pertained to the true outcome of Amelia's last flight, that the general world public was never made privy
to. In the aforementioned, 1938 White House transcript, Amelia was said to have, "absolutely disregarded all
orders", ostensibly as she flew south of, but in proximity to the Marshall Islands. When she and Noonan missed locating
Howland Island, it prompted them to "head northward" along a northwest heading per her given line
of position (as was transmitted by Amelia, according to a later discovered O-2 Intelligence memo) in an effort to head back
to the Gilbert Islands. (Before she left on her world flight, to Bureau of Air Commerce Chief, Gene Vidal, Amelia had specified
that heading back to the Gilbert's was her 'Plan B' in the event of she and Noonan missing Howland.) Did Amelia "absolutely
disregard all orders" by choosing to head farther north toward the Marshall's in an effort to help with the original
Irene's predicament, after learning that the British plane she was flying in had been brought down by Japan? Is this an unfathomable
suggestion? Over the years, well before and then after Donahue's book came along, multiple accounts surfaced that described
more than one plane involved with Amelia Earhart's world flight after it reached the South Pacific Islands region.
Testimonials of Amelia's existence in Japan's care after she was 'picked up' also varied greatly, with some describing how
she was kept in a crude prison cell, others saying she was sequestered more comfortably in an old hotel on Saipan, some saying
she was billeted at a Japanese military base at Maloelap, and still others claiming that she was circuitously taken to Japan.
Ultimately, though, it should be noted that to this day, no one knows exactly where Amelia Earhart was or what she was
doing between the date of her disappearance, July 2, 1937, and the end of World War Two. All that is known anymore, to
be sure, is that she continued to live-on until she eventually resurfaced in the United States... as the new
Irene O'Crowley Craigmile. What became of the original Irene Craigmile? Who knows... but in the realm of all
possibilities, may as well recognize the British Connection inspired idea to exist among them, however far-fetched it may
seem, to some. ~~~ The Original Irene's Son
At his New York attorney's office in 2006, and then
again in 2014, Clarence Alvin 'Larry' Heller, the 1934 born son of the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, positively
identified the person below to have been his mother. She was not the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile (his biological
mother) nor was she the former Amelia Earhart. She is shown in younger and older forms here, the way she looked in
the "early 1940s" and "mid-1970s" according to Mr. Heller himself. The added digital composite from the
study verified that the two images represented the same person in younger and older forms:
From, Clarence Alvin 'Larry' Heller: Friday,
February 21, 2014 Subject: Re: Identity Verification The attached pictures are
of my mother and she was not Amelia Earhart. C. Heller. Proof is available.
Four months after Mr. Heller's mother's death was recorded on July
7, 1982, a well attended memorial dinner was held for her. In 2006, Mr. Heller confirmed he supplied the photograph that appeared
on his mother's memorial dinner program cover, shown here:
Displayed in the three verticle columns below are the three Twentieth
Century women who were attributed to the same, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam identity:
The original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile in 1930:
The 'surrogate mother' Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, early-1940s,
The post-1940 Irene who held the 1970 press conference, FKA 'Amelia' in 1946 and 1965.
Aftermath By the 1940s, along with the original Irene no longer appearing, clear photo evidence of her
person had gone missing as well, thus enabling the still-living Amelia Earhart, (something unknown to the public at the time) to assume the original Irene's leftover identity coming out of the World War Two
years. Amelia, at least in part, did such a thing out of a desire for future anonymity, that returned to her the personal
privacy she had lost but still longed for during her fame years. Sounds crazy, no? Yet it turned out to be true. Consider
once again the Doris Rich quote below, while realizing that Amelia's sister, Muriel, (1899-1998) who knew her sister as 'Irene'
in her later life years, proved herself a key instrument when it came to protecting the secrecy of Amelia's post-war incognito
Amelia's sister, Muriel
composite of the post-1940 Irene and her former Amelia self.
Amelia Earhart's sister, Muriel Earhart Morrissey, (above left)
steadfastly denied that her later-life Zonta friend, the post-1940 Irene, was actually her still-living sister, Amelia, going
by a different name. Below,
a 1982 newspaper article quoted Muriel's negative reaction to the ongoing claim about her Zonta friend, Irene; a claim that
originally surfaced twelve years before in the 1970 book, Amelia Earhart Lives. The comparison study results proved
Muriel incorrect where she stated there was, "practically no physical resemblance" between her later life
Zonta friend, Irene, and her sister, Amelia.
~~~ About truth: "All truth passes through
three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." Arthur Schopenhauer "It's just foolish, there's practically no physical resemblance." Amelia's sister,
Muriel, about her later life Zonta friend, Irene.
Amelia & the post-1940
Below once again is the photo of the post-1940 Irene
O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam, with her British husband, Guy Bolam, who she married in 1958. It first appeared in the 1970 book,
Amelia Earhart Lives by Joe Klaas. At the time and for decades afterward, people in general had a hard time detecting
her resemblance to Amelia. Amelia's sister, Muriel, her only sibling who lived to be ninety-eight and had known the
post-1940 Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam in her later life years through the Zonta organization, always insisted that she
demonstrated, "practically no physical resemblance" to her long-gone sister, Amelia. She was incorrect. Head to
toe and character trait wise, the post-1940 Irene and her sister, Amelia, were identical.
Grace 'Muriel' Earhart Morrissey 1991
Muriel Because it was covered so well, today very few people realize that Amelia's only sibling,
her sister, Grace Muriel Earhart Morrissey, (1899-1998) knew Amelia as 'Irene' in her later-life years and collaborated to
protect the knowledge of her past identity. It was not until 1970, when the post-1940 Irene was outed as the former
Amelia, that Muriel, when asked about the ensuing controversy, acknowledged that she was acquainted with her, but denied she
was her still-living 'incognito' sister. Note here as well; it is doubtful that Muriel ever knew the original Irene
O'Crowley Craigmile.
Another perspective...
Greta Garbo A
prime example of another individual who no longer wanted to be recognized as a 'world famous' person. "I never said,
""I want to be alone."" What I did say was, ""I want to be left alone."" The
words of Greta Garbo. [Note: At age 36 in 1941, Greta Garbo chose to abandon her superstar motion picture career in Hollywood. She
never returned to it, opting to live in relative obscurity for the remainder of her days.]
Above left: Greta Garbo at the height of
her fame in the mid-1930s. Above right: By the 1960s, nary a soul recognized her anymore when she resided in New York
City's upper east side--and she preferred it that way.
early adulthood on, as decades pass people age, their styles change with the times, and their faces grow to look care worn.
For what it's worth, Amelia Earhart managed to age pretty well into her later life years as 'Irene', as did Greta Garbo. Yet
if you went thirty years without seeing either of the individuals in the above and below photos, would you recognize them
for the celebrities they used to be? Not likely.
Above left, the post-1940 Irene
O'Crowley Craigmile, AKA "the former Amelia Earhart" in 1964 at a Zonta gathering. Above right, she is superimposed
with her former 'Amelia' self.
Tod Swindell
"Amelia Earhart was almost forty years old when she went missing
in 1937. After the war, continuing on with her quiet 'post-fame years' existence, by changing her name she outdid Greta Garbo in her quest to henceforth
live a non-public life.
As the former Amelia Earhart grew to old age
she continued on in the Zonta organization, she continued to write poetry, and she studied philosophy, mostly the
writings of Carl Jung. Clearly, it is time for the
world public to finally know the full value of Amelia Earhart's complete life story. Sure she had her faults, just as we
all do, but Amelia truly was an amazing individual human being in both her younger and older life forms."
Below, the Smithsonian Institution, a U.S. federal government
agency, has always adhered to the practice of directing the public away from the reality of Amelia
Earhart's later life existence as 'Irene':
Dr. Tom Crouch, Senior Curator at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, has always ridden the fence when it came to what really happened to Amelia Earhart, with one exception: He has continuously persuaded people not to take serious the reality of her post-loss existence
as Irene.
Dorothy Cochrane (right) also of the
Smithsonian's National
Air and Space Museum, willingly comments on other Earhart theories that tried to explain what happened to Amelia, but when it comes to the reality of Amelia becoming known as Irene, she decries it and encourages people not to pay attention to
it it.
"Of the numerous postulations
that attempted to solve the so-called 'mystery of Amelia Earhart's disappearance' over the years, the only one that
people were strongly persuaded not to take seriously by the U.S. federal government's Smithsonian Institution, was
the 'Amelia became known as Irene' postulation. Now it has been forensically realized that it was the only
one people should have taken seriously." Tod Swindell
Akin to the viewpoint
long maintained by the Smithsonian Institution about Amelia Earhart's post-loss survival, Lord Admiral Nelson (above) turns his blind eye toward a reality he'd rather not contend with.
consideration of Amelia Earhart...
....let's take a brief look
at her life story: "Nobody ever had such an all inspiring way and understanding of people as Amelia. She
was like a dancing sunbeam." Fellow pilot, Viola Gentry, recalls her friend, Amelia Earhart. Amelia Earhart was a remarkable,
if not incredible individual human being. As a young adult her superior intellect found her doing well as a pre-med student
at Columbia University before she optioned to become a pilot. She also spoke several languages, and during her fame years
she was a welcomed guest of world leaders. Yet she was very hard to pin down, a habit she developed during her upbringing
as she constantly relocated around the country with her attorney father, her headstrong mother, and her only sibling and sister,
Muriel. Amelia was born in Atchison, Kansas in
1897, where her maternal grandfather was a prominent judge. After living in a stately house on the Missouri River during her
early childhood years, her father accepted a position as a railroad attorney that perpetually kept his family on the move.
Then as an adult, Amelia still kept moving. In fact, she never really settled down anywhere. Even as a pilot she
adopted the habit of flying all over the country and at times beyond it throughout the 1930s, until 1937, when she broadened
her horizon by attempting to circle the globe at the equator. As she approached her fortieth birthday, though, amid odd circumstances,
she fell just short of completing her world flight adventure and was said to have, "vanished without a trace." Except she did not vanish, nor did she end up "lost at sea" as people were
left to assume. Instead, the information displayed here represents the best account of the true story
of what became of Amelia Earhart -- after she was declared 'missing' in 1937. ~~~
Next: Taking It Step By Step From Below The Surface Arises The Recently Completed, In-Depth Review & Forensic
Analysis Of
The Life Of Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam The results of the recent, independently conducted investigative research and human comparison study, left
it plain to observe what the news media did not notice those years ago about the woman who held the 1970 press conference,
who was the post-1940 Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam. Most importantly, its results revealed that she was not the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, who
Amelia Earhart (and other lady pilots) did know in the 1930s. Here's another look:
the 1930s, Amelia Earhart was acquainted with the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, whose name Amelia later used for herself:
The original Irene O'Crowley
Craigmile, shown next to her plane in
1933, did not physically resemble
Amelia Earhart. She was
also commonly referred to as, 'Irene Craigmile' again as listed below:
Amelia Earhart in 1921. In 1928, when she was thirty
years old she
suddenly became famous. Not long after that she met Irene O'Crowley Craigmile. Years later in 1937,
Amelia was declared a missing person. Then in 1939, to release her estate to her
next of kin,
Amelia was legally declared 'dead in absentia' after no evidence of her person's ongoing existence
was produced. Except Amelia did not die back then. Rather, she lived on and ended up assuming the leftover identity of the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, and was known by that name for the rest of her life.
Below, in 1967, Elmo Pickerill, Secretary of the Early Birds of
Aviation, wrote the following about the original Irene
O'Crowley Craigmile, to Joseph A. Gervais. Mr. Pickerill
knew the original Irene had been a pilot "pal" of Amelia Earhart and Viola Gentry in the 1930s:
In the full context of his letter, Elmo Pickerill
did his best to convince Joe Gervais that the post-1940 Irene and the original Irene were one in the same. Gervais,
who had met the post-1940 Irene in 1965, knew better and did not believe him. Viola Gentry, who also knew the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, was a good pilot
friend of Amelia's and pretty famous herself. Note the news mention below that lists the address Viola had in Brooklyn (316
Rutland) that was also listed for the original Irene under her photo above.
Above, there were a few lady pilots who lived at the 316 Rutland
Rd. apartment building located in the heart of Brooklyn. To the right is Viola Gentry, who became famous before Amelia Earhart
did after she flew under the Manhattan Bridge and Brooklyn Bridge on the same day in 1926. A terrible plane crash derailed
her career in 1929, but not enough to keep her from becoming a charter member of the 99s with her friend, Amelia, who
chiefly organized it that year and served as its first president. The original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, who only
flew for about a year and a half after her husband, Charles, died in late 1931, was never listed as a 99s member. Viola often
included her within her own piloting network, though, as cited in the two clippings below. It was Amelia who introduced the
original Irene to Viola. The two experienced pilots took the newly-widowed original Irene under their combined
wings, until the original Irene realized she was pregnant out of wedlock in mid-1933. Her piloting days fizzled out
after that, and by the time 1940 arrived the original Irene was no longer evident. Amelia later assumed the original
Irene's leftover identity for herself to use. It was something that Viola; Amelia's sister, Muriel; and Amelia's mother, Amy
Otis Earhart, were all made aware of -- and proved instrumental in protecting the secrecy of it in their later life years.
Viola Gentry "The Flying Cashier"
A 1933 press notice citing Viola Gentry
as the governor of Connecticut's invited guest of honor with the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile joining her. Jack
Warner is also mentioned, who Viola secretly wed--and then kept it a secret as long as she could.
Another 1933 press notice telling of Viola Gentry entertaining Lady Drummond Hay of England, with
other lady pilots including the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile. Note: Pearl Pellaton also had an apartment at 316
Rutland Rd.
The main point to recognize here, is that the original Irene
O'Crowley Craigmile was a real person who had known Amelia Earhart and Viola Gentry, and the study results ultimately
conveyed that it was the original Irene who went missing for good those years ago, NOT Amelia Earhart. It is
a case where the former Amelia, her sister, Muriel, Viola Gentry, the original Irene's O'Crowley family, and
select others whom were made aware of the hidden fact of Amelia managing to live-on, knew that she had assumed the original
Irene's identity and they adhered to the secrecy of it.
Above: Viola Gentry knew the original Irene O'Crowley
Craigmile, shown on the left in 1930. Viola also knew the post-1940 Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam, shown on the right in 1965, who had
previously been known as Amelia Earhart. Ultimately, the forensic analysis delineated different individuals attributed to the same identity in different eras.
However, after years of being obfuscated by other theories and postulations, while accompanied by the blurred trail of the
original Irene, the true story of Amelia Earhart's post-loss existence ended up as a convoluted mess. Today, though,
thanks to the study results, what became of Amelia is understood in a highly simplified way: At some point after Amelia went missing, unknown to
the public she continued to live-on and in time changed her name to 'Irene', and she was known that way for the remainder
of her days.
Reproduced from the original negative
is the photo of
the former Amelia Earhart taken on August
8, 1965 by Joseph
A. Gervais, USAF (Ret.) in East
Hampton, New York, outside of the
Sea Spray Inn.
August 9, 1965; Viola Gentry and the former Amelia Earhart's British husband, Guy Bolam, who she wed in 1958. (Photo taken by the former Amelia outside of the Sea Spray Inn.)
Pilot friends Amelia Earhart, Elinor Smith, and Viola Gentry, after Amelia's solo-flight
Atlantic Ocean crossing in 1932
Again in black and white, this is the
way the photo of Guy and Irene appeared in the 1970 book, Amelia
Earhart Lives (below) by Joe Klass, who shared its copyright with Joseph A. Gervais.
Viola Gentry, Amelia's
sister, Muriel, the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile's family, and a few devoted others, (along with 'official government
silence' toward the matter) helped to protect Amelia's later life privacy by only recognizing and referring to her as 'Irene.'
On preventing the discovery of
"The discovery of truth is prevented most effectively
by preconcieved opinion and prejudice." Arthur
Next: To
expound on how the historical anomaly of Amelia Earhart's continued incognito existence came to be, a close review
of some forgotten facts pertaining to her 1937 disappearance and missing person case is essential:
"You're onto something that will stagger
your imagination." The 1962 words of retired United States Navy Commander,
John Pillsbury, as told to CBS Radio Journalist, Fred Goerner, who had recently begun investigating Amelia Earhart's
1937 disappearance. Commander Pillsbury's words referenced the truth about Amelia Earhart;
a 'truth' that U.S. Naval Intelligence was privy to dating
back to the World War Two era. At the time, Fred Goerner had recently convinced CBS to sponsor
his own truth-seeking effort after he learned of an already in-progess overseas investigation known as, Operation Earhart -- that was being conducted by three Air Force officers; USAF Captains Joseph A. Gervais,
Bob Dinger, and Paul Briand Jr. |
Above right, during his 1966,
The Search For Amelia Earhart book promotional tour, Fred Goerner appeared on the Art Linkletter Show. The combined
efforts of Joseph A. Gervais and Fred Goerner paved the way for author Randall Brink's 1994 book, Lost Star: The Search
For Amelia Earhart, (below) a best seller in the United States and the United Kingdom. Historians point to the Brink book
as 'the best ever written' on the buildup and aftermath of Amelia Earhart's disappearance. On its cover below, note the top
caption: "Brink writes of a vast cover-up that got as far as the White House... Terrific reading." Larry King,
USA Today
Below, a 'Winter of 2015'
article by Larry Clark, featured in an issue of Washington State University magazine, described the recent Marshall Islands
travel-adventures of school teacher and WSU alumni, Dick Spink, who is well studied on Amelia Earhart. Spink first began going
to the Marshalls in 2006, and was amazed at the way the certainty of Amelia Earhart having been there was considered such
'common knowledge' to Marshall Islands residents:
Note: During the World War Two years it was passed through high-level
U.S. military channels serving in the Pacific Theatre, that Amelia Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, did go down in
Japan's mandate islands where they were 'picked up' by its Imperial Naval authority. As mentioned, a vast number of corroborating
accounts, some of them first hand eyewitness accounts, were recorded both during and after the war. The question that became
difficult to answer: What happened to them after they were picked up? At least in Amelia's case, over time the evidence grew
clear that she lived-on and survived the war, and that she resurfaced in the United States with a different name applied to
her person.
In the 1960s, Fred Goerner found it difficult
to draw a conclusion on what became of Amelia Earhart after she was rescued, so based on a second-hand account, he postulated
that Amelia may have died of dysentery while in Japan's care, although his suggestion never came close to being authenticated. Today, as if by historical design, few people recall Fred Goerner or
his book for a couple of reasons: One dates back to the pre-World War Two administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt,
and the other pertains to a post-World War Two 'pact'
made between the United States and Japan, leaving 'official silence' to always be adhered to by both countries... not only
when it came to what happened to Amelia Earhart in July of 1937, but as well, when it came to the circumstances she was subjected
to as she continued to live-on afterward:
"Numerous investigations foundered
on official silence in Washington and Tokyo, leaving the true fate of Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan an everlasting mystery." 1982, aviation historians, Marylin Bender and Selig Altschul on the
1937 disappearance and subsequent missing person cases of Amelia Earhart, and her navigator, Fred Noonan, quoted from their
book, The Chosen Instrument.
Here again, consider the following words from
a 1938 White House transcript that concerned the true circumstances of Amelia Earhart's 'disappearance' from
the previous year:
Of note, whatever President Franklin
Roosevelt's administration withheld about Amelia Earhart's unanticipated world flight ending, it never did make it public.
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
I hope I've just got to never make it public." Quoted
from a 1938 White House transcript concerning what actually happened
to Amelia Earhart -- nine months after she was reported missing. In the past it was evidenced that President
Roosevelt's administration withheld important information it knew pertaining to the true fate of Amelia Earhart. Although
FDR's administration never lied about it, its silence toward the matter projected a non-truth that suggested
Amelia vanished without a trace and she was never seen again. Except... that simply did not happen.
Eisenhower Sample: Non-Truth
Versus Truth
Dwight David Eisenhower, 34th President
of the United States; Five Star WWII General; championed NASA to the forefront of the space race in the 1950s. Note as well, he became a close friend of pilot, Jackie Cochran,
and her husband, Floyd
Odlum, who helped to finance Amelia Earhart's 1937 world flight attempt.
Non-truths are creations
that come in all shapes and sizes. Truths, on the other hand, exist as they are in a 'one size fits all' fashion,
although they can be altered to not fit so well. A government will sometimes deem a non-truth
necessary to project and adhere to for what it considers to be, 'the better good' of its body public. An example
of this is found in the non-truthful statement President Dwight D. Eisenhower willfully made to the American
public on national television -- that pertained to Russia's May of 1960 downing of U-2 pilot, Francis Gary Powers, deep inside
Soviet territory. When the truthful circumstances of what actually happened were divulged by Russia, President Eisenhower had no choice
but to address the nation once again -- to
admit that initially he had 'knowingly' but 'necessarily' as well, delivered a non-truthful
statement about the Powers' incident to the American public.
~~~ President Richard Nixon demonstrated his
own "official silence" about Amelia Earhart in 1970:
Milhous Nixon, 37th President of the United
States of America, served as Vice President
under Eisenhower.
In 1970, four years after Fred Goerner's book came out, when the new claim describing Amelia
Earhart's continued existence in the United States with a different identity made national news, important opinions were sought. When
he was casually asked about it, though, President Richard Nixon dryly replied, "We don't discuss that subject around
here." [That 'subject'
being 'Earhart' and 'around here' meaning 'the White House'.]
~~~ "Truth is not a mystery -- its greatest secrets
are yours to know through simple honesty and surrender to what that honesty reveals." John
de Ruiter
Below left, Monsignor
James Francis Kelley dines with the former Amelia Earhart in 1978. Below right, Monsignor Kelley introduces LPGA
golfer, Janey Blalock, to Pope Paul VI. Monsignor Kelley, who held Doctorate degrees in Psychology and Philosophy, served
as a post-war "emotional healer and spiritual guide" for the former Amelia Earhart, and admitted to helping
her with her identity change. Read more about him further down.
"Either you deal with what is the reality,
or you can be sure that the reality is going to deal with you." Alex Haley "People
may imagine things that are false, but they can only understand things that are true." "I can calculate the motion of bodies,
but not the madness of people." Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727)
Laws of Physics Applied to the True Fate of Amelia Earhart Isaac Newton's first law of physics states that every object will remain at rest or
in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force. Here, consider
Amelia Earhart as the 'object' in question, where "force is equal to the change in momentum," and "for every
action in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction." Amelia flew in "a straight line" until her failure to locate Howland Island (the "external
force") compelled her to change her state of being to no longer proceed that way. Relatively, the external force converted
her momentum into a life saving measure within her "equal, opposite reaction." Ultimately, Amelia managed to ditch
her plane on another land mass located in the southernmost Marhsall Islands, technically a 'no fly zone' earlier mandated
as the Imperial Nipponese Islands. There, she remained for a few days before she was picked up, and soon after that she and
her navigator, Fred Noonan, found themselves subjugated by the precarious circumstance their failure to locate Howland Island
caused. Somehow after
that, and throughout the course of the war, Amelia continued to exist amid unknown circumstances, and she managed to live-on
for decades as well... all be her in virtual anonymity in comparison to the world famous person she used
to be. As for Fred Noonan,
perhaps it's best to consider that what became of him remains stuck in the abyss of history's missing pages.
Sisters Amelia and Muriel
It's no coincidence that Amelia Earhart's
only sibling, Muriel Earhart Morrissey, who died in 1998, was an acquaintance of the post-1940 Irene O'Crowley Craigmile in
her later life years. Except, if people dared to ask it of Muriel about Irene, she immediately denied that she was her survived
sister going by a different name, insisting at the same time that she demonstrated "practically no physical resemblance"
to Amelia. This of course, was before the comparison results showed there had been more than one person attributed
to the same Irene O'Crowley Craigmile identity, and how the bodies of the post-1940 only Irene O'Crowley Craigmile
and Amelia Earhart were virtual carbon copies of each other.

After she married Guy Bolam of England
in 1958, the post-1940 Irene's full name became Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam. The above 1977 taken photo and
caption were featured in a 2003
Los Angeles Times article that
acknowledged her still unresolved 'identity' question. Prior to it appearing in the Times, this photo had never been publicly
displayed before. Anymore, reality tells us that it features the former Amelia Earhart when she was about
to turn eighty-years old.
The L.A. Times caption under the above photo is not fully accurate. There was a lawsuit, but the post-1940 Irene (FKA 'Amelia')
never actually dropped it. It took five years, but in December of 1975, the former Amelia Earhart won her defamation
case against the McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. (She was awarded $60k.) However, she did not sue McGraw-Hill
for calling her out as the former Amelia Earhart. Rather, she cited a book it published in 1970, titled Amelia
Earhart Lives, had falsely alleged that she was a 'bigamist' and a 'traitor to her country' and she sued for libel, where,
according to her attorney, the 'damaging to her reputation' allegation were 'reckless miscalculations.'
What did go relatively unnoticed, though, as alluded to in the caption, was that per the outcome of her case, and based on
the court's summary judgment recommendation, she settled with the
book's authors, Joe Klaas and Joseph A. Gervais, by way of exchanging ten-dollars
of consideration with them, after she
refused to submit her fingerprints as proof-positive of her identity.
~~~ Below are clear images of the former
Amelia Earhart as she appeared in 1965 and 1977.
For decades gone by, the general public was conditioned by the Smithsonian Institution not to accept the reality of
her past identity. It is true, though, after she went missing, in time Amelia Earhart became known as, Irene O'Crowley
Above, whether or not people choose to
believe or accept it, this is the former Amelia Earhart the way she looked in the summer of 1965. ~~~
Notwithstanding the contradicting viewpoints issued
in the past by off-the-mark influences, to include wikipedia and the trademarked Amelia Earhart brand, the post-1940 Irene
did used to be known as Amelia Earhart. People who still consider this reality to be 'suspect'
might recall the variety of failed 'Earhart mystery solving' theories from decades gone by -- that never offered authentic evidence
to support their differing conclusions. (How did we, the American public, become so historically
naive about Earhart?) They
Were Wrong:
Richard Gillespie of Tighar
claimed Amelia died on a desert island and her body was devoured by tiny crabs. He was wrong.
Mike Campbell of "The
Truth At Last" claimed Amelia was captured and held by Japan, and she died in its custody of medical neglect. He was
Richard Martini of "Earhart's Electra" said Amelia was executed on
Saipan by a small Japanese soldiers' firing squad. He was wrong.
Australia's David Billings
offered that Amelia turned around to head back to her disembarking point of New Guineau, and that she crashed and sank into
the ocean just before making it there. He was wrong.
"What can one
say? They tried? Maybe so. It is clear, though;
they never studied
the 'Amelia became know as Irene' assertion close enough." Tod Swindell ~~~
"All truth
passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." Arthur
Let's just call the following, "self
"Amelia as Irene in her later life years, shown above-left
at a 1976 Zonta gathering, still wrote poetry, she was still an avid photographer, and she still belonged to the Zonta organization
for professional women like she used to. The original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile was never aligned with those attributes."
Tod Swindell Below,
the post-1940 Irene's image profile from above is shown perfectly aligning with that of her former 'Amelia' self:
The post-1940 Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam
in 1976 and her
former Amelia Earhart self digitally combined. (Photo taken in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia; now
Croatia.) Below is another news clipping about the post-1940
Irene. It comments
on her similarities to Amelia Earhart--that the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile did not demonstrate:
To reiterate, the original
Irene O'Crowley Craigmile was never a Zonta member, nor was she into photography, nor was she a world traveler who knew prominent people. Not to leave out, her brief stint as a pilot was derailed
in 1933 by an unexpected pregnancy.
Note: The above comparisons are part of the Document Examination portion
of the analysis.
Below, the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile was introduced
to Amelia Earhart by her aunt, Attorney Irene Rutherford O'Crowley, who raised
the original Irene from age twelve on. The newspaper article below was printed
in 1963. Attorney Irene was among the first women lawyers to practice law in New York and New Jersey.
She met Amelia Earhart after Amelia joined the Zonta organization for professional
women in 1928. Attorney Irene was a charter Zonta member who not only served as its International Relations
Chairperson, but for a time, she was its National President. Born in 1886, she was single most all of
her life, until the 1950s, when she married a physician, Dr. William Heineke, but she chose to keep her maiden name after
doing so. (Dr. Heineke died prior to the below article appearing.) Like Amelia, Attorney Irene was multi-lingual,
and after Amelia assumed the identity of Attorney Irene's niece (AKA the original Irene
O'Crowley Craigmile), in the 1950s the former Amelia as well served as Zonta's International Relations Chairperson
while heading its Long Island chapter. It is no accident that in all of the biographies written about
Amelia Earhart, one never sees the names of Attorney Irene Rutherford O'Crowley or the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile
mentioned anywhere. Amelia's Zonta membership is also barely spoken of, although her busy schedule did keep her from being
a more active Zonta participant.
Below, from 1939, notice two mentions under the
reference to Irene (Rutherford) O'Crowley in the following article: Mary Raebling, New Jersey Bank President; and Amelia Earhart,
an 'early Zonta member' who that same 1939 year was declared "dead in absentia." After her return to the United
States as Irene O'Crowley Craigmile in the mid-1940s, the former Amelia, who had been known for being meticulous
with finances, was ensconced as a Long Island bank vice president and she rejoined the Zonta organization as well.
The 1928 article below featured Attorney Irene Rutherford
O'Crowley (left, wearing pearls) at age forty-two during her distinguished legal career.
once again, Amelia shown in a digital composite with her later-life 'Irene' self from a 1976 Zonta function:
As a result of its findings, the analysis discarded all other theories in favor
of Operation Earhart's original conclusion from a half-century ago, that stated Amelia Earhart, unknown to
the public, lived-on for many years after changing her name.
"Most people who recall 'Operation Earhart'
thought it was a hoax. 'Operation
Earhart' was far from that. It was started in 1960 by three Air Force officers stationed overseas; Joseph A. Gervais, Paul
Briand, and Robert Dinger, who were serving in the same region that only fifteen-years before was the Pacific Theatre for
World War Two. In 1970, Operation
Earhart's findings led to the book that caused the aforementioned news item that is further elaborated on here. Said 'news item' about Irene O'Crowley Craigmile Bolam raised
some important eyebrows back
then... that all-but magically made it go away." Tod Swindell
In November of 1970, over five-hundred newspapers nationwide ran
headlines and photos akin to what is shown here -- while covering Operation Earhart's claim that stated Amelia Earhart had
survived her disappearance and she changed her name in the process. Incredibly, no one thought to do a comprehensive comparison
analysis of the woman in question juxtaposed to Amelia Earhart, until decades after the fact, when Tod Swindell came along.
By then of course, the story had long been swept under the rug of official history.
Irene, 1965
Amelia, 1935
As the year 2020 continues on its life altering path,
the results of this new and unique Forensic Research and Human Comparison analysis, that conducted a modern, uncompromising review of Amelia Earhart's life and the different
postulated theories about what happened to her, continues to be previewed here. Again, this epic forensic journey began by
way of re-conjuring the dismissed
'1970' news item... from a full half-century ago. Here's another look:
As previewed earlier, she caused quite a stir when she made headlines in 1970, yet
few people today recall the elusive woman known as Irene O'Crowley Craigmile Bolam ...who answered the bell swinging
after the ten-year investigation known as 'Operation Earhart' unexpectedly called her out as the former Amelia Earhart:
Irene O'Crowley Craigmile [Bolam] told
the press, "I am
not a mystery woman and I am not Amelia Earhart." [Her surname of 'Bolam' was added by marriage in 1958.]
Above are two 1970 news photos showing Irene defiantly facing the
press. She offered that in the 1930s, she had been a pilot who was acquainted with Amelia Earhart, adding that she, "sat
and talked with Amelia several times." Of course, she denied the assertion that she and Amelia were one in the same.
Note the following news clipping:
The name of "Gervais" referenced
in the above clipping referred to Joseph A. Gervais, who as mentioned, in 1960, while serving across the Pacific Ocean as an Air Force captain
and listening to a variety of reliable accounts that described how Amelia Earhart had survived her disappearance,
formed 'Operation Earhart' with fellow USAF servicemen, Bob Dinger and
Paul Briand. Joseph A. Gervais said he was not 'obsessed' with the idea that she might
be Amelia Earhart, rather, he said after looking into the matter for five years after he met her, he outright "knew"
Amelia Earhart was who she used to be. He added that she became tactfully evasive after they met because she could tell that
he had figured out her former identity, except she wasn't able to publicly own up to it, and she had a good support system
that stood by her. Below are more 1970 news clippings:
In 1970, hardly anyone had heard of 'Irene O'Crowley
Craigmile-Bolam' before, but she handled the press
like a pro before returning to her life as an international
business woman. [At the time she was serving as president of a company aligned with Radio Luxembourg in Europe, known as
Guy Bolam Associates Inc.] In retrospect, it's amazing a thorough check of her background was not conducted, nor was
a comparison study called for.
Above, a 1971 listing showing Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam, (AKA
the former Amelia Earhart, simply referenced as 'Irene Bolam') as President of Guy Bolam Associates Inc., an international
company founded by her late husband, Englishman Guy Bolam, who she wed in 1958. The company's main client was Radio Luxembourg.
A closer review showed that there was a lot more to the 'Irene'
who faced the press than met the eye. To start with, it turned out that she was not the original Irene O'Crowley
Craigmile. To be sure, 'Operation Earhart' was onto something that managed to slip under the radar those years ago. Indeed,
few noticed that four years after Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam faced the press, the contested debate over her true life-long
identity continued on -- as edified again in the 1974 news clipping:
The 'indomitable' Irene
When digitally combined, as displayed above, Amelia Earhart and the post-1940 Irene O'Crowley Craigmile exhibited an undeniable, head-to-toe congruence.
Note: All of the comparison elements featured here came from a comprehensive analysis orchestrated within the independent research investigation of Tod Swindell. In consideration of the Laws of Physics, and the magnitude of Mr. Swindell's study achievements that were accumulated in a span of time that exceeded the previous two decades, arguably, the way his study results managed to
cleanly over challenge the physically
recorded history of what became of Amelia Earhart, his overall accomplishment may well justify a Nobel Prize nomination in the Physics category. Mr. Swindell's study results did not solve the mystery of where Amelia
Earhart was or what she was doing from July 2, 1937 to mid-1945, but they did solve her 'missing person case'
by physically producing her post-loss 'body evidence' in a non-contestable manner.
Revisiting Monsignor James Francis Kelley
and his words on what became of Amelia Earhart: "After all she had been through, she didn't want to be the famous Amelia Earhart anymore."
1987, Monsignor James Francis Kelley (1902-1996) as spoken to reporter Merrill Dean Magley. The
well known monsignor was one of the former Amelia Earhart's closest friends in her later life years.
The above mention came from a 1982 New
Jersey Tribune article. Publicly, Msgr. Kelley was reluctant to disclose what he knew about is later life 'close' friend,
the post-World War Two Mrs. Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam. Privately, he did confide to
several people that she used to be known as Amelia Earhart, and that he had helped her assume her new 'Irene'
identity after World War Two.
~~~ Regarding Monsignor Kelley, in 1991, the following
was contained in a letter mailed to Earhart researcher, Rollin C. Reineck, from Mrs. Helen Barber of Wayne, Pennsylvania.
Reineck in turn phoned Mrs. Barber and recorded his conversation with her that corroborated with her written statement below: "During a luncheon with Monsignor
Kelley, he related to us and another couple, the Dekosters, how he was commissioned at the end of the war to help bring Amelia
Earhart back from Japan. He said he was chosen to serve as her psychiatric priest. He also told us something about missing
documents he had to get that she needed in order to help with her identity change. The Monsignor told us that he received
her as she was being subjected to an identity change. He told us that she stayed with him at his New Jersey home and I believe
sometimes at his St. Croix winter home while he helped with her emotional, spiritual, and psychiatric needs.” ~~~
"He was quite lucid when he told us about his helping Amelia after she returned to the United States."
Donald Dekoster, recalling what his friend and seasonal neighbor, Monsignor James Francis Kelley, had
described to he and his wife, Ellie, about Amelia Earhart's ongoing existence as 'Irene' after World War Two. "He did speak of knowing Amelia Earhart." Monsignor Thomas Ivory of West Orange, New Jersey, a past friend of Monsignor
Kelley's. Father Ivory presided over Father Kelley's 1996 funeral.
Above: Photos showing Monsignor James Francis
Kelley and the former Amelia Earhart together in the 1970s. As noted, during the last decade of his life, the well-known
priest described to some trusted acquaintances of his that he had 'helped to receive' Amelia back in the U.S. after
the war. He also mentioned he aided with the process of her name change to Irene, and that he monitored her 'emotional
recovery' ordeal and served as a spiritual guide for her going forward. He still referred to her as 'Amelia' to the select
individuals he confided in. Some non-believers who heard about Father Kelley's conveyance suggested 'old-age dementia' must have caused
him to make it all up, as if it was a yarn he had fabricated. The later forensic analysis results, of course, showed he had
merely told the truth. Monsignor
Kelley was a past president of Seton Hall College who led the charge for it to become a University. He held doctorate degrees
in philosophy and psychology. He died in 1996 at the age of 94. (Amelia's only sibling, Muriel Earhart Morrissey, who also
knew her sister as 'Irene' in her later life years, died in 1998.)
~~~ In his day, Monsignor James Francis Kelley was not your everyday priest:
Monsignor James Francis Kelley introduces LPGA golfer,
Janey Blalock to Pope Paul VI.
Monsignor Kelley with then New Jersey Governor Brendan
Byrne and his wife, Jean; Commissioner of Baseball Bowie Kuhn and his wife, Luisa; and the LPGA's, Sandra Palmer.
Monsignor Kelley with First Lady Betty Ford and Marge
The following was excerpted
from a September 17, 1991 tape-recorded interview with Monsignor Kelley conducted by former Air Force Colonel,
Rollin C. Reineck: COL. REINECK: We believe Jackie Cochran was sent to Japan to help bring Amelia
home. Are you aware of that?MSGR. KELLEY: Yes, I was involved with that. COL. REINECK:
If you have things of hers [Earhart's] I would like to see them. You are aware that she was Irene
Bolam?MSGR. KELLEY: What? COL. REINECK: Amelia Earhart was Irene Bolam?
MSGR. KELLEY: That's right, yes. ~~~
Amelia's name
change appeared to be the result of a well orchestrated, Federal Witness Protection Program. A link to former FBI Director,
J. Edgar Hoover's involvement with Amelia's well-cloaked existence in the United States from the mid-1940s on, until Hoover died in 1972, became noticeable
within the forensic research portion of the analysis. As exemplified further down, the FOIA released 'World War Two
FBI file' on Amelia Earhart that had been primarily controlled by J.
Edgar Hoover, featured several mentions of Amelia's ongoing existence in Japan's care during the war years. This, when combined
with Hoover's war-time and post-war years alliance with Monsignor
James Francis Kelley, affords some insight toward how and why Amelia's later-life decades of living under an assumed identity was shielded so well from the public.
Above: Monsignor James Francis Kelley and Archbishop Thomas
Walsh award FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover with an LLD degree in 1944. A few months after World War Two ended, J. Edgar Hoover
awarded Monsignor Kelley a commendation for assistance he had rendered to the Department of Justice. ~~~
After the war, J. Edgar Hoover awarded a commendation medal to Monsignor
James Francis Kelley for his service to his country. Father Kelley's 1987 published memoirs mentioned the award but did not
provide details for why he received it. This
was likely explained by Father Kelley himself. During a recorded interview that was conducted in 1991, Father Kelley mentioned
to Earhart investigator, Rollin C. Reineck, that he had written a chapter for his memoirs about his experiences with Amelia
Earhart -- and her being known as 'Irene' after the war -- but it was omitted before the book was published. His final edit
hinted at the reason he left the chapter out, and why any mention of Amelia or his later life friendship with her when she
was known as 'Irene' ended up being omitted as well, as relayed in his "My Reasons For Writing This Book" section in the book's opening: "My reason for not wanting anyone else to do my story was that I knew many
of my files contained some very personal and intimate stories about many people, prominent nationally and internationally.
Some of these people are now dead and I felt to allow someone else to have access to these documents could result in the publication
of data about people who could not defend themselves." ~~~
Monsignor James Francis Kelley, in 1946, next
to a bronze bust of his likeness commissioned by the Smithsonian Institution.
"Fear of Truth" In a let's move on way, after World War Two, government lobbyists steered
official United States historians and major news agencies away from seriously investigating the circumstances Amelia
Earhart was subjected to after she was said to have 'vanished without a trace.' This scenario
was established by way of a post-war pact made between the United States and Japan, that ensured what happened
to and what became of Amelia Earhart after she was declared 'missing' in 1937, was never to be addressed in a public
manner. In essence, said 'pact' exacted that Amelia Earhart was to remain gone forever. Anymore, however, the recent years
forensic research and comparison study delivered clarity to the reality of Amelia continuing to live-on for
decades after the war years, known as 'Irene.'
As mentioned, President Franklin
Roosevelt's administration started the "official silence" tradition toward the Amelia Earhart disappearance matter.
Said 'silence' thereafter projected a fill in the blanks non-truth to the general public -- that left it little choice
but to accept that Amelia had 'vanished without a trace' and had likely 'perished at sea' ...even though
neither end result for the famous pilot actually occurred.
Above, in 1978, James Golden, who had recently left his post from
the U.S. Department of Justice, went public with information he had learned about the depth of secrecy the FDR administration
became steeped in while covering over what it knew about the Earhart disappearance matter. He equated it to FDR's "Watergate"
in press notices (above right was one such headline attributed to his disclosure) and while he did initially spark some interest,
once again 'official silence' toward James Golden's offering segued he and his revealing account into obscurity.
Tod Swindell Creator and orchestrator of the first-ever
'Amelia to Irene' Forensic
Research and Human Comparison Analysis.
The bulk of the information displayed here is part of a copyrighted
forensic research and human comparison analysis arranged by filmmaker and Amelia Earhart investigative journalist, Tod Swindell. Most Amelia Earhart aficionados are aware of the analysis results, although
some who run 'cottage industries' have been reluctant to acknowledge what they accomplished. No matter, the overall breadth
of the analysis, the first to include a human comparison study that ended up taking years to authoritatively
quantify, managed to expose the controversial underbelly that shielded the public from knowing what actually happened during
Amelia Earhart's disappearance conundrum, and more importantly, what became of Amelia afterward. Take heart in knowing that
there is no disputing the facts or the forensic evidence that supports the final conclusion the study delivered,
that being... Amelia Earhart did quietly live-on after she went missing in 1937, and in time she became known as Irene.
Tod Swindell with 'Operation Earhart'
co-founder, Joseph
A. Gervais, in 2002. Gervais discovered Amelia Earhart's ongoing life as 'Irene' in 1965, when he encountered
her among a group of senior pilots. He died in 2005, never having disavowed
it. "After I met Joe Gervais, I was amazed to learn from him that the 'Irene' -- who for the last
forty-years of his life he insisted was the former Amelia Earhart -- had never been forensically compared to Amelia
Earhart. So I consulted with forensic comparison experts, engaged a few, and soon found myself orchestrating a comprehensive
human comparison study. In the end, it was clear that Joe Gervais had been right all along. This is true, notwithstanding
the common ways demonstrated by the Smithsonian Institution and Amelia's living relatives that politely conditioned
people to feel otherwise." Tod Swindell
About ‘Operation Earhart’ and its Founder,
Joseph A. Gervais [With a 'thank you' to the University of Dallas that houses the 'Operation Earhart'
archives.] Joseph Gervais was born 19 May 1924 in Tyningsboro, Massachusetts. He joined the United
States Army Air Corps at Fort Davis, Massachusetts on 10 November 1942 and took basic training in Atlantic City, New Jersey.
Gervais went to Truax Field Wisconsin, after basic training where he took the Airborne Radio Operator course, and upon completion
of this course, Gervais was selected for pilot training in B-24 Liberator bombers as an aircraft commander. Having successfully
finished his training, Gervais was assigned to the 484th Bomb Group, 15th Air Force, based in Italy. While serving with the
484th Bomb Group, Gervais completed twenty-six combat missions that took him over Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia,
and Northern Italy. After completing his combat tour, he was assigned to the Air Depot Group as a test pilot until VE Day.
From 1951 to 1959 Gervais served at Griffiss Air Force Base as a B-29 aircraft commander. Some of his missions included flying
radar evaluation and electronic countermeasures flights. In 1959 Gervais received an overseas assignment as a C-130 Air Craft
Commander where he flew airlift missions for SEATO in Laos, Vietnam, and Thailand. In 1962 Gervais was assigned to Nellis
Air Force Base as Assistant Director of Administration, Base Postal Officer, and Top Secret Control Officer until his retirement
in 1963. It was while stationed in Okinawa in 1960, that Gervais first became interested
in the Amelia Earhart mystery. He was assigned to fly four C-130s to Australia in order
to transport members of the Rockefeller family to New Guinea to investigate David Rockefeller’s odd disappearance, who
was never found. While in New Guinea, Gervais visited Lae, the place where Amelia Earhart was last seen alive. He talked to
several people who were present when she and Fred Noonan took off for Howland Island in 1937. In 1960 Major Gervais started Operation Earhart along with fellow Air Force officers, Major Bob Dinger and Colonel Paul
Briand, Jr. Dinger and Gervais were squadron mates and Briand was an Air Force Academy professor whose thesis and eventual
book, Daughter of the Sky, helped get the group started. The trio gathered over seventy sworn affidavits from individuals
who recalled Amelia’s post-disappearance survival under Japan’s stewardship in the South Sea Islands. Eventually,
Air Force superiors ordered the group to stop all investigations into the Amelia Earhart disappearance matter. Briand obeyed
but Gervais refused, resulting in his retirement from the Air Force. Gervais continued
his research into the Earhart disappearance, gaining the help of Joe Klass, a former military pilot. Their quest for answers
began with a search for the remains of Earhart’s Lockheed Electra, that people were left to believe had crashed somewhere
in the Pacific Ocean. Their investigative research led them to Saipan where native residents claimed to have seen Earhart
and Noonan alive their in Japan's custody. Eventually their search led them to a woman living in the United States in 1965,
who resembled Amelia Earhart, not just in appearance, but in her speech and other mannerisms as well. Gervais believed this
woman, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile Bolam, was the former Amelia Earhart. He believed she and Noonan, ditched
in the South Sea Islands ‘Marshalls’ group where they were picked up and sequestered by the Japanese. While uncertain
of Noonan's fate after that, Gervais believed Amelia remained under Japan's stewardship for the duration of the war, and that
after the war, she returned to the U.S. under the assumed name of Irene O’Crowley Craigmile. Then in 1958, she married
international businessman, Guy Bolam of England, and the two went on to live an idyllic, albeit ‘private’ life
together at different residences they owned in the United states and abroad. That is, until 'Operation Earhart' outed the
post-war Irene as the former Amelia Earhart.
1970, the former Amelia Earhart,
AKA, the post-1940 Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam, faced the press to defend her honor and dignity, and her right to keep on living the private life she preferred
and had grown accustomed to. That's easy enough to understand and accept. The bottom line, however, is that she was not
the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile.
In the decades that followed 1970, Joseph
A. Gervais (above) continued to be interviewed on television, all the while insisting, no matter what anyone else said or
believed, that the Irene who he met and photographed in 1965, most definitely was the former
Amelia Earhart. He died in 2005, having never disavowed his certainty about it, and in the end he was proved to have been
"Twenty-three years
ago I wrote a review of Susan Butler's new Amelia Earhart biography, East to the Dawn. The book commemorated Amelia's
100th birthday and the 60th anniversay of her disappearance. Note the last paragraph of the article. The time has arrived."
Tod Swindell
Another study sample showing Amelia Earhart digitally combined with
the post-1940 Irene:
"Truth, like beauty, is neither created nor lost." Nicanor Parra TRUE
STATEMENT: After the 1930s, the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile ended up being obscured by history
and she is all-but forgotten today.
"It took decades after
it was first postulated, but in time it was forensically realized that Amelia Earhart's missing person case was cloaked by
way of her assuming the leftover name and identity of Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, who Amelia had once been acquainted
with. How this ended up being so vehemently dismissed after the reality of Amelia's changed identity first
surfaced in 1970, is a testament to how convincingly people were encouraged not to pay attention to it by some persuasive
influences that were originally, and most critically, traceable to the FBI's J. Edgar Hoover." Tod Swindell
Above: Former long-time FBI Director, the indomitable, J. Edgar Hoover, (1895-1972). See
samples from his WWII Earhart file further down.
1970 to 2016, even though multiple published books in that span of time expounded on the reality of Amelia Earhart continuing
to live-on in the United States after changing her name to Irene, the federal government never directly commented
on them. After the controversy
over what really became of Amelia began to surface in the 1960s, the United
States 'free press' was persuaded by a politburo-like influence traceable to then FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, not
to investigate Amelia's world flight outcome, or to adhere to
a certain opinion about it. Hard to believe but true, this is how the 'mystery of
Amelia Earhart' was born in a modern sense, and why the American public has never seen its own national news media
conduct a serious investigation of the 1960s discovery of Amelia's ongoing existence as a renamed person. At the
same time, none of the published books about it were ever legally over-challenged where they concluded Amelia lived-on to
become known as Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, and later Bolam. [Not to omit, they didn't get supportive press coverage
As noted, the 1970 book, Amelia Earhart Lives was primarily
focused on the decade-long investigative research of Joseph A. Gervais and Operation Earhart. Above is a personal response
to Gervais from an inquiry he sent to J. Edgar Hoover in early 1969, asking for any information the FBI might have on Amelia
Earhart. Hoover's response was typical, although after he died in 1972, the World War Two FBI file on Amelia Earhart, one
he had personally controlled, was at least partially released as a result of the FOIA of 1980. Several documents stressing
Amelia's ongoing existence during the war under Japan's stewardship were contained in the file, as were responses and inquiries
from Hoover about them. Names and specifics were carefully blacked out on each of them. One December of 1944 document example
(displayed on the right) pulled from the FBI's file, told of a recovering soldier's awareness he had gained of Amelia Earhart
being cared for by Japan during the war.
The soldier referenced above, (his name blacked out) who was
recovering at Walter Reed Hosptal in Washington DC in late 1944, was interviewed by an FBI agent at the bequest of J. Edgar
Hoover. To the FBI agent, the soldier described his awareness of Amelia Earhart's war time existence in Japan's charge based
on information he learned during a pre-war time experience he had while stationed in the Phillipines, and his later internments
in Japan POW camps. This is just one of several documents from the WWII FBI Earhart file that featured different U.S. soldier
accounts that described Amelia's ongoing survival. J. Edgar Hoover personally followed up on each one, but was careful to
not make public his awareness of them.
An excerpt from the above right FBI document
describes the well being of Amelia Earhart well into the war years as described by a Japanese intelligence officer who averred
that Amelia was "perfectly all right." Below is J. Edgar Hoover's personal response to the document; one he forwarded
to the War Department's Assistant Chief of Staff on January 19, 1945, courtesy of Brigadier General, Carter C. Clarke. He
was careful not to openly project an inordinate level of confidence in the soldier's testimony, as was his modus operandi
for all war-time conveyances of Amelia's ongoing existence in Japan's care.
Again, the documents above mark just a sampling from among several
located in the FBI's World War Two file on Amelia Earhart, that indicated how Amelia had continued to exist under Japan's
stewardship during the war years.
Again, pilot
friends Amelia
Earhart, Elinor Smith, and Viola Gentry in 1932
Viola Gentry and Guy Bolam, August 9,
1965 outside of
the Sea Spray Inn.
Recalling pilot
Viola Gentry from before, above to the right she is shown in 1965, with the former Amelia Earhart's husband by their
1958 marriage, Guy Bolam of England. As mentioned, Viola Gentry, along with Amelia's sister, Muriel, the original Irene's
family, and a few devoted others helped to protect Amelia's later life privacy by only referring to her as 'Irene.' (In all
likelyhood the photograph of Viola and Guy was taken by the former Amelia Earhart, AKA 'the post-1940 Irene.')
Above, in the 1960s the Sea Spray Inn was a popular summer gathering
place for a club known as 'The Early Birds of Aviation.' In the left photo, the stone path under the girl wearing yellow is
where Joseph A. Gervais met and photographed Irene and Guy Bolam just as they arrived for the Early Bird's annual luncheon.
Many well known pilots from the past were there that day, and Viola and her friend, the former Amelia Earhart, were
two among them. Joseph A. Gervais had been flown in for the event by the Early Birds so he could lecture to them about his
five year (by then) investigation of Amelia Earhart's 1937 disappearance. As soon as he looked at Irene, Gervais averred he
"knew instantly" who she used to be. Sadly, although several of its cottages are still there today, the main Sea Spray Inn building burned down
in 1978. The evidence is clear, however, that the begining of the reveal pertaining to what became of Amelia
Earhart after 1937, took place when Joseph A. Gervais met and photographed the former Amelia Earhart there -- after
he asked Viola Gentry to introduce him to her in the summer of 1965. Below is more anecdotal information about Viola Gentry
and her feelings about Amelia and what became of her:
Above left, featured in Jennifer Bean Bower's 2015 biography
of Viola Gentry, is a 1961 photograph of Viola and pilot Shirly Marshall in front of a 'Sea Spray Inn' labeled plane. Above
right, from the same book, notice the last half of the page where four years after Amelia was declared 'missing' Viola Gentry
described her friend, Amelia, as a "dancing sunbeam" along with her belief that Amelia was 'still living' at
the time, followed by the topic of a July 15, 1941 lecture she delivered, mentioned in the final paragraph.
Above, in the 1930s, again to the far right in this series is
pilot Viola Gentry, who, along with Amelia's sister, Murial, played a pivital role in protecting the truth about Amelia's
ongoing life as Irene. This is a slide-out reveal of the post-1940 Irene transitioning back to her former Amelia
self. As conveyed, Viola knew both Amelia Earhart and the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile in the
1930s, and she knew Amelia as 'Irene' after World War Two. Below is a head-to-toe 50/50 version:
Above left to
right: Pilots Amelia Earhart, Elinor Smith, and Viola Gentry (1932)
The post-1940
Irene in Paris, France
(1964) with her
trusty camera.
Irene and Amelia in a head-to-toe alignment.
To try and spin the post-1940 Irene
as Amelia's doppelgänger twin was always a stretch anyway, until it was debunked
by way of the study surfacing the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, who as it turned out, looked nothing like Amelia.
A stark post-war Irene to Amelia facial
comparison example:
on going to further review the long-subdued, now finally recognizable, 'Amelia became Irene' paradigm.
The "Key" For decades now, and especially after the human comparison results were made public,
as mentioned the Smithsonian Institution along with the families of Amelia Earhart and the original Irene O'Crowley
Craigmile, (and a few other other Earhart status quo devotees) have influenced both the press and the public
not to take the 'Amelia became Irene' equation seriously. Their objective while doing so was to steer the
curious away from recognizing the "key" to solving the mystery over what became of Amelia
Earhart after she was declared "a missing person" in 1937. This "key"
is expounded on directly below.
1970, the "key" to unlocking the 'mystery' of what became of Amelia Earhart was available by way of identifying
the plural life-story of the 1930s' pilot friend of Amelia's, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile.
Charles Craigmile, the original
Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, and Irene's father, Richard Joseph O'Crowley in 1930.
A Look at the Curious 'Plural Life' of Irene O'Crowley Craigmile
and Upbringing: According
to record, the original Irene nee O'Crowley Craigmile was born in New Jersey in 1904. She was an only child
whose mother died when she was twelve, at which point her father, Richard Joseph O'Crowley, sent her to be further raised
by her paternal grandmother and aunt in Newark. Irene was known as 'Beatrice' in her teen years, and was informally nicknamed, 'Bee'
since her father's sister (her aunt) was also named 'Irene.' Bee's grandmother and aunt raised her well. Her grandmother, Sarah nee
Rutherford O'Crowley, who was Irish, came to America in the 1800s and was part of the namesake family that the Rutherford
and East Rutherford, New Jersey boroughs were named for. Bee's aunt, Irene Rutherford O'Crowley, who primarily raised Bee
from age twelve on, was a prominent New York-New Jersey attorney. Bee also grew close to her uncle Clarence O'Crowley, a physician, and his wife, her aunt Violet, who lived next door. Bee was placed in good schools by her aunt in her teen years. She was also taken to
Europe as a young adult, and was endorsed to become a member of the League of Women Voters. She did enroll at Columbia University
for a time, where her uncle Clarence had attended, except she became pregnant there and did not continue with her studies. At age twenty-one, Bee had a 'family secret' child, a son, who was adopted and
raised by her uncle Clarence and aunt Violet. Both were into their forties at the time so the boy would be their only child
who they named, "Clarence Rutherford O'Crowley Jr." The O'Crowley's were good catholics and the arrangement spared
Bee the stigma of being an unwed mother and enabled her to remain close to her child.
Below, separated from her husband, Richard J. O'Crowley,
the 1910 Census listed Bridget (nee Doyle) O'Crowley, the original Irene's mother, living with she and Richard's
five-year old daughter, the original Irene,
(listed by her wrongly spelled middle name, "Madiline") at the home of Bridget's parents. Bridget died seven years later.
Below, at 12 Lombardy Street, the 1920 Census listed 65 year old, Sarah J. (nee Rutherford) O'Crowley as Head of House, her daughter, 35 year
old, Irene Rutherford O'Crowley, a lawyer, is listed under her, followed by her granddaughter, Irene (Bee) O'Crowley, who is listed at age at age 14. (It should have listed her at age 15. The census records a person's age at their last birthday.) Alice Hill was also listed
as a house servant.
Marriage and Life After Marriage: In late 1928, at the home of her uncle, Dr. Clarence Rutherford O'Crowley, Bee, (the original Irene) married Charles James Craigmile, a New Jersey Civil Engineer whose father was an Illinois
same 1930 newspaper photo of Charles J. Craigmile, Irene 'Bee' O'Crowley Craigmile, and Irene's father, Richard Joseph O'Crowley. Below, clearer of Irene.
Below, the 1930 U.S. Census showed "Charles
J. Craigmile" age "40" living with his wife, "Irene Craigmile" age "25" in Pequannock,
New Jersey.
Sadly, Charles Craigmile, who was fifteen years
older than his wife, Irene, became ill and died suddenly in 1931.
Coming out of her bereavement, and inspired by one of her aunt's
Zonta organization friends, Amelia Earhart, who she was introduced to, the widowed original Irene O'Crowley
Craigmile decided she wanted to become a pilot. She went all-out and purchased a plane with some of the life insurance money
she received from her husband's passing, dedicated herself to learning to fly, and she earned her pilot's license in mid-1933.
Again, outlined in white above is Amelia
Earhart in this September 1, 1932 news photo. Outlined in black is the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile,
who had just begun her pilot training, seen listed as "Irene Craigmile" between pilots Viola Gentry and Edith Foltz.
Her Brief Days As A Pilot: Close to the same time she was awarded her pilot's license, the original Irene
learned she was carrying the child of her last flight instructor, Al Heller. Her flying days tapered off after she and Al
eloped to be married, and she gave birth to their son in early 1934. Except it turned out that when Al eloped to marry Irene,
he was still legally wed to another woman he'd also had
a child with. So in 1937, with their relationship having failed anyway, the original Irene decided to have her marriage
to Al Heller annulled--and Al relocated by himself to Buffalo, New York. With her stint of flying planes behind her, the original Irene O'Crowley
Craigmile did not renew her pilot's license after 1937. Strangely enough as well, after the 1940s arrived the original
Irene was no longer evident--and she and Al Heller's son was being raised by a surrogate mother, shown below as she looked
in the early 1940s. Clarence
Alvin 'Larry' Heller, the 1934 born son of
the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, identified and confirmed this person to have been the 'mother'
who raised him from childhood to adulthood:
Above: This was the surrogate mother of the original
Irene O'Crowley Craigmile's 1934 born son, Clarence Alvin "Larry" Heller. To date no one knows who this person really
was or where she came from. She definitely was not the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, nor was she the one attributed
to the same 'Irene' identity after World War Two, who was the former Amelia Earhart. Below, observe the progression of how false history recorded Irene O'Crowley
Craigmile the way she looked from age 14 to the way she looked in the 1970s. An inconsistency should be detectable here by
keen observers that is expounded on further down.
Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, age 14
Irene O'Crowley
Craigmile, profile and straight on at age 19 in 1923.
Irene O'Crowley Craigmile in her late 30s; in the early 1940s.
Irene O'Crowley Craigmile "1970s"
Below, as mentioned the
original Irene Craigmile left a son behind from her brief second marriage to Al Heller. He ended up being raised by
a surrogate mother figure who the former Amelia Earhart was close to in her later life years. Still wondering twelve years
after the post-1940 Irene faced the press, the original Irene Craigmile's 1934 born son, Larry Heller, is pictured
in this odd newspaper article that quoted his wife, Joan Heller. Beneath it find a 2014 postive ID verification of
his mother's image that Larry Heller contributed to the forensic analysis.
Above: Two different people, the former
Amelia Earhart (left) and the surrogate mother of the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile's son, (right). Both were attributed
to the same identity of Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam. Neither was the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile.
Below: From the Amelia-to-Irene
forensic comparison analysis, here are two more images of the former Amelia Earhart, the way she looked in 1977.
(Note the digital combinations further down.)
Digitally combined with Amelia Earhart
...the former Amelia Earhart, in 1977
A Broader View
Incorrect Statement:
The assertion of Amelia Earhart quietly surviving her disappearance, changing her name, and living to old age was proved
false long ago. Correct Statement: The assertion, or 'claim' of Amelia Earhart's ongoing existence with a different
name first surfaced in 1970, and contrary to how strongly she negated it--and how members of Amelia's family and the original Irene O'Crowley's family dismissed it out of hand--it never was proved false. As well, new evidence produced in the Twenty-First Century, that included the
positive results of a human comparison analysis, thoroughly enhanced the truthful nature of the claim.
The full newspaper photo showing the post-World War Two only, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile,
(surname 'Bolam' added in 1958) identifying her
as, 'Mrs. Guy Bolam' in 1970. She held a major press conference to refute the bold assertion that said she used to be known
as Amelia Earhart, within the new, controversial book, Amelia Earhart Lives by Joe Klaas, seen held in the foreground. She denied herself
to be Amelia Earhart and called the assertion of it, "a poorly documented hoax" and "utter
Below, again four years into the post-1940
Irene's defamation lawsuit, before its conclusion, a 1974 newspaper article conveyed how the "courts" still had
yet to settle the question over whether she was or wasn't the former Amelia Earhart:
Yes, incredibly enough, as it turned out the post-1940 Irene actually was
the former Amelia Earhart. To recap, it is now known that in the 1930s, there was an original Irene O'Crowley
Craigmile who Amelia Earhart had known -- and it was a remarkable realization when the study edified that the original
Irene's person was no longer evident in the 1940s. In the meantime, as Amelia Earhart continued to quietly exist after she went missing in 1937, in her pursuit of leading a non-public life going forward, at some point she
assumed the original Irene's leftover identity for herself to furthermore use. Notwithstanding those who have a hard time believing or accepting it, the above paragraph
fairly exhibits the absolute truth pertaining to what became of Amelia Earhart after she was declared 'a missing
person' in 1937.
Tod Swindell all but single-handedly
rejuvenated the Amelia to Irene story in the 1990s, and has continuously chronicled his journey with it since then. In the
book, Amelia Earhart Survived, Colonel Rollin C. Reineck credited Tod for proving that Amelia lived-on and became known
as Irene. Tod stresses that it was Joseph A. Gervais who actually did that in the 1960s, and his own later achievements merely
shored up the earlier dismissed reality of Gervais having been correct.
About the AP article lead-in
below: "In
2002, after I lectured about Amelia Earhart to a crowd at the Oakland Air and Space museum, the Associated Press ran a story that was picked up by newswire services nationwide, in which I was misquoted by its reporter, Ron Staton. I never told him
that I believed Amelia was 'captured by Japan' and later became 'a New Jersey housewife.' What I did say was I believed Amelia somehow survived and changed her name to Irene. I always accepted that Amelia ended up quietly existing under Japan's stewardship as World War Two heated up, yet after this was discovered by private sleuths in the 1960s, reporters failed to accurately report on the facts that surrounded her rescue by Japan, and the facts
surrounding the learned,
'Amelia later became known as Irene' reality. They consistently made light of it instead, by hoodwinking that Amelia became a New Jersey housewife, as Staton did here, yet she was far from that."
Tod Swindell
"She was not an ordinary housewife." John Bolam, 2002
Phoenix Republic featured a story about Tod's work in 2007.
In his 2016 released book, (below) W.C. Jameson wrote of Tod's forensic study and agreed
that the post-war only Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam definitively was the former Amelia Earhart.
~~~ Did we really know Amelia Earhart as well as we thought we did?
Consider the following:
drifted into adulthood with only vague ideas of her
future. When she did become famous, she didn't like it much."
Author-historian, Adam Woog on Amelia Earhart
"Over the nine years spanning her first and last transoceanic
flights, Amelia Earhart became one of the most famous women in the world. The Private Amelia disliked that fame intensely."
From author-historian, Doris Rich's 1989 biography on Amelia Earhart.
"Yet to this day, the authors affirm that they are correct."
Author Vincent Loomis, in his 1985 published book, referred to the still ongoing claim of Amelia
Earhart Lives authors, Joe Klaas and Joseph A. Gervais, that stated Amelia lived to become known as Irene O'Crowley Craigmile,
and later 'Bolam'. This was fifteen years after the former Amelia Earhart denied her famous past.
"One tantalizingly persistent account has Amelia returning to the U.S. and
assuming a new identity." Author-Historian, Randall Brink. His 1994 book, Lost
Star, is considered by many Earhart aficionados to be the most cohesive investigative account of Amelia's failed world
flight attempt from its buildup to its aftermath.
[Non-truths, sometimes
called 'lies', are the exclusive creations of human beings.] A truth is what it is: A truth.
Non-truths are creations. Anymore, as obvious as the truth has grown to be, it is a non-truth to dogmatically state
that Amelia Earhart did not survive her 1937 disappearance -- and that she was not known as 'Irene' in her later life years.
To Dr. Tom Crouch and Dorothy Cochrane: "Either you deal with what is the reality, or you can be sure that the reality is going to deal with you." Alex Haley
Next: Taking a modern, objective look at 'The Mystery of Amelia Earhart's Disappearance' Here, to gain the best understanding of the "mystery" connotation
that has long characterized Amelia Earhart's 1937 disappearance, one might start by taking a look at the official record of
what happened to Amelia toward the end of her failed world flight attempt: The Official Record According to the official record of her
loss, Amelia Earhart did not disappear or vanish without a trace, nor did she end up lost at sea.
Rather, the official record states that Amelia Earhart went missing on July 2, 1937. In legal terms that left Amelia Earhart a
missing person -- and she technically remained that way until she was declared "dead in absentia" in January
of 1939 -- even though no evidence of her death having occurred ever surfaced. Discovering
"proof of life" or "body evidence" are the two main objectives of anyone trying to solve a 'missing person'
case. With Amelia Earhart, it is now known that the 1960s' discovery and later reveal of
her living body evidence managed to slip under the radar of public scrutiny, courtesy of pervading influences issued
by the Smithsonian Institution and Amelia's family since then, that kept it from being recognized.
Fortunately, the comprehensive forensic research and comparison analysis managed to reveal the reality of Amelia Earhart's
post-loss existence as 'Irene' with clarity.
Amelia & the post-1940 Irene digitally
It remains uncertain when the former Amelia
Earhart died. Although the death of Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam was recorded
in 1982, at that time her 'body' was supposedly donated to Rutgers "University of Medicine and Dentistry" where
no one was permitted access to it. Initial inquiries were given the run-around, and later, Rutgers offered
that her body was "cremated and buried in a common grave." Below
is another odd article from 1982 showing the evasiveness of the University, even to her supposed next of kin. As prefaced, the 'Irene' who appeared on the cover of her memorial dinner program four months after her death was recorded may have looked somewhat similar to the post-1940 Irene, but they were not the
same human being as edified by virtue of the study comparisons.
The mixed bag
of information in the above article was typical of the obuscation that kept the general public from recognizing Amelia's post-war existence as, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile.
Below: The post-1940
Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam
in 1977.
Below: Dr. Alex Mandel of
Wikipedia Misleads Note: Wikipedia's "Irene Craigmile
Bolam" page launched in 2007 by Dr. Alex Mandel of Ukraine, is incorrect where it states the National Geographic
Society hired a forensic detective that compared Amelia Earhart and the post-war Irene and concluded they were not one in
the same. The forensic detective was not 'hired' by the National Geographic Society. The detective, one Kevin Richlin, was
engaged by a National Geographic Channel producer in 2006, to examine a small sampling of photos of Amelia and Irene. Detective
Richlin was not at all familiar with the Amelia to Irene assertion, and after scrutinizing the limited photo data he was given,
he dismissed the claim of Amelia Earhart living-on and changing her name as a prospect that he found hard to take seriously,
especially given the limited information was given to review on it. He did not conduct an encompassing comparison study,
nor did he research the foundation of the Amelia to Irene assertion. Dr. Mandel's wikipedia page makes it sound as if Detective
Richlin drew a hard conclusion, that he simply did not do. Volumes of material concerning the decades old controversy over
who the formidable 'Irene' in question really was now exist. The volumes of information displayed here
were not presented to Detective Richlin those years ago. Oddly enough, Dr. Mandel, who self-moderates his "Irene Craigmile
Bolam" wikipedia page, declines to acknowledge the comprehensive forensic study results. He also maintains an agenda
to swiftly edit-out any contributions to his page that support the Amelia became known as 'Irene' truth.
Above, Amelia Earhart at age 26, five years before she became famous. Below, she's digitally combined with her future self of Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam.
"How does one solve a 'missing
person' case? There are two basic ways: Find the person, or find and produce the body evidence of the person. In 1970, when
Joseph A. Gervais made public his clear, 1965 taken 35MM photograph of the post-war only Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam,
in turn he had produced and put on display the living body evidence of Amelia Earhart. After he did so, however,
people were conditioned by history itself to overlook his discovery." Tod Swindell
Above, the 1965 photo of Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam (FKA
'Earhart') taken by Joseph A. Gervais at a gathering of senior pilots. Gervais, who had been investigating Amelia's disappearance
since 1960, always maintained that he recognized who she was right away, thus propelling him to somewhat 'candidly' take this
picture of her outside of the Sea Spray in on Long Island -- just as she turned back his way to politely decline his request
for one. After he clicked his shutter she quietly remarked, "I wish you hadn't done that." To his dying day in 2005,
Joseph A. Gervais never stopped insisting that she was the former Amelia Earhart, who, seeking privacy after the war
years, had assumed the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile's leftover identity for herself to further use after the
war years.
Charles Craigmile and the original Irene nee O'Crowley Craigmile, 1930
In May of 1933, when the above mention
appeared in a Brooklyn newspaper, the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile had just received her pilot's license.
From the 'Original Irene' section of the comparison analysis,
above on the left is Charles James Craigmile and his wife, the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, shown in a better
defined 1930 dated newspaper photo. Both were gone by the time World War Two began. Although she came from a prominent family, as mentioned the analysis evidenced how
clear photos of the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, especially showing her in the 1920s and 1930s, were removed
from circulation as part of the former Amelia Earhart's protective cover. Knowing that Amelia did not appear anywhere
as Irene before the 1940s, it also may well be the case that she did not actually begin to appear as Irene in the
United States until after World War Two ended. Below
is the same 1932 newspaper group photo featuring both Amelia and the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile within
it. When the photo is enlarged, once again it is of no help when it comes to identifying the original Irene's visage.
The same 1932 Akron Beacon newspaper photo again shows Amelia Earhart
outlined in white and the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile outlined in black. When the photo is enlarged
it is noticed that among everyone who appears in it, only Irene's facial features are entirely non-detectable,
shown here in a super enlargement.
For Dr. Tom Crouch and the Smithsonian Institution: "A truth can be hidden,
subdued, or ignored, but it cannot be over-challenged." TS 1937
Amelia Earhart:
A Forensic Reality The following information details what became of Amelia Earhart after she went missing prior to the start of World
War Two. You may not believe it, but it's true. Most of today's history buffs are not aware that Amelia Earhart's post-loss ongoing existence was actually discovered
by an investigator in 1965, and that it was publicly revealed fifty-years ago, in 1970. The reason it became subdued was because
the U.S. federal government's Smithsonian Institution ended up being guided to condition the public not to recognize
it. This led what became of Amelia Earhart to exist as one of the more noticeable cover-ups in U.S. history. In the
meantime, the variety of discovered latent facts about her world flight ending showed that the cover-up was not the result
of a conspiracy in the classic sense of the word. Rather, the actual withholding of the truth was a prudently
made White House decision dating back to the pre-World War Two years. Here, consider the following transcripted words
pulled from the archives of President Franklin Roosevelt's administration -- that pertained to Amelia Earhart's publicly
convoluted world flight ending:
Above: President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
with his long-time friend, confidant, and his administration's Secretary of the Treasury, Henry P. Morgenthau, Jr.
"It isn't a very nice story." "I hope I've
just got to never make it public." Above are the May 13, 1938 words of Henry P. Morgenthau Jr., from a recorded
White House transcript (discovered decades later) that pertained to the withheld from the public outcome
of Amelia Earhart's failed world flight attempt. At the time, Morgenthau was responding to a third-party request that questioned Amelia's actual fate and was asking the White House for its full report
on the matter. The request had come
from Amelia's former flight trainer, Paul Mantz, and had recently been delivered
to First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt by the famous pilot, Jackie Cochran. Mrs. Roosevelt, who herself had been a friend of Amelia's,
sent Morgenthua a query letter about it. Below is an excerpt from the transcript showing Morgenthau rejecting Mantz's request,
along with his response to the First Lady, as relayed by her secretary, Malvina Scheider:
"Orders" that Amelia Earhart, a civilian pilot, "absolutely
disregarded" begs the question; what orders? It's worth noting that other people were present
during the White House meeting being held by Morgenthau at the time his exchange with Malvina Scheider was recorded. The
complete transcript further included Morgenthau's words that pertained to the true outcome of Amelia Earhart's world flight
-- and what actually happened to Amelia -- with him stating, "it isn't a very nice story." Below
is Ms. Scheider's conveyed response from Morgenthau to the First Lady:
Evidently, (as edified above) if people were made aware of what
the White House knew about Amelia Earhart's world flight outcome it would have "completely ruined" Amelia's
reputation. [Begging another question: What could Amelia have possibly done that if people were made aware of it, it would
have completely ruined her reputation? Practically any answer would
be hard to fathom given the lauded hero Amelia Earhart was back then.] The bottom line is, favoring its classified
status, the White House never did make public the seemingly controversial information it had learned about the failed
outcome of Amelia Earhart's 1937 world flight attempt, that in turn left her to be falsely declared, a missing
person. Its refusal to make public what it knew, as demonstrated
by FDR's executive branch administration those years ago, left the general public unaware
of Amelia Earhart's actual fate. As well, as the decades passed its stated viewpoint toward the matter continued to be
maintained by subsequent presidential administrations -- and ultimately formed the basis for what became known as, 'the mystery of Amelia Earhart's disappearance.'
bottom line was that unknown to the public, FDR's administration had managed to gather pertinent information that left
it aware of the fact that in 1937, Amelia Earhart did not simply 'disappear' nor did she
end up 'lost at sea.' Ultimately, as the result of a post-World War Two pact made between the United States and Japan, the reality
of Amelia Earhart not dying after she was declared missing, and how she in time optioned for an
ongoing anonymous existence by way of having a different name applied to her person, was to remain classified information.
These realities notwithstanding, it is now easy to identify the former Amelia Earhart as she looked after
the war and into her later-life years:
Above, Eleanor Roosevelt and Amelia Earhart, 1933.
The two became friends after they met. Below, the 'Amelia' image from above is digitally combined with who she later became:
Digitally combined with the person she used to be...
Above is an old newspaper
photo of the former Amelia Earhart with her husband, Guy Bolam, of England, who she wed in
1958. The photo was taken in Japan in 1963. Below, she is digitally combined with who she used to be:
Amelia Earhart, age 30
What Reality Now Tells Us...
"Fools rush in
where angels fear to tread." Alexander Pope
Richard Gillespie of Tighar,
stated that the Amelia became Irene conveyance was a scenario falsely contrived by people from the planet "Conspiritar."
He instead offered that Amelia flew hundreds of miles into no-man's land where she died on a desert island. He claimed the
tide pulled her plane out to deep ocean waters after safely depositing her on the island, and how after she died thousand
of tiny crabs devoured her flesh. His macabre yarn never gained an iota of authentic credibility, although
for years he managed to make a good living by peddling it to the public.
Mike Campbell outspokenly stated
the Amelia became Irene assertion was falsely based.
He claimed instead that Japan captured and imprisoned Amelia Earhart in 1937, and that
she in turn died in its custody. Japan and the U.S. did not agree with him.
In 2008, wikipedia's own
anti 'Amelia to Irene' campaigner, Dr. Alex Mandel of Ukraine, launched his
self-moderated, albeit misleading 'Irene Craigmile Bolam' wikipedia
page after he learned that Tod Swindell's in-progress forensic analysis was making waves among the Earhart
curious. Within his page he concocted a falsehood that stated the National Geographic Society hired a detective who determined
Amelia did not live to become known as 'Irene'. Of course, National Geographic itself denied that happened. People like Dr.
Mandel give wikipedia a bad name.
To look like a fool, all one has to do is keep telling people that the results of the 'Amelia to Irene' forensic
analysis are not reality based, and eventually he or she will.
a person can choose to objectively review the bigger picture:
forensic studies are very convincing.
She was not an ordinary housewife. She was
influential, knew many well placed people and was well
traveled." From an Associated Press article, John Bolam, Irene Craigmile Bolam's
survived brother in law, refers to Tod Swindell's in-progress analysis of Amelia Earhart's disappearance and
'missing person' case. After reviewing
a slew of comparison results, John Bolam, who always suspected it, further reckoned his past sister-in-law to have been the
former Amelia Earhart. He first met her in the 1960s, a few years after she married his English brother, Guy Bolam,
in 1958. ~~~
Above is Amelia Earhart at various stages
of her adult years. She was constantly photographed during her world famous career that spanned nine years, from 1928 to 1937. The lower right photo of her person
in the above display was taken in 1946, not long after she became known as Irene. It may be difficult for some
to see through to who she was before -- as was the intention -- although with little help from a forensic artist her more
recognizable visage managed to surface:
a quick review, edifying the results the comparison analysis, where we've already seen the post-war only Irene O'Crowley Craigmile
transforming in and out of the person she used to be [Amelia Earhart] via digital combinations, here the post-war only Irene's
images from 1946 and 1965, are shown digitally combined, enabling the viewer to identify the same person twenty-years apart.
What caused Amelia to forsake
her heroic past? You're about to find out.
A film-still of the last time Amelia Earhart's Lockheed Electra 10E
was seen [according to United States history] as it took off from Lae, New Guinea on July 1, 1937, with
Amelia Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan on board. ~~~
U.S. history awkwardly recorded that Amelia Earhart and her navigator,
Fred Noonan, "vanished without a trace" in their plane while flying over the Pacific Ocean in the South Sea Islands
region, and they were presumed, "lost at sea." Yet ever since the event of their loss occurred, people from the
South Sea lslands, with sincere conviction, relayed a different story about what actually happened to them:
Page 53 detailing July of 1937 [See the enlarged excerpts, above right.]
Above, the "they were executed by Japan for spying"
rumor surfaced in the 1960s. Another rumor offered that Amelia ended up dying from medical neglect. Note as well in the final
sentence, no explanation of how the duo might have "perished" beyond a crash-landing in the Marshall Islands
was given. Hindsight reveals that history was careful to impress upon people, with no evidence to support it, that Amelia
Earhart and Fred Noonan did not survive after they were declared missing. Below, it is barely realized today that Japan refused to allow the U.S. to search the
Marshall's for Earhart and Noonan, or, how at the exact same time witnesses claimed Earhart and Noonan were "picked
up" or "rescued" by Japan's Imperial Navy, the Marco Polo Bridge incident was taking place -- triggering the
start of the Sino-Japanese War that the United States strongly opposed. So much provided a strong case for stating that the
flying duo inevitably ended up, 'lost in the abyss of pre-war political turmoil.'
The bottom line is, during the massive two week search effort for
Amelia Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, the U.S. Navy never came close to searching the Marshall Islands.
Above, from an August 1, 1967 letter written to Joseph A. Gervais
by one Elmo Pickerill, is a description of the friendly relationship that had long ago existed between Amelia Earhart, Viola
Gentry, and Irene O'Crowley Craigmile. At the time he wrote it, Mr. Pickerill was serving as the secretary for a club known
as 'The Early Birds of Aviation' that the post-war only Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam and Viola Gentry belonged to at the
time. Mr. Pickerill affirmed for Joseph A. Gervais, how in the 1930s, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, Amelia Earhart, and Viola
Gentry were all "pals." Except he did not differentiate between the pre-war original Irene and the post-war
only Irene. His implication to Gervais was that Irene O'Crowley Craigmile was always the same person. Gervais did not
believe this and openly continued to insist they were not one in the same. Later on as well, Tod Swindell's human comparison
analysis that commenced decades later, ended up producing irrefutable proof that showed how a total of three
different Twentieth Century women had been attributed to the same Irene O'Crowley Craigmile identity, and
the post-war only Irene, shown in the comparison directly above Mr. Pickerill's remarks, did used to be known as Amelia
Earhart. Sadly, in line with the ongoing cover-up, Dr. Tom Crouch of the Smithsonian Institution, continues to dodge the
plain-as-day study results by advocating there was only one Irene O'Crowley Craigmile. It is clear that according to
the limited perspective consistently offered by the Smithsonian, the mystery of Amelia Earhart's 1937 disappearance
exists... because it is supposed to exist. ~~~
Above, Dr. Tom Crouch. Distinguished and respected in the position
he has long held at the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum, Dr. Crouch has never been able to support the 'learned
truth' about what became of Amelia Earhart. This is because his employer, the U.S. federal government, has always prevented
the Smithsonian from seriously looking into the matter, exemplifying its own viewpoint that all-but states the mystery
of Amelia Earhart's disappearance exists... because it is supposed to exist. [Even though the truth about
what became of Amelia was learned and revealed a half-century ago.]
Beauty is truth, truth beauty, that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know. Keats
Above, looks wise,
it is hard to recognize her former 'Amelia self' without the digital combinations. John Bolam, the half-brother of Englishman,
Guy Bolam, (the former Amelia Earhart's later-life husband who she wed in 1958) took this picture of his sister-in-law near
to his home on Merritt Island, Florida. The day before, she had visited the NASA facility at nearby Cape Canaveral, AKA 'Cape
Kennedy.' [Note the same pendant she wears that is seen in other photos her, including the one below on the right.] John Bolam,
who did not come to know her until the 1960s, was convinced his sister-in-law used to be known as Amelia Earhart. People in
general refused to believe him. He died in 2008.
It would not be until after the Twenty First
Century arrived that a human comparison analysis finally displayed the reality of Amelia's life after World War Two--with
a different name applied to her person. Various samples from the analysis are shown throughout
Again, in 1970, after the former Amelia
Earhart was discovered living as 'Irene' in the U.S., she smartly denied who she used to be in favor of maintaining her post-war
private life existence. In other words, while she aware of her famous past, she wasn't about to go back to being Amelia Earhart
again. She was always proud of who she used to be, though, as observed in her 1977 photo-portrait sittings. Below, expounding on the inconsistency of Irene O'Crowley
Craigmile's life-long photo images who was not the former Amelia Earhart:
Age 19
"Early 1940s" Age, late 30s
It should strike anyone odd that the '19' year old image of this
Irene O'Crowley Craigmile differed so much from her "late 30s" image, and then somehow aligned perfectly with her
"1970s" image. This is because the age "19" image was forged from the "1970s" image. It would
otherwise be hard to believe she could strike the exact same pose fifty-years apart while looking like she had hardly aged
at all. Take a closer look:
See the problem here? Or put it this way: As displayed in the panel
below, would you believe that a person could go from looking like she did at age 19 in 1923--to the way she looked in the
early 1940s--then back to the way she looked in the 1970s? You shouldn't. Especially where the original Irene's
son averred he had never seen the "1923" dated image. This is because it was determined the 'surrogate mother' who
raised him was actually a generation younger than both his biological mother, the original Irene, and Amelia Earhart.
There is also reason to believe, based on some information that did manage to surface, that the "early 1940s" image
depicts a person who was actually born as late as 1924, that would have meant she turned "22" in 1946, so the estimated
"early 1940s" photo image would have actually been taken a few years later. That would have put her at "58"
years old in 1982, when the memorial dinner progam cover appeared with her photo image on it, three months after the death
of Irene O'Crowley Craigmile Bolam was recorded in 1982.
"Early 1940s"
Note: None of the images the the three panels directly above
depicted the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, and none of them depicted the post-war only Irene O'Crowley Craigmile
(Bolam) who was the former Amelia Earhart.
Amelia Earhart, 1935
The post-war Irene, FKA 'Earhart' in 1970
Ron Reuther, Tod Swindell, I. Elaine
& John Bolam, Ann Holtgren
Pellegreno, Joe Klaas, Joseph A. Gervais in 2000
Above: The former Amelia Earhart in Jamaica in 1976, living as 'Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam'.
Gervais, I once had a public life. I once had a career in flying. But I've retired. I've given all that up now." The post-World War Two Mrs. Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam, FKA
Amelia Earhart, as spoken to Major Joseph A. Gervais, USAF (Ret.) Above photo taken in Jamaica
in 1976. (Courtesy of the Diana Dawes collection.)
~~~ After World War Two, Only A Select Group Of Individuals
In The United States On Military And Government Intelligence Levels Were Aware That Amelia Earhart Not Only Survived Her Storied 1937 Disappearance
And Missing Person Case, But That She Survived The War Years As Well--And Seeking Privacy, She Further Became Known As, 'Irene O'Crowley Craigmile'
Ever since the two week search
effort for Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan was called off in mid-July of 1937, neither the U.S. Federal Government nor its
Executive Branch (the presidency) has ever offered an official follow-up statement about it. The failed search effort
left the public to assume the duo was, 'lost at sea' and were given up for dead. It always remained that way as well, even
though the later discovered facts of the matter detailed a completely different scenario on what happened that is expounded
on further down. Beyond coming to terms with what actually happened to Earhart and Noonan the day they were declared 'missing',
it is time for people to know the full life story of Amelia Earhart as well; who she was... and who she became. ~~~


Poor Uncle Sam. So far, 2020 has been a rough year for him. The
revealed truth on how his government covered up the Amelia Earhart debacle seems minor when compared to the Covid pandemic
that exposed his country as ill prepared; the realities of racial inequality and police brutality in the United States that
reared its ugly head for all the world to see; not to omit his inability to fully comprehend the motivations of the person
he placed in the White House. Maybe he should just call it a day and welcome Amelia home with open arms for who she
used to be--and who she went on to become. Why not? The timing seems appropriate--and no doubt people would welcome the distraction.
Take a look: WELCOME
"Too cool to be forgotten." (From a Lucinda Williams song title.) Above is Amelia Earhart in 1932, adorned in her leather and boots after landing in Ireland. She had just become the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. She was cool when she was Amelia ...and later, she was cool as Irene.
Amelia Earhart's thoughts on racial injustice(?) Read her words
from ten years before a man of color was permitted to play Major League Baseball: "What have we in the United States done to these proud people, so handsome and
intelligent in the setting of their own country?" Amelia Earhart's observation about the people of color she
observed during her 1937 world-flight stop in Dakar, Senegal on the west African coast. From her final book, Last
Amelia Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, in Dakar, Senegal, June 1937.
The Person Amelia Became In her later life years, the former
Amelia Earhart was president of an international company with clients around the world, the main one being Radio Luxembourg,
a free-airwave station with huge broadcast towers--that helped introduce
the music of the Beatles to Russia.
The former Amelia Earhart's support of Radio Luxembourg helped enable listeners beyond
the Iron Curtain to not only hear the Beatles, but other free-world music and programs as well.
Amelia Earhart and Amelia as Irene: "Too Cool To Be Forgotten"
Битлз The
word "Beatles" in Russian
Fred Goerner And Some Less Recalled Amelia Earhart History: It is barely noticed by any
of today's historians that a direct correlation existed between the July 2, 1937 premature ending of Amelia Earhart's world
flight attempt--that left her a missing person--and the Marco Polo Bridge incident that took place in China from
July 7 to July 9, 1937.
The caption under this photo reads: "The Marco Polo Bridge
incident (July 7, 1937) was a conflict between Chinese and Japanese troops near the Marco Polo Bridge outside of Beijing,
which developed into the warfare between the two countries that was a prelude to the Pacific side of World War Two." The Marco Polo Bridge incident marked the start of the Sino-Japanese War that was instigated
by Japan and ultimately pitted the United States against Japan. How this correlated to the hidden fate of Amelia Earhart is
hinted at in a passage from a 1966 letter Fred Goerner sent to Amelia's sister, Muriel: "I want you to know that I decided to go
ahead with the book last December at the advice of the late Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz who had become my friend and helped
me with the investigation for several years. He said ""it (the book) may help produce the justice Earhart and Noonan
deserve."" The
Admiral told me without equivocation that Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan had gone down in the Marshalls and were taken by
the Japanese and that this knowledge was documented in Washington. He also said that several departments of government have
strong reasons for not wanting the information to be made public." What Fred Goerner didn't know, was that both Muriel and her still living
sister, (the 'former' Amelia Earhart, who Muriel was in touch with) also had strong reasons for never wanting people to know
the true outcome of Amelia's 1937 failed world flight attempt. At the time of Amelia's world flight, the Marshall Islands were forbidden Japanese territory and
the U.S. Navy was not permitted to search there for Amelia. Later, beyond the words of Admiral Nimitz, who was placed in charge
of the Marshalls when the U.S. occupied it in 1944, Fred Goerner (and numerous others) learned about many additional reports
that emanated from the Marshalls and Saipan during and after the World War Two years--that stated Amelia Earhart
and Fred Noonan were picked-up (or rescued) by Japan in the Marshalls at the same time the Marco Polo Bridge incident
was taking place, and the two henceforth became pawns in a swiftly developing political chess match--that featured a stalemate
ending. In an official May of 1938 White House transcript
located in FDR's Hyde Park Presidential Library in the 1970s, Henry P. Morgenthau Jr. commented, "I hope I've just
got to never make it public... it isn't a very nice story" in reference to the Roosevelt administration's withheld
circumstances of Amelia's loss from nine months prior. As war approached, Amelia's disappearance became lost in the shuffle
of it all, leaving the White House to never make public the facts it withheld pertaining to it. The bottom line though,
is that Amelia did not die back then.
disinformation dis-in-for-ma-tion; noun Definition: "False
information which is intended to mislead, especially propaganda issued by a government agency to the media." Make no mistake, the Smithsonian Institution is and always has been a government
Lonnie G. Bunch III Head of the Smithsonian
To Lonnie G. Bunch III, 2020's new head of the Smithsonian
Institution: Mr. Bunch, in lieu of the recent events that pressed hard to demonstrate our federal government's sordid viewpoint
toward racial inequality in the United States, and while knowing that the Smithsonian Institution has always existed as a
'ward' of the United States Federal Government and therefore must abide by certain influences it exudes; given your esteemed
position, perhaps it is appropriate for yourself as a man of color, to stand up to the Smithsonian's ultimate owner,
the United States Federal Government, in order to express your opinion that it is time for it to advocate the truth about
Amelia's ongoing existence in the United States after World War Two, instead of continuing to allow it to be shouted it down
by federal government agents. Lonnie G. Bunch III, you can do this, and you should do it.
"Barely a soul had heard of Irene O'Crowley Craigmile
before 1970, the year the polemic claim about her past identity surfaced in the news. Today, few are aware of the convoluted
mess the issue became in the years that followed, or how the 'claim' was technically left unresolved. Presently,
even though it has become obvious in recent years that the post-war Irene indeed was previously known as Amelia Earhart;
the Smithsonian Institution, the National Geographic Society, Amelia Earhart's family, the original Irene's next of kin, and
a curious assortment of opposing Earhart disappearance theorists--some whom offer misleading, if not absurd ideas
to account for what really happened to Amelia Earhart--continue to work hard at persuading the public through news media outlets
and wikipedia... not to believe it." Tod Swindell, 2020
After a year of grieving the loss of her husband, Irene decided she
wanted to become a pilot and with a little guidance from her friends, Amelia Earhart and Viola Gentry, she began taking flying
lessons in 1932.
In short order, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile did learn to fly and she
even moved into the same apartment building where Viola Gentry lived in the heart of Brooklyn, New York, that provided a straight
shot down the road to Floyd Bennett Field.
Spring of 1933; note Irene's listed address.
Summer of 1935; note Viola's listed address.
It was through Irene's and Viola's common friend, Amelia, that they
first came to know each other, and the two became better friends by virtue of the dedication Irene devoted to becoming a licensed
pilot--and her appreciation for the way Viola kept her under her wing during the process of it. Plus they had something in
common: Viola Gentry lost her love interest, Jack Ashcraft, in a 1929 plane crash, and of course, Irene's husband, Charles,
had died in 1931, leaving a mutual bond the two shared. Displaying more of their newfound camaraderie, below are a couple
of press notices showing how Viola was sure to include her protoge', Irene, in some of her 1933 flying adventures:
A 1933 press notice citing Viola Gentry
as the governor of Connecticut's invited guest of honor with Irene Craigmile joining her. Jack Warner is also mentioned, who
Viola secretly wed--and then kept it a secret as long as she could.
Another 1933 press notice telling of Viola Gentry entertaining Lady Drummond Hay of England, along
with Irene Craigmile.
Except, recalling from before... an unexpected twist of fate, Irene
O'Crowley Craigmile realized she was pregnant out of wedlock in mid-1933 and ended up eloping to marry her child's father
to be, Al Heller. Irene didn't fly much more after that--and let her pilot's license expire within a few years. According
to an old newspaper article, the photo below features Irene holding her 1934 born son, Clarence Alvin 'Larry' Heller:
Yet Irene had been duped. After she and Al
Heller eloped, she learned that Al was still legally married to another woman he had children with, so she had their marriage
annulled. As well, she and Viola's common pilot friend, Amelia, ended up moving back to the west coast in late 1934, so they
all rarely saw each other after that. Yet, how did Irene and Amelia ever come to know each other in the first place? Irene O'Crowley Craigmile originally came to know Amelia Earhart
through Irene's aforementioned aunt, a well known lawyer by the name of Irene Rutherford O'Crowley
(see 1928 news article below) who Amelia had come to know through the Zonta organization they both belonged to. Accordingly,
before she became a pilot, Irene Craigmile, who was not a Zonta member, was a guest of her Aunt's at a Zonta meeting when
she met Amelia for the first time and enjoyed some conversation with her.
Irene O'Crowley Craigmile's aunt, Attorney Irene Rutherford
O'Crowley, practiced law in New York and New Jersey. Twelve years older than Amelia, attorney Irene was a charter member of
Zonta; a professional business women's organization established in 1919. Amelia looked up to her after she joined the Zonta's
herself in 1928, and by the 1930s, attorney Irene, Amelia, and Nina Broderick Price, of English diplomat parents, were three
of the Zonta's most recognized members. Amelia of course, ended up being the most famous Zonta member of all
time--even though her busy schedule prevented her from being as active with it as her friends, Nina Price
and attorney Irene R. O'Crowley were. Since 1939, to honor her legacy, Zonta scholarships in Amelia Earhart's
name have annually been awarded to aspiring young women. [In
the 1930s, attorney Irene's niece, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, was not a career woman and so not a Zonta member, nor was Viola
Gentry a Zonta member.]
Nina Price, who designed women's clothing, and attorney Irene O'Crowley as well demonstrated their own keen senses
of fashion, and in 1932 & 1933, they helped Amelia launch her self-designed women's clothing line--with Nina helping the start-up of it and the publicity end--and attorney Irene helping with
legal contractual matters. Nina, attorney Irene, and Amelia were described by another Zonta member as 'thick as theives'
during this time period, and it is evident they were. [Which is why it may appear odd to some that the two are never mentioned
in any of Amelia's biographies. Trust knowing the obscured past of attorney Irene's niece, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, had
everything to do with that.] Nina and attorney Irene also helped to get Amelia's own branded luggage line going with Amelia's manager-husband,
George Putnam, using his own contacts to help promote it. Below are some news clippings from the past mentioning Zonta along with attorney Irene's, Nina's,
and Amelia's names, followed by images of the non-pilot marketing ventures Amelia endeavored to capitalize on with their help
and guidance:
A 1928 article commenting on attorney Irene
Rutherford O'Crowley's opinion about the importance clothing in the business world.
Two 1932 articles referring to Nina Broderick Price as the Zonta International Relations Chairman,
then serving as 'toast mistress' for a Zonta trophy banquet given in Amelia's honor.
A 1939 article referring to attorney Irene (Rutherford)
O'Crowley as the Zonta International Relations Chairman along with a mention about the recently approved Amelia Earhart scholarship
Amelia adjusts one of her creations.
Above, after she soloed the Atlantic in mid-1932,
Amelia Earhart was arguably the most famous women in the world. She worked hard the following year at developing her own lines
of fine clothing, women's accessories, and durable luggage with logistical help and legal advice offered by both Nina Price
and Irene Rutherford O'Crowley. The exciting ventures were less profitable than Amelia had hoped for, however, and after a
difference of opinion between she and Nina ensued over it, Amelia decided to abandon her clothing line altogether. Her quality
luggage line, though, the corporate office of which was based in Newark, New Jersey--a convenience for attorney Irene who
resided there--managed to survive and "Amelia Earhart Luggage" continued to be sold for decades afterward. Below, excerpted from a 1984 letter written by one Lucy McDannel--a former
secretary and paralegal who had worked for attorney Irene Rutherford O'Crowley in the 1930s and 1940s--she refers to attorney
Irene as, "Irene Sr." and attorney Irene's niece, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, as "Irene Jr." while explaining
the friendship that existed between Nina and attorney Irene. Note as well the mention of Nina helping to start an "international
friendship group" (AKA 'Zonta') and their connection to Amelia's luggage venture:
Above, a 1936 article about Nina Broderick Price's fashion advice
to women. Nina mentored Amelia Earhart on designing women's clothing. (They apparently had some kind of falling our during
the venture of it.) Depending on which article one might read, Nina was known to describe herself as either an actress, a
writer, or a fashion designer.
Above, a 1932 Western Union Telegram sent to Nina Broderick Price
to be redirected to Amelia's attention. When Amelia soloed the Atlantic that year she had pre-arranged for Nina to receive
congratulatory Zonta messages for her within the New York City Zonta they both belonged to.
Shirley Dobson Gilroy's classic 1985, "artistic
tribute to Amelia Earhart"
book, Amelia / Pilot In Pearls
~~~ "History is the expression of feelings peculiar to humanity." Alfred North Whitehead ~~~
2009 Tod Swindell is featured in:
"In 2009, the National Geographic Society issued its DVD program,
'Where's Amelia Earhart.' The show's producers had heard about my Amelia Earhart Forensic Research Study and asked
me to appear in its program with some of my material. I agreed to accommodate them, but later regretted doing
so. The reason was I had shipped twelve large panels (several shown above on the Nat Geo film set) to its filming location
that were never addressed in its program. It became an issue where after digesting the 'truths' the panels displayed, the
producers of the show felt they were too controversial for them to feature, so they asked me to remove the panels from
the set before filming commenced. They did interview me on camera for two hours, but my contribution was trimmed to a couple
of minutes of air-time only, and in the final edit they only made light of the 'Amelia
to Irene' conveyance. As mentioned, my experience in dealing with the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum was no better. The
Smithsonian did well in sweeping the unsettled 'Amelia to Irene' assertion under its 'Earhart history' rug. It's also worth
noting that both Nat Geo's and the Smithsonian's headquarters are located in Washington DC, where a sway to leave
'the mystery of Amelia Earhart's disappearance' firmly in place as a 'mystery' only, has long existed."
Tod Swindell
"Nothing is as invisible as the obvious." Richard Farson
~~~ Amelia, Amelia as Irene, and the 'Overview Effect' By Tod Swindell © 2020
As the Twentieth Century came to a close
it was realized a thirty-year old assertion stating a woman known as 'Irene
O'Crowley Craigmile' after the World War Two era used to be known as 'Amelia Earhart' had never been disproved. Now, all evidence indicates the post-World War Two only
'Irene O'Crowley Craigmile' actually was the former Amelia Earhart. When the Irene-Amelia controversy
first surfaced in 1970, it was swiftly shouted-down by the post-World War Two only Irene O'Crowley Craigmile
and the extended families of both Amelia Earhart and the original Irene. The post-war
only Irene also sued the people who called her out against her will. Then, after exhibiting her strong defiance--and
handling the national news media like a pro--even though she never offered any real proof
showing she was not the former Amelia Earhart, the press left her alone from that point on. This is not to imply she enjoyed the process of refusing to
acknowledge her famous past. Rather, she had grown accustomed to her 'private life' existence by 1970, and she merely wished
to keep it that way. As well, her later-life close acquaintances, (including her sister, Muriel) whom were
aware of who she used to be, fully supported her. In her mind and theirs, the Amelia Earhart who history recalled had ceased-to-be
decades ago. It would have been all-but impossible for the post-war only Irene to claim
such a mantle again in 1970, or anytime after that... for as long as she continued to live. It is clear the former Amelia Earhart treasured her reborn existence as a non-public
figure who was able to fit-into and function in everyday society. Make no mistake, though, she was still
an extremely proud individual--and she had every right to be. She had recognized, during her famous career
as a pilot, her own Overview Effect, a term introduced to describe a phenomena experienced by astronauts.
The Overview Effect is a cognitive shift of awareness that occurs when looking down at the earth from above. "National
boundaries vanish, the conflicts that divide people become less important, and the need to create a planetary society with
the united will to protect earth's fragile ecosystem becomes both obvious and imperative." Reading Amelia's final book,
Last Flight, that she wrote and sent pages home during the course of her 1937 world flight circumnavigation, profoundly
illuminates her forward thinking in said manner. We are also reminded here that Amelia was a pacifist. She could be a tough customer, though, both as Irene and when
she used to be Amelia. As
Amelia, she feared no one in the 1930s, including President Roosevelt, and to control-tower operators she
was known to sometimes 'swear like a sailor' over her two-way radio during landing approaches if she sensed
any degree of incompetence. Twenty
seven years ago, in a 1993 'Amelia Earhart Society of Reseachers' newsletter article, the post-war
only Irene's later-life sister-in-law, who had married Guy Bolam's brother, John Bolam, (who long suspected his sister-in-law
was the former Amelia Earhart but dared not bring it up in her presence) described her in
the following manner: "People
liked her immensely, and would proudly introduce her to others. She was intelligent, articulate (except for occassional salty
and sometimes acerbic language), and had a commanding presence. She knew a lot of important people, including many high ranking
military officers, astronauts, and flyers." "After Guy died in 1970 [the post war-only Irene's
British husband by their 1958 marriage, Guy Bolam] she continued to manage the Radio Luxembourg accounts while trekking around
the world." "Her Christmas cards told of the places she had been that year, or the ones she intended to visit next.
She thoroughly enjoyed life, people, events, theater, travel, new heights. She was the epitome of a "Classy Lady".
Yet we believe that foremost they [Guy and the post-war only Irene] were friends and protectors of each other,
and perhaps the keepers of each others' secrets."
Astronaut Wally Schirra In
1988, original seven astronaut, Wally Schirra, described to Rockville, Illinois TV news reporter, Dean Magley, that he had
"met" the woman previously known as Amelia Earhart at NASA's cape Kennedy
in the 1970s. Dean Magley actually filmed a brief interview with Wally Schirra, where the famous astronaut
mentioned "reliable people" he knew had clued him in about Amelia Earhart living with a different name in her later
life years. The now-late Dean Magley had extensively interviewed Monsignor
James Francis Kelley in 1987 as well, who also disclosed to him that his later life close friend, Irene,
used to be known as Amelia Earhart. As a result of his separately conducted interviews with both men, along
with several other knowledgeable individuals he engaged about it, Dean Magley became fully convinced that the post-war only Irene Craigmile had previously been known as 'Amelia Earhart.' He was equally
convinced, though, that such a truth was something the public remained in the dark about by intention.
Both as Amelia and later as Irene, her superior
intellect was noticeable in many ways. She (as Amelia and as Irene) spoke several languages, and though not particularly
religious she once described her conceptualization of 'God' as, "not an abstraction, but a vitalizing, universal force,
eternally present, and at all times available." During her later life as Irene, she was also devoted to the writings of Carl Jung, the famous philosopher
who was known to divide life into segments, i.e. from age one to age twenty; from age twenty to age forty; from age forty
to age sixty... etc. Recall Amelia went 'missing' just three weeks shy of her 40th birthday, and thus began the next life-segment
of her existence on earth at that time. In short, this was one extraordinary person who lived a long, meaningful, very full and diversified life.
forensic studies are very convincing.
She was not the 'ordinary housewife' she described herself
to be. She was influential, knew many well placed people and was
well traveled." From an Associated Press article, John
Bolam, Irene Craigmile Bolam's survived brother in law, refers to The Swindell Study's in-progress analysis of Amelia
Earhart's disappearance and
'missing person' case. After reviewing some preliminary results, John Bolam further reckoned his past sister-in-law
to have been the former Amelia Earhart. He first met her in the 1960s, after she had married his English brother, Guy, in
1958. ~~~
Above, top row third from left, Fred Noonan is pictured in this
1935 Pan Am China Clipper crew & specs fold-out next to the famous Clipper Capitan, Edwin C. Musick,
center. These formidable aviators were basically viewed in their day on a heroic level similar to the way astronauts would
be decades later. Of note, Captain Musick was among the most famous pilots of his era. He had piloted planes continuously
from 1911 on, logging over a million air-over-ocean miles until his Samoan Clipper tragically
went down near Pago Pago in 1938, killing he and its six crew members in the process. Fred Noonan? Beyond serving as a great Pan Am navigator, he was also a pilot who sometimes
spelled Amelia at the controls during their 1937 world flight. It is ludicrous to even consider the idea of him turning into
an irresponsible drunk during the course of such a carefully monitored journey. The ruse of it was invented though, to try
and place the blame for the duo's failure to spot Howland Island on his shoulders. As it turned out, Howland had been misscharted
by a naval cartographer. Fred Noonan was serving
as the head navigator aboard the China Clipper, shown below left, as it flew over the under-construction
Golden Gate Bridge in 1935 during its famous inaugural flight. Two years later, in 1937, he was on board Amelia Earhart's
Lockheed Electra as it flew over the nearly completed Golden Gate Bridge at the onset of Amelia's first world flight attempt,
below right.
The 1937 disappearance
of Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan was ranked by the Associated Press as one of the top ten news stories of the Twentieth Century.
In the United States, no definitive answer to what became of the two was ever given. Overseas, however, in the region they
went missing, a consistent account has always existed pertaining to what actually happened to them, one perpetually
avoided by official United States historians.
"In 1970, after the post-World War Two only
Irene Craigmile was outed as the former Amelia Earhart, her future years would have been significantly compromised had she
publicly acknowledged such a thing. So much explaining, to include on a certain international level, would have been demanded
by the public. This is why going forward after 1970, hindsight reveals she was smart to steadfastly deny her true past anytime
someone tried to pin her down about it." Tod Swindell
Viola Gentry and Guy Bolam on August 9, 1965. They are seated outside of the Sea Spray Inn located
in East Hampton of Long Island, New York. The photo was taken the day after the Early Birds of Aviation annual luncheon was
held, August 8, 1965. Before the luncheon took place, Viola had introduced Joe and Thelma Gervais to Guy Bolam and the post-World
War Two only, Irene Craigmile Bolam, AKA the 'former' Amelia Earhart, shown on the right in a better quality version of the
35MM photo Gervais took when he met her. It was the former Amelia Earhart herself, still an avid photographer then, who took
the August 9 dated photo of Viola and Guy. It was true that Viola Gentry and Elmo Pickerill knew them
[Amelia and Amelia as Irene, or "us"] "both well as Amelia Earhart and Irene Craigmile," just as Mrs.
Bolam had written it in her 1967 reply letter to Gervais. Meaning, they knew her well when she was Amelia and they
continued to know her well after she became Irene. By also writing "I
am not she," she was telling the truth, really, because she had been known as "Irene Craigmile" ever since
the post war years until she married Guy Bolam of England in 1958, at which time she became known as "Irene Bolam."
So when asked in the 1960s, 70s, and 80s if she was really Amelia Earhart (?) it was easy enough for her to stay in her lane
by replying, "no, I am really Irene Bolam." Below, is a copy of the 1967 follow-up reply letter from Elmo
Pickerill, sent to Joseph A. Gervais, as it also appeared in the book, Amelia Earhart Lives. A detailed explanation
follows it:
About Elmo Pickerill's above reply letter to Joseph A. Gervais: Paragraph 1. ) There is a record of the original Irene Craigmile and her 1934
born son showing them living on Weybridge Road in 1937-38. [Al Heller, her son's father who she was briefly wed to, was never
home much. The two separated for good when he relocated alone to Buffalo New York in 1937.] A nanny by the name of Gertrude
Ferguson, lived with them as well. It was not the post-war only Irene Craigmile that Elmo Pickerill was referring
to. Paragraph 2.) Elmo tries his best to smooth
out a lot here. First, he does not detail how the original Irene Craigmile only married Al Heller, her 1933 flight
instructor, after she realized she was pregnant out of wedlock with his child, or that the two eloped to wed at the end of
her first trimester, in August of 1933. [Their son was born on March 5, 1934. According to a 1982 newspaper articleAl
Heller was not in attendance at the time.] Second, the two did not divorce. Al Heller was still legally married to
another woman when he impregnated and then married the original Irene Craigmile. Realizing their inability to get along, the
annulment of Al and the original Irene's marriage commenced in 1937, since a person could not be legally married to more than
one individual. Third, it was not "a few years later" that she married Guy Bolam, rather, it was the former
Amelia Earhart, known as 'Irene Craigmile' after the war, who married Guy Bolam in 1958, twenty years after the original Irene
Craigmile and Al Heller's annulment took place. (The original Irene Craigmile was long-gone by then.) Fourth, Guy Bolam,
of England, was not in "the export business." Rather, he was an executive with Radio Luxembourg in Europe and was
later described as having been, "linked to MI-5" by his survived brother.
Paragraph 3.) Elmo offers his awareness of Amelia
Earhart, Viola Gentry, and (the original) Irene Craigmile having been flying "pals" in the 1930s, and it is evident,
at least for a short period of time, that this was true. Paragraph
4.) Elmo describes 'Irene' as "a very fine person to know,' who is, "well liked by everyone who knows her."
In the present tense he was referring to the former Amelia Earhart who he knew anymore as 'Irene.' Below, from her 2015 biography, Viola Gentry speaks of her strong belief that
her friend, Amelia Earhart was 'still alive' after she went missing in 1937:
Above: The full-photo version of Monsignor Kelley's sister,
Gertrude (left) and the post-World War Two Irene Craigmile Bolam (right) in 1976. Notice the same pendant Irene wears here
and in the black and white formal portrait sitting. Of course it's hard to recognize Irene's former-Amelia self without the
composite photo, as her true age was 79 in 1976. Just the same, as shown below while acknowledging the age difference, the
Digital Face Recognition elements aligned perfectly.
It's haunting, disturbing, and even sad in a way--to know Amelia's
own sister, Muriel, knew Amelia as 'Irene' in her later life years, the very same Irene featured in all of the above
comparisons. In line with her sister's wishes, Muriel agreed to never disclose such a thing even if she was directly confronted
about it. Just the same it is the truth--and far be it from anyone not connected to how and why this reality
came to be, to easily explain it to others.
"Some have tried--and still do try to claim otherwise--but
the truth is Amelia Earhart was an excellent, highly skilled pilot. So too was her world-flight
navigator, Fred Noonan, listed among the best air-over-ocean navigators in the world in the 1930s. Fred Noonan was a pilot
as well, and he and Amelia were both excellent radio operators. These formidable 'plane piloting attributes' of theirs were
often dismissed or misconstrued to the negative after their disappearance. In their given time period, however,
both Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan proved themselves as top-level aviators when it came to every aspect of piloting
an aircraft. They were not deficient in any way." Tod Swindell ~~~ "Tod Swindell's
study comprehensively analyzed the most significant findings accumulated on Amelia Earhart's 1937 world flight ending over
the years, dating back to the time the event occurred. It also culminated with a conclusion achieved by forensically comparing
Amelia Earhart to the enigmatic, Irene Craigmile (Bolam), whose same identity, as his analysis discovered and revealed,
had been attributed to three different Twentieth Century women--and the former Amelia Earhart was one of them."
Ronald Reuther, former head of the Oakland Air and Space Museum. ~~~
From The Contra Costa Times
"Tod Swindell told the audience Saturday, ""The
executive branch of the government was aware of Earhart on a level the rest of the
public wasn't."" Swindell discussed letters, tapes and presidential communications that surfaced many
years after Earhart's disappearance that provided tenuous clues." Linda Davis of The
Contra Costa Times, reports on Ronald Reuther's Investigative Research Consortium
held at the Oakland Air and Space Museum.
Charles Lindbergh, AKA 'Lindy'

Amelia, misspelled 'Earheart' above
Amelia Earhart
Charles Lindbergh and Amelia

Charles Lindbergh and Amelia Earhart in 1933
Charles Lindbergh and Amelia Earhart were among the first 'media born' world-famous celebrities of the
Twentieth Century. Greater than newsprint alone would have done, during their time the recent advent of radio and news-reel
film brought instant notoriety to them as never before seen. Their individual characters also measured up to their
new world-fame status, leaving their lives and images forever etched in the public mindset. People overlook, though, how the excessive media attention
they endured took huge tolls on both of them.

Charles Lindbergh In mid-May of 1927 few people knew who Charles Lindbergh
was, yet by late May of that year the whole world knew who he was after he became the first person to solo a plane across
the Atlantic Ocean. From that point on privacy was difficult for Charles Lindbergh to come by as the news media and general
public never left him alone. This is part of the reason living under an assumed alias in his later life years was something
that appealed to him.

Amelia Earhart "God, the world hounded that woman after she became famous."
A quote from well-known pilot, Jackie Cochran, recalling her friend, Amelia Earhart, who in 1932 became the first woman to
solo a plane across the Atlantic. Jackie, the first woman to break the sound barrier, also mentioned that during the year
Amelia was prepping for her 1937 world flight she was, "closer to Amelia than anyone else, even her husband, George Putnam."
Jackie's own husband, a millionaire by the name of Floyd Odlum, helped to finance the world flight Amelia fell short of completing
that left her a 'missing person' amid odd circumstances. Evermore abetted by 'official silence' toward the
matter from the United States and Japan, according to history Amelia's missing person case was never solved.
In 1939, to release her estate and to end speculation about what became of her as World War Two heated up, Amelia Earhart
was legally declared "dead in absentia." Just the same, the true circumstances of her world fight
outcome continued to remain a contentious subject of debate ever since the event of it occurred.
Charles Lindbergh's Later-Life Alias In 2004, Charles Lindbergh's family verified how from
the 1950s on until his death in 1974, the famous pilot also went by the name of 'Careu Kent.' There were two main reasons
he did this; the appealing thought of living a private life as a non-famous person again was one of them, and being given
the opportunity to serve his country overseas by working undercover was the other. This is not promoted much in United States
history books. Look it up though, it's true. Recommend author Melanie Benjamin who did an excellent job profiling this discovered
reality in her 2013 historically based novel, The Aviator's Wife.
Amelia Earhart Below:
The post-war only Irene
O'Crowley Craigmile,
FKA Amelia, digitally
combined with her
former self.
Amelia Earhart Below:
The post-war only Irene
O'Crowley Craigmile,
FKA Amelia, digitally
combined with her
former self.